Saturday, October 30, 2021

Soap Spoilers/Review: November 1-5/8-12, 2021


The Young and the Restless

As Victor and Ashley reflect on the happily ever after that they were denied, Nikki makes a move that could have devastating consequences for her marriage. In other developments, Mariah has a confession to make to Tessa, Jack drops some tough love on Phyllis, Victoria frets that she’ll go from bride to widow in record time, and Billy and Lily receive a most unexpected visitor.

Friday, October 29:

Victor’s protectiveness of his family members is legendary, and his devotion to Abby is no exception. So watch for her powerful papa to come through and support her during a crisis.

Phyllis and Nick may be skating on thin ice yet again when she gives him a reality check. Has she never heard? Reality… um… bites.

When Amanda makes a painful decision, we have to wonder if it will have to do with her tragic family history and the ongoing court case against her grandfather, or if it will involve her live-in love Devon, who just may be needed elsewhere — namely at the Chancellor Estate.

Week of November 1:

Monday, November 1:

If there’s any “chance” of everything working out OK for Abby, this is it: Victor and Ashley work together to help their daughter.

The Mustache isn’t going to like this! Not one bit! When Nikki confides in someone about family matters, she chooses, of all people, her husband’s archenemy — her former husband, Jack. Then again, Victor is busy with his own ex, Ashley…

Once again, Nick and Phyllis dissect their relationship. At this point, haven’t they examined it more closely than any specimen in a lab?

Melissa Ordway (Abby) shares her daughter’s recipe for a Halloween delicacy that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face… well, unless you hate bananas!

Tuesday, November 2:

Abby has a rude awakening, which sounds like it could also be one for us. Is it possible — is it even conceivable — that Victor and Ashley won’t be able to make everything better for their daughter?

When a spoiler reads “Mariah comes clean with Tessa,” you just know that trouble’s afoot. Otherwise, it would be something cheerier and less ominous, like “Mariah has a delightful conversation with her girlfriend” or “It’s chipper chitchat galore for ‘Teriah.’”

When Sharon shares a warm moment with Devon, will the topic be just how overrated pumpkin-spice-everything is this time of year? Or, more likely, their shared love and concern for Mariah. Um, yeah, probably that second one.

Looking back can be dangerous for a couple like Victor and Ashley, whose history is as passionate as it is fraught. When the exes reminisce about their past, will it make them regret all over again what could have been? Could they even be tempted to bring their past back to life… in the present?

Wednesday, November 3:

Perhaps knowing that he’s one of the few people in the world who can tell it like it is to Phyllis and live to tell the tale, Jack gives his ex a heaping helping of tough love. Will his counsel send her rushing back to Nick with a new perspective on their much-contemplated relationship?

Understandably, Victoria worries about Ashland’s condition. Will he manage to give her the final gift that he might like to before it’s too late? Read why portrayer Richard Burgi thinks it’s so important a gesture.

When a surprise guest arrives on Billy and Lily’s doorstep, you know who we hope it’ll be — even though we doubt that that will be the case.

Thursday, November 4:

It being a day of the week and all, Victor spends it planning Billy’s downfall. We have to wonder what The Mustache will do for recreation if he ever really does ruin Victoria’s ex.

Though Nina returns home to chaos, could it be… good chaos? Is there such a thing?

Some people just don’t know when to leave well enough alone. After Sutton pushes Amanda’s buttons, will she find a way to channel her late sister and make him regret doing so?

Friday, November 5:

As anyone with half a brain would be, Nikki is suspicious of Adam’s change of heart. But could it be — gasp — sincere? If so, this could be the turning point he’s needed to reach for, oh, ages in order to have a real, semi-healthy relationship with his whole family.

C’mon. You knew these two couldn’t stay at odds forever. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that when Nick extends an olive branch to Victoria, she’ll accept it. She could hold out for a bigger, better olive branch.

The yin to her lover’s yang, Lily questions Billy’s tactics. To what end, though? Does she really think that he’s the kind of tiger that can change its stripes? (’Cause we don’t.)


The Bold and the Beautiful

Quinn learns a secret that has her doling out an ultimatum, Hope earns a tongue-lashing from Steffy when she gives Finn an alternate viewpoint on Sheila, and Deacon takes a huge risk when he makes a bold move that his co-conspirator never saw coming! Watch this week to discover why Brooke will delve into her past and more.

Hot Topic: It’s time to choose sides… are you #TeamQuinn or #TeamLogans? Plus, we discuss what Hope did that earned her some major brownie points.

Friday, October 29:

A threatening Quinn confronts Donna and warns she’ll never *ever* see Eric again. Plus, Katie and Carter grow closer after she divulges a secret!

Eek. Quinn goes ballistic when she learns of Brooke and Donna’s interference. Could this be setting up the latest in a series of battles between the Logan blondes and the badass brunette? While we can’t help but feel for Eric, who will be caught in the crossfire, we kinda hope so!

When Katie finds an unexpected friendship beginning to blossom, it can only be with kindred spirit Carter, who has also been unlucky in love. Might romance bloom for the new pals, who are both looking for something entirely different and who both value loyalty and commitment more than their past significant others?

Week of November 1:

Monday, November 1:

Katie and Carter’s bond grows stronger, which can only mean that they’re headed for a romance — and eventually a living-room wedding — unless something gets in the way. Perhaps that something will turn out to be a very determined Dollar Bill Spencer?

Uh-oh. Quinn goes on the attack with Donna after learning a secret about Eric. Will the blonde cower in the face of her honey bear’s wife and her wrath, or will she lock horns and fight for the “love of her life”?

Tuesday, November 2:

Yikes! Steffy flips out at Hope for meddling in her decision about Sheila to Finn. Remember Steffy and Hope’s rivalry through the years.

Quinn’s ultimatum about Donna catches Eric off-guard. It kinda sounds like she might want her rival fired and for Eric to never see her again. But is that really fair, considering that he allowed Quinn to see Carter when she was feeling unfulfilled? What’s good for the goose…

Wednesday, November 3:

Donna is hopeful and excited that Eric wants to reunite, but will a reconciliation really be in the cards? It almost seems too easy, so color us skeptical that the middle Logan sister will get her “happily ever after.”

When Hope and Steffy get heated about Deacon and Sheila, will Finn and Liam get involved? And if so, will the beleaguered hubbies side with their respective spouses or defect, making a bad situation even worse?! Oh nooo… could we about to be forced to add an item to our long list of Liam’s most boneheaded moves of all time ?

Thursday, November 4:

When Sheila reveals the next part of her master plan to an incredulous Deacon, we have to wonder if this is will be where he’ll decide to get off the ride. Or should we say attempt to get off, given that Sheila has already warned him that she always gets what she wants! (Hmm… is that why she was able to reunite with Eric… and is so close to daughter Mary… and put Lauren Fenmore six feet under… and… )

In an emotional display, Brooke dives into her and Deacon’s past with their daughter, Hope. This sounds like a fun walk down memory lane for us and an eye-opener, perhaps, for her daughter. Will Hope’s determination to forge a relationship with her father be swayed by what her mother shares with her? Wonder what Hope would think if she knew the whole story about Deacon?

Friday, November 5:

Really, guys? Good luck with that! After Ridge and Liam make a pact about Steffy, Hope and Brooke, it’s a safe bet that the guys’ mettle will be tested.

Deacon frustrates a scheming Sheila by making a bold move of his own. It’s a calculated risk if there ever was one, given that the she-devil’s accomplices tend to end up dead when they displease her. Should Deacon need a reminder of just how dangerous Sheila is?


General Hospital

A threat from the past returns to Port Charles, Ava gets suspicious of her husband’s actions, Esme ups her game, and Carly and Sonny manage to catch friends and family off guard.

Real-Life Update: Congratulations to General Hospital‘s Chad Duell (Michael) and Young & Restless‘ Courtney Hope (Sally) on their wedding and many happy wishes to the couple!

Week of October 25:

Monday, October 25:

Gladys records an explosive secret about Bailey, Ava urges Nina to use “Mike’s” feelings to her gain, and Nikolas gets a call from Crete.

When Jax opens up to Michael, exactly what will he be confessing?

Nina may think she’s in a bad position, but fortunately, she’s got Ava around to remind her that she still has a game-changing ace up her sleeve. The question is: Will Nina actually play it?

Anna goes to Valentin, hat in hand, to apologize.

Maxie and Brook Lynn wind up on the same page where their fears are concerned.

After Gladys does what she does best — ruffle feathers and get under people’s skin — Sasha does her best to calm things down. (Maybe this will help Gladys see just how good Sasha really is for both her and Brando!)

Emme Rylan (ex-Lulu) gives her son the sweetest shock on his 12th birthday: ‘How dare you!’

Tuesday, October 26:

Gladys blackmails Brook Lynn, Elizabeth isn’t happy to be reminded of her father, and Spencer swallows his pride when he struggles to find a job.

Michael’s situation has Sonny and Carly concerned for their son. Meanwhile, we’re not quite sure where Willow and Sasha stand these days, given everything they’ve been through over the past year or so. But when Willow needs to vent, Sasha’s there to listen.

What does the future hold for Spencer and Esme? That’s what the young prince finds himself pondering. (We’d recommend that no matter what he decides, Spencer proceed with caution… that girl is a little nuts!)

There’s a certain irony to the fact that when Ned needs advice, he turns to Austin.

Wednesday, October 27:

Nikolas threatens Alexis’ freedom, the mystery man questions Portia, and Willow confronts Michael, who gets on bended knee.

Sonny’s hoping to buy Charlie’s, but Ava isn’t so sure she wants him to own her late brother’s establishment. Meanwhile, Carly watches from the sidelines as Sonny shares a sweet moment with Avery (whom you’ll recall is his daughter with Ava).

Will the news Nikolas has for Alexis brighten her day (and maybe set in motion her release from prison)? And what will be the outcome of Molly and Shawn’s talk about his future?

There’s been a mystery man lurking about of late. When Portia crosses paths with him, will we finally get a few answers?

Alum Michelle Stafford (ex-Nina) drops a preposterously cute photo of her household’s messiest member.

Thursday, October 28:

Alexis wants Nikolas brought to justice, Willow gives Michael an unexpected answer to his proposal, and Cyrus wants to meet with Sonny.

Apparently, questions still linger regarding the mystery man, because Portia and Curtis put their heads together to share what they know so far.

Who’s on the other end of the line when Sonny receives a surprising phone call?

Carly calls Nina out, accusing her of always playing the victim. But might Sonny’s wife regret being so aggressive with her rival?

Our deepest sympathies as Cameron Mathison (Drew) mourns the loss of his mother: ‘You were there for me in my absolute toughest times.’

Friday, October 29:

Gladys prepares to expose Brook Lynn, Shawn tells Spencer the truth about his father, and Nikolas reveals a secret to Ava about Victor.

Gladys is known for crossing lines, so what causes Maxie and Sasha to accuse Brando’s mom of finally having gone too far? Meanwhile, how will Maxie react when Austin questions some of her relationships?

When Valentin winds up in the Intensive Care Unit, Elizabeth winds up tending to him. Elsewhere, Finn has a few regrets regarding how things went down with Anna and opens up to her about them.

Jen Lilley (ex-Maxie) reveals that she’s expecting: “This was definitely a surprise.”

Week of November 1:

GH Soapbox: Port Charles’ selective justice is hypocritical, while the reveal of Nikolas’ secret created even more suspicions.

Monday, November 1:

Obrecht has spent a lot of time in labs, but rarely has she actually awakened in one, as she does today! Meanwhile, Britt and Jason’s search for her missing mom brings them to Cassadine Island, and the Port Charles branch of the Greek clan deals with their issues as Spencer confronts his dad.

Can Brook Lynn get to Gladys in time to stop her?

Dante and Sam are taken aback by what Sonny and Carly decide to do.

Laura Wright shares the impossibly cute life in pictures of her and Wes Ramsey’s ‘beautiful shaggy girl.’

Tuesday, November 2:

Britt proves that you can knock her down but she’ll get back up and keep fighting!

When Peter winds up in a shocking situation, does it mean that karma is finally catching up with him and fans are about to get what they’ve most wanted for some time now?

Harmony offers Alexis a bit of advice about the deal she’s been offered.

Josslyn makes it very clear exactly how she feels about Esme.

Who is the unexpected visitor tracking down Trina?

Wednesday, November 3:

Sonny knows better than to listen to everything he hears. But should he refrain from being completely dismissive? Meanwhile, something tells us things are about to heat up in Port Charles as an old enemy of the Corinthos clan returns to town.

Portia opens up to Elizabeth, admitting her concerns about the mysterious man who’s been skulking about town of late.

Sure, Carly and Olivia own a hotel with a perfectly fine bar, but it seems they want something a little bit different as they head to the Savoy for a drink. (Or maybe they’re checking out the competition!)

After putting their heads together, Maxie and Brooklyn think they’ve come up with a new plan.

Thursday, November 4:

Dante warns Curtis to be careful about some of the more nefarious elements in town.

Alexis offers Spencer advice that he finds somewhat unexpected. Meanwhile, Ava can’t help but be suspicious about whatever’s going on between Shawn and Nikolas!

Esme begins her internship at Spring Ridge, while Trina suggests a unique exhibit for Ava’s gallery.

Friday, November 5:

Is Sonny hoping to avoid a bad situation when he attempts to strike a deal?

Nikolas has high hopes, while Spencer at last makes a decision.

When Terry talks to longtime gal pal Elizabeth, what is she warning her about?

When Esme plays on Josslyn’s insecurities, will her latest game prove successful or be shut down?

An old enemy of the Corinthos is returning to town...


Days of Our Lives

The devil comes up with a plan to prevent John from rescuing his beloved, Ben and Ciara are on the receiving end of a warning, and things definitely are not looking good for Philip!

Week of November 1:

Days Soapbox: Our hearts are already breaking for Abe and Paulina, MarDevil is too much fun, and tough love for Philip and EJ.

Monday, November 1:

Salem’s streets will look a whole lot like those on The Walking Dead as a possessed Marlena brings several not-so-dearly departed locals back to life! Could that have something to do with the downright terrifying encounter Ava winds up having?

Jake may not be the most innocent person on the planet, but in this case, he’s actually not guilty. Can he and Gabi convince Rafe of that fact?

Nicole finds time to catch up with her former employer, Abe, following his near-death experience.

Tuesday, November 2:

MarDevil’s latest antics continue to cause havoc all around Salem as the dead seek out the living. In possibly related news, Nicole’s past comes back to haunt her, and Tripp realizes that Allie might be in grave — or back-from-the-grave, as the case may be — danger.

Rafe is positively shocked by what he finds on his kitchen floor. No, it’s not a messy spill… it’s a dead body!

Wednesday, November 3:

Tripp and Allie must present a united front as they do battle against an absolutely terrifying enemy.

Nicole and Rafe find themselves doing the very thing they know they shouldn’t. (Translation: Things are about to get very steamy between them!)

Eli has questions that Philip may find tough to answer.

Gabi tries desperately to save Jake’s life. But will she be able to?

Thursday, November 4:

Kristen’s never been one to take bad news well, which has us wondering how she’ll react to what Chad has to say today.

Abigail and Chad form a two-person Scooby gang as they try digging up the dirt on Gwen’s secret. Meanwhile, the object of their investigation finds herself sharing an unexpectedly warm moment with an ex.

Are wedding bells finally going to ring for Justin and Bonnie? It looks that way!

Friday, November 5:

Is Gwen’s day of reckoning finally upon her? It might just be the case when Chad and Abigail blow her half-sister out of the proverbial water!

Things are not going to go well for Xander when someone puts the screws to him.

An unexpected visitor catches Ben and Ciara by surprise!

John’s been missing long enough now that Steve gets suspicious. Will he be able to locate his MIA best bud… or only wind up walking into danger himself, too?

Week of November 8:

Monday, November 8:

Congratulations on Days of our Lives’ 56th anniversary!

Ben and Ciara are beyond excited about the upcoming birth of their child. But when Susan Banks swings by, she gets a bad vibe and issues a warning to the parents-to-be!

Tuesday, November 9:

Chloe’s got a secret, and given how jealous Philip gets, the last person she should probably share it with is Brady. Now… anyone want to guess who she decides to share it with? Three guesses, and the first two don’t count!

Wednesday, November 10:

When Susan makes a shocking discovery, will it have to do with the truth about her good friend Dr. Marlena Evans?

Thursday, November 11:

Philip hasn’t exactly been the picture of stability lately, and things are going to get a whole lot worse when he goes into a downward spiral.

Friday, November 12:

If there’s one thing that really gets under the devil’s skin, it’s John and Marlena’s love and the way it seems to conquer all. But this time around, the devil’s got a plan to come protect himself by coming between the supercouple once and for all!

Gwen proves just how good a schemer she is by tricking Melinda into handing Xander’s money back over to the hunk! (Wonder if he’ll do the right thing and cut Gwen in for a piece of the action?)

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