Saturday, October 23, 2021

Soap Spoilers: October 25-29, 2021


The Young and the Restless

Victor lays out bait that he knows Billy won’t be able to resist, Abby leans hard on someone else’s boyfriend, Sharon stands by her man — well, her former man — and for Ashland, what happens next is a literal matter of life and death.

Friday, October 22:

Christine’s shocking news about Chance leaves Abby in denial, Noah surprises Sharon, and Billy and Lily flesh out a strategy against Adam and Victor.

Victoria and Ashland make plans for the future, which is intriguing, considering that he’s suffering from a terminal illness. Will there be a miracle cure for the powerful mogul? Or are the newlyweds plotting out how they’ll make the most of the time that he has left?

It’s going to be a joyous day for Sharon when Noah surprises her. Will he bring with him the news that he’s decided to return permanently from overseas? We can only hope!

Uh-oh. We feel like it’s never good when Christine delivers shocking news. Buckle up, Abby, this must have to do with Chance!

Week of October 25:

Monday, October 25:

If Abby is leaning on Devon for support — and she is — the only conclusion to draw is that it’s gonna be rough going for the heiress for the time being. But might her bad news turn out to be something good for fans — and even her — a little ways down the road?

Courtroom drama is afoot when Michael shares his plan of attack with Amanda. Will she finally see her grandfather Sutton held criminally responsible for taking her dad out of her life before she even got a chance to know him?

It’s been a bit of a roller-coaster ride for Phyllis and Nick lately. And as she once again clears the air with her significant other, we have to wonder whether #Phick is going to go completely off the rails one of these days!

Tuesday, October 26:

When Victor sets a trap for Billy, it’s bound to be the first shot fired in the war that The Black Knight declared on Chance Comm. Will Victor take everything Billy owns from him by ruining him professionally… or will the scheme go deeper, as in framing him for murder?! It’s not like The Mustache hasn’t gone that route before. Just ask Adam!

It’s do-or-die time — perhaps literally — when Ashland receives an update about his condition. Since we can’t get enough of Victoria’s intriguing new husband, we’re hoping it’s such positive news for the power couple that we have to say “finito”.

It remains to be seen how she’ll go about it, but Sharon, once again, shows her loyalty towards Adam. Was there ever any doubt? Certainly not on Rey’s part…

Wednesday, October 27:

Egad, it seems Victor’s turned up the heat too high on Chance Comm, and Billy and Lily need to get out of the kitchen. But how will Victoria, whose wedding was threatened by her ex-husband and his new girlfriend’s investigation, react when they try to enlist her help?

When Rey commiserates with Kevin, it can only be a meeting of the Not an Adam Newman Fan Club! With Chloe working for Newman Media and Sharon remaining steadfastly loyal to her ex-husband, these guys just can’t seem to shake him from their lives.

Will Abby thank Christine and Ashley in the end when she finds out that they kept a secret from her? That remains to be seen, but they decide to do just that, presumably believing that doing so is in the best interests of Dominic’s mother.

Thursday, October 28:

Will Sharon hear more about the woman who broke her son’s heart when she quizzes Noah about his time in London? If so, we hope it’s a precursor to the next-gen Newman moving on with someone new. The leather-clad cutie surely can’t stay single for long!

The medical mystery of Ashland’s condition deepens as he seeks a second opinion from Nate. What will Locke’s trusted new friend have to offer in the way of advice?

These two always have their heads together lately! This time, Jack shares words of wisdom with Phyllis, presumably about her relationship with Nick. We have to wonder if he can truly be objective, given his feelings for her and the past they share .

Friday, October 29:

Victor’s protectiveness of his family members is legendary, and his devotion to Abby is no exception. So watch for her powerful papa to come through and support her during a crisis.

Phyllis and Nick may be skating on thin ice yet again when she gives him a reality check. Has she never heard? Reality… um… bites.

When Amanda makes a painful decision, we have to wonder if it will have to do with her tragic family history and the ongoing court case against her grandfather, or if it will involve her live-in love Devon, who just may be needed elsewhere — namely at the Chancellor Estate.


The Bold and the Beautiful

Sheila’s latest scheme raises eyebrows… and hackles. Plus, Thomas ends up in a familiar place — on the outside looking in. Meanwhile, a new relationship blooms for Katie, and there’s trouble with a capital “T” when Donna and Brooke get mixed up in Eric’s marriage to Quinn, causing the current Mrs. Forrester to positively snap! Find out who will confess their inner desires to whom.

Friday, October 22:

Eric rises to the occasion when Donna exposes her deepest secrets, Hope confronts Deacon and Sheila, and Brooke dishes with Charlie and Pam!

She shoots, she scores! When Hope and Finn witness Sheila and Deacon, the connivers’ kids are stunned. But what comes after that? Will the she-devil be able to manipulate them into giving her the reaction that she wants?

Aw, we’re in honey-bear heaven reading this! Eric is moved when he learns of Donna’s true feelings. Will the sexy blonde be able to allay her former hubby’s worries about ending up alone if he parts ways with Quinn… and might she be able to help solve his issue in the bedroom as well?

Week of October 25:

Monday, October 25:

When Quinn confesses to Shauna her innermost cravings, will she admit she’s doubting her decision not to run off with Carter, especially now that she’s facing a sexless future with Eric? And if so, will her best friend counsel her to follow her heart… or another part of her anatomy?

Heads will be spinning when Sheila and Deacon defend their fake love to Finn and Hope. What will their offspring make of the unlikely pairing, and will it compel them to spend more time together trying to figure it out? Cue the Sheila cackle in three, two…

Maybe a little of Deacon has rubbed off on portrayer Sean Kanan. When his character was suddenly dissed off screen as well as on, the actor found the perfect way to respond to the hate.

Tuesday, October 26:

As Sheila divulges her endgame to a skeptical Deacon, we gotta wonder: Can she possibly parlay this phony love affair into a relationship with their grown children and grandchildren?!

Playing matchmaker instead of Judge Judy for a change, Brooke urges Eric to dump Quinn for Donna. Our advice to Quinn is, “Watch out!” Like it or not, what Brooke wants, she usually gets!

Wednesday, October 27:

When Donna makes a selfless sacrifice for Eric’s happiness, will she agree not to have any contact with her honey bear so as to keep his current wife from becoming jealous — and to keep his constantly shifting marriage on a somewhat even keel?

Alarm bells go off for Steffy and Liam when they hear the 411 on Sheila and Deacon. Wise to the ways of the notorious villainess and suspicious of the jailbird con to boot, they’re sure to smell a rat. The question is, will being on the same page where the two connivers are concerned lead to history repeating itself for “Steam”?

Thursday, October 28:

Whoopsie! Donna accidentally reveals a secret about Quinn and Eric to Katie and Brooke. And that means the you-know-what is going to hit the fan, because Brooke certainly won’t agree to keep it under wraps. In fact, she’ll likely figure out how best to use the information to further her agenda — which is to get Quinn out of Eric’s life and her portrait off of his wall!

Once again finding his nose press against the window, Thomas watches as Paris and Zende’s bond gets stronger. It’s practically a foregone conclusion that he’ll begin to yearn for a woman — specifically Paris — to call his own, and the latest love triangle will manifest itself on Bold & Beautiful.

Friday, October 29:

Eek. Quinn goes ballistic when she learns of Brooke and Donna’s interference. Could this be setting up the latest in a series of battles between the Logan blondes and the badass brunette? While we can’t help but feel for Eric, who will be caught in the crossfire, we kinda hope so!

When Katie finds an unexpected friendship beginning to blossom, it can only be with kindred spirit Carter, who has also been unlucky in love. Might romance bloom for the new pals, who are both looking for something entirely different and who both value loyalty and commitment more than their past significant others?


General Hospital

Finn clears the air with Anna, Gladys makes waves all over town, Carly has harsh words for Nina, and questions are raised about the mystery man who’s been lurking about.

Week of October 18:

Hot Topics: Jason’s being completely honest… but can the same be said for Carly and Sonny? Plus, what’s up with the pacing?

Monday, October 18:

Peter shoots two people, Anna worries for Dante’s mental well-being, and someone watches Portia and Curtis.

As Curtis and Portia continue to bond, he opens up to share more about his past.

Jason’s had his suspicions for a while, and Spinelli is about to confirm them, for better or worse.

Off yesterday’s discovery, Robert and Anna make a decision that will likely catch some off guard.

Sam and Dante face a roadblock. Will they give up, or do the whole “try, try again” thing?

Being a Cassadine, it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone when Victor starts issuing some pretty horrendous orders!

Tuesday, October 19:

Peter pulls another fast one as agents search for Drew, Britt confronts Nikolas about Spencer, and Jason wants to go to Greece.

Let’s face it: If you were in trouble, Anna is exactly who you would want in your corner. Fortunately for Valentin, she’ll be there when he needs a helping hand.

Will the discovery made by Sam and Dante put them any closer to solving a mystery?

Someone is keeping a very close eye on Curtis and Portia.

Finally having something to celebrate, Nikolas and Ava hit The Savoy.

What’s the disturbing news that Jason and Britt find out today?

Port Charles plot thickens as its new mystery man is revealed.

Wednesday, October 20:

Liz’s father reaches out to Terry, Ned tries to reason with Olivia, and the man watching Curtis finds TJ at the hospital.

What could go wrong?! Y&R stars give GH’s Chad Duell’s fiancee, Courtney Hope, marriage advice — in character — and it turns out they’re a little jaded when it comes to weddings!

Nina doesn’t have many people in her corner these days. Will Curtis stand by her side?

Things are about to get a bit awkward between Elizabeth and Finn.

Britt’s in need of help, so Jason announces he’s leaving town to assist her.

Olivia and Ned haven’t been seeing eye to eye of late. Does the fact that she agrees to meet him for dinner indicate things are about to take a turn toward the better?

Thursday, October 21:

Austin gives BLQ what she wants, but warns it isn’t over. Plus, Sonny won’t bail Spencer out, Michael makes a cryptic deal, and Olivia suggests divorce.

When Nina has an idea, we can’t help wondering if it’s a good or bad one!

What’s got Willow concerned about Michael?

Monica offers Austin a bit of advice, but will he agree to simply make peace and move on?

Friday, October 22:

Nina is arrested for fraud, while Victor offers to help Anna find Peter.

It’s the day of Spencer’s arraignment. Are Joss and Cam there to offer their support?

When Michael strikes a bargain, is it in his business or personal life?

Robert hopes to get the truth out of Victor, to which we can only say… yeah, good luck with that.

The next leg of Jason and Britt’s adventure begins as they arrive in Greece.

Bryan Craig (ex-Morgan) looks armed and dangerous in on-screen reunion with TV sister!

Week of October 25:

Monday, October 25:

When Jax opens up to Michael, exactly what will he be confessing?

Nina may think she’s in a bad position, but fortunately, she’s got Ava around to remind her that she still has a game-changing ace up her sleeve. The question is: Will Nina actually play it?

Anna goes to Valentin, hat in hand, to apologize.

Maxie and Brook Lynn wind up on the same page where their fears are concerned.

After Gladys does what she does best — ruffle feathers and get under people’s skin — Sasha does her best to calm things down. (Maybe this will help Gladys see just how good Sasha really is for both her and Brando!)

Tuesday, October 26:

Michael’s situation has Sonny and Carly concerned for their son. Meanwhile, we’re not quite sure where Willow and Sasha stand these days, given everything they’ve been through over the past year or so. But when Willow needs to vent, Sasha’s there to listen.

Brook Lynn decides it’s time to put Gladys in her place.

What does the future hold for Spencer and Esme? That’s what the young prince finds himself pondering. (We’d recommend that no matter what he decides, Spencer proceed with caution… that girl is a little nuts!)

There’s a certain irony to the fact that when Ned needs advice, he turns to Austin.

Wednesday, October 27:

Sonny’s hoping to buy Charlie’s, but Ava isn’t so sure she wants him to own her late brother’s establishment. Meanwhile, Carly watches from the sidelines as Sonny shares a sweet moment with Avery (whom you’ll recall is his daughter with Ava).

Will the news Nikolas has for Alexis brighten her day (and maybe set in motion her release from prison)? And what will be the outcome of Molly and Shawn’s talk about his future?

There’s been a mystery man lurking about of late. When Portia crosses paths with him, will we finally get a few answers?

Thursday, October 28:

Apparently, questions still linger regarding the mystery man, because Portia and Curtis put their heads together to share what they know so far.

Who’s on the other end of the line when Sonny receives a surprising phone call?

Carly calls Nina out, accusing her of always playing the victim. But might Sonny’s wife regret being so aggressive with her rival?

Willow and Michael decide it’s time to lay all their cards on the able.

Alexis makes a big decision.

Friday, October 29:

Gladys is known for crossing lines, so what causes Maxie and Sasha to accuse Brando’s mom of finally having gone too far? Meanwhile, how will Maxie react when Austin questions some of her relationships?

When Valentin winds up in the Intensive Care Unit, Elizabeth winds up tending to him. Elsewhere, Finn has a few regrets regarding how things went down with Anna and opens up to her about them.

Spencer’s seen and heard a lot in his young life, yet what he hears today shocks even him!


Days of Our Lives

Several of the locals play a game despite knowing better, Kristen has a bad idea, Abe fights for his life, and John has another showdown with his possessed wife!

Week of October 25:

Days Soapbox: John vs. MarDevil was an exciting cliffhanger, but what happens now? Plus, pondering if something devilish was behind all that love in the afternoon last week.

Monday, October 25:

Kayla does everything she can to revive Abe, but things don’t look good. When he walks into the proverbial light, can anyone or anything convince him to fight for his life and return to those who love him? Meanwhile, his loved ones gather to reflect on his life in Salem and the many people he has touched. Even Julie and Paulina, who’ve not always been the best of buds, lean on one another during this difficult time.

St. Luke’s proves to be the ultimate (if somewhat ironic) battleground as John confronts the demon possessing his wife.

Tuesday, October 26:

Here comes trouble! EJ will be stunned when he opens the door to find Kristen standing there. What brings her back to town… and might her return indicate a few unanswered questions will finally be addressed?

Lucas has a thing or two he wants to get off his chest where Brady’s concerned. But is he sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong when it comes to Brady and Chloe?

Ava and Philip find themselves having to tie off a loose end.

As Rafe’s investigation into Abe’s shooting continues, he has a few questions for Jake.

Wednesday, October 27:

Nicole and EJ’s re-budding romance might hit a major roadblock today. Why? Because he’s about to call her out on a recent deception!

How will Victor react when Jake tries convincing him to help Gwen and Bonnie? (We can almost hear the curmudgeon laughing in his face from here!)

It wouldn’t be a day of the week if Kristen wasn’t having a bad idea. This time, she considers sneaking off with Rachel!

When Philip puts Chloe’s loyalty to the test, will she pass? And what happens if she fails?

Thursday, October 28:

Halloween is always a spooky time in Salem, but with the devil wandering around, count on things being even crazier than usual… starting with Marlena’s costume, which absolutely floors Belle! Meanwhile, Johnny, Allie and Chanel decide to play with a Ouija board. (Come on, Johnny… we know you’ve seen pretty much every horror movie under the sun, so you should definitely know better!)

Abe’s situation brings Theo home for a visit.

Chad and Abigail’s latest intimate moment is yet again interrupted by EJ. It’s almost like he’s trying to come between them or something…

Friday, October 29:

Halloween is basically the devil’s version of Christmas. Will Satan get what he wants more than anything when Ciara takes a pregnancy test?

Nothing good ever happens in a crypt, right? So it should surprise no one that when a possessed Marlena visits John there, it’s to torment him. Can John’s love once again reach whatever is left of his wife’s soul?

How will Allie and Johnny react when they learn that the devil’s come to Salem?

Soap Spoilers: October 25-29, 2021 on TPKs Stories:

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