Saturday, October 2, 2021

Soap Spoilers: October 4-8/11-15, 2021


It’s the Hunger Games of luxury weddings when the Newmans pit themselves against a determined and undeterred Billy, even as Ashland manages to endanger his relationship with Victoria all on his own. Will the couple make it down the aisle? Who will receive a surprise on the special day?

Friday, October 1:

Mariah confronts Tessa, Ashland moves into the hotel, and Nikki and Phyllis grapple with the fallout between Nick and Victoria!

This Nick/Phyllis/Jack situation continues to become more fraught when her significant other interrupts a moment between her and her ex. We have to wonder how she finds time for all these clandestine meetings with her former husband whilst running a hotel almost single-handedly… and we also question whether this is all leading to a partner swap for our favorite risk-taking redhead.

Called it! Tension rears its ugly head when Mariah and Tessa disagree about their future. We’re guessing Tessa isn’t ready to take time out from touring to start a family.

Eek! Who will be the unfortunate target when Victoria unleashes her anger? Could it be her cagey husband-to-be, her brother, her father or — most likely if we’re being honest — her ex-husband, Billy?

Week of October 4:

Monday, October 4:

Whoa… When Ashland asks Nick to keep a secret, presumably from Victoria, how could he possibly agree to keep his closest sibling in the dark? On the other hand, if it’s the ever-persistent Billy that Locke is trying to hold at bay, we can easily imagine Nick being persuaded.

Things have been a little testy between these two of late, so it’s no surprise when a frustrated Sally goes on the defensive with Adam. Will the showdown lead to a breakthrough for the Newman Media boss and his bold and beautiful employee?

Now this sounds intriguing! What will Amanda have up her sleeve when she makes a move that keeps Devon on his toes? Perhaps we can find a hint in this review of her — and twin sister Hilary’s — tumultuous history in Genoa City.

Tuesday, October 5:

It should be a time of love, light and laughter for Victoria and Ashland as they arrive in Tuscany, but given all the people suspicious of the groom, we have to wonder if they will make it to the altar and through the ceremony without another secret surfacing.

Despite her best efforts to move forward, Mariah once again finds herself struggling with her maternal instincts. Does this mean she’s unable to let go of the idea of having a baby with Tessa, and if so, will her obsession create yet more tension in their relationship?

Will wonders never cease? It appears as though all of the Newmans are working together to ensure that Victoria’s wedding goes off with a hitch, as none other than her formerly estranged brother Adam keeps tabs on Billy. We know her meddling ex was “uninvited” from the wedding, but will he show up in Italy, anyway?!

Wednesday, October 6:

So close, yet so far. Right before he’s about to marry the woman of his dreams, Ashland puts his relationship with Victoria in danger. Will Teflon Locke slide out of the latest tight spot unscathed so that the show can go on?

When Nate and Elena cover for a friend, it can only be Ashland. We have to wonder if the upstanding doctor realized what he was getting into when he agreed to act as best man for the mogul he barely knows… and whether he’ll leave Tuscany with not only some fancy wedding favors but also with regrets!

Shocking information falls where else but into Billy’s lap. Will Victoria’s ex end up holding the fate of her wedding day — and her future — in his hands?

Thursday, October 7:

It sounds like the Victoria and Ashland nuptials will be a nail-biter, folks! As Victor and Nikki do damage control in Tuscany, Billy puts his plan in motion. We can totally see the Chance Comm exec taking a gamble on halting his ex’s wedding. If he does, will it pay off… or land him on his well-tailored butt curbside?

Friday, October 8:

Uh-oh! Another monkey wrench is thrown into the wedding works when Victor and Nikki find themselves on opposite ends of a debate. We can’t even begin to speculate on who will emerge the “victor” when these two go head-to-head.

Considering that her precarious mental state has been leading her to make some questionable decisions, we have to wonder if it will be welcome news when Mariah surprises Tessa. Or will it lead to the breakup “Teriah” fans have dreaded?

It all comes down to a single moment of truth at the Newman villa in Tuscany when Victoria makes a decision about her future with Ashland. Will she say “I do” or “I definitely don’t!”? And if it’s the latter, will another couple step up to become husband and wife in place of “Ashtoria”?


The Bold and the Beautiful

Steffy fears that Thomas is one step away from pulling out the Hope mannequin again, Paris hits a home run with the surprise that she drops on Zende, Liam does his damnedest to bring sexy back, and Sheila… Well, come on. What do you think Sheila does? She does what she always does — hatches a new plan!

Friday, October 1:

Eric explodes and takes a stand when Ridge tries to throw Quinn out of his house, Sheila tries a new approach, and Finn opens up to Hope!

Finn confides in Hope while Liam and Steffy spend time with Kelly. We’d be surprised if Hope had much sympathy for anything having to do with Sheila, but then again, she has a problematic biological parent of her own. As is turns out, we just happen to have a perfect storyline in mind for a potential Deacon return.

Sheila takes deceptive advice from a new acquaintance. We have to wonder if it could be Paris, who just might see an opportunity to manipulate the situation and drive a wedge between Steffy and Finn, who is the object of her heart’s desire

Week of October 4:

Hot Topic: First Sheila, then Paris… is Steffy’s marriage about to face yet another threat? Plus, why Ridge and Brooke need to take every darn seat in the house!

Monday, October 4:

Hope offers Finn emotional support in his current dilemma with Sheila. Um, yeah, we’ve been down this road before, and it leads to one person or the other — or both — catching feelings. Are we headed for another round of Steffy and Hope’s legendary rivalry?

When Eric experiences an epic epiphany about his current situation, will he discover, as we suspect, that a woman other than his wife, Quinn, is able to entice his inner honey bear out of hibernation?

Tuesday, October 5:

Even though it’s her husband, not her brother, who’s most recently been bending Hope’s ear, Steffy becomes concerned about Thomas’ feelings for the onetime object of his obsession. Could she be sensing that his fixation with Liam’s wife could be intensifying yet again?

Forgetting for a moment Paris’ infatuation with Finn, she gets her flirt on with Zende while he designs for the Hope for the Future line. Will the sparks flying give him new, um, hope for the future, too?

Wednesday, October 6:

Making the most of the fact that he’s for the moment out of both the doghouse and prison, Liam sets up a romantic and passionate rendezvous for Hope. They’d better enjoy it, too, before he goes and does something that forces us to add to our roundup of all of his boneheaded decisions.

Paris and Zende are all but guaranteed to have a ball when she takes him on a date to Dodger Stadium. As a matter of fact, while they’re there, she delivers a big surprise!

Thursday, October 7:

No waffling where Zende is concerned: He makes it clear that he wants a future with Paris. But, given her attraction to Finn, can she commit to the dashing designer? And would he be so gung ho if Zoe were suddenly to show up back in L.A.?

When an unexpected visitor arrives in Los Angeles, there’s drama aplenty stashed in their luggage. The question is, whose lives will be turned upside-down by this character’s presence in their midst?

Friday, October 8:

When Sheila sets a new plan in motion to get in between Steffy and Finn, we have to wonder whether she took note of our recently hatched plot that would ensure that she gets everything that she wants. If so, is there any way for Steffy to safeguard not only Hayes but her gullible husband? Speaking of whom…

When Finn feels guilty for keeping a secret from Steffy, will he once again confide in Paris? Doing so might make her decision regarding a future with Zende even more complicated than it already was!


General Hospital

Spencer and Nikolas’ relationship hits another speed bump, someone pays Sonny and Carly an unexpected visit, and Nina’s chickens come home to roost!

Week of September 27:

Monday, September 27:

Peter holds a gun on Obrecht, Victor learns Valentin and Anna visited Chloe, and Carly worries how Sonny will react to learning she and Jason got married for real.

Josslyn’s got great news to share… but will everyone, including Brook Lynn, see it the same way?

Armed with some new info, Anna and Valentin step up their investigation.

When Chase offers advice, will big brother Finn listen? (And how happy are we all that it turned out Finn wasn’t actually his dad?)

Like the good friend she’s long been, Terry is there when Elizabeth needs her support.

Celebrate Nancy Lee Grahn’s 25th anniversary as Alexis Davis.

Tuesday, September 28:

Carly and Jason learn Nina’s secret, Valentin and Anna share a kiss, and Obrecht gets Drew up to speed.

Nothing like a little liquid courage, right? That’s what Valentin finds when he takes advantage of an alcohol-fueled moment.

Never one to miss out on an opportunity, Obrecht jumps at the chance to form a rather unexpected alliance.

There ain’t a whole lot of happy couples around Port Charles these days, but Michael and Willow continue to be the exception to that rule.

Drew’s had just about enough of his current circumstances. But what can he do to change them?

Wednesday, September 29:

Carly confronts Nina, Scott has a suggestion for Ava and Nikolas, and Sonny gets caught up on Port Charles gossip.

Trina is determined to bust Spencer… but will Cam go along with her plan? (Who are we kidding… Cameron would like nothing better than to bust Spencer’s chops!) Meanwhile, Josslyn sees something that she definitely can’t explain while at the hospital.

How far is Nikolas willing to go in order to keep Ava safe? The surprise Nikolas recast promises “juicy stuff!”

Epiphany is there when a longtime friend is in need of assistance.

Given what we’ve already seen her do, it’s kinda terrifying to think about what it means that Esme is about to make a bold move.

Thursday, September 30:

Jax realizes Carly doesn’t know about Nina and Sonny, Esme lies to Sonny, and Alexis connects the dots from Shawn’s case to the Cassadines.

Monica put aside at least some of her issues with Carly in order to see Jason happy. But now, she can’t help wondering what’s going to unfold.

Jax is definitely not an innocent bystander where recent events are concerned, and he finally accepts his part of the blame.

Wondering what the latest is on the investigation into Hayden’s shooting? So is Alexis, who gets an update from Shawn.

Ava has a surprise for Kevin.

Something tells us things could get interesting when Josslyn and Esme cross paths!

Friday, October 1:

Spencer confesses to being the stalker, Esme visits Ryan, and Carly wants to talk to Sonny about Nina.

Backed into a corner with nowhere to go, how will Nikolas react? And what does it mean that Ava is the one who walks away having had the last word?

Maxie feels the need to apologize, but to whom and for what?

Having been the cause of tension between her dad and Olivia in the past, Brook Lynn realizes that the couple has hit another speed bump. Will Ned open up to his daughter about what’s really going on?

It looks as if Austin’s case against the Quartermaine family is finally moving to the next level. With Scott by his side, will Edward’s illegitimate heir finally get his share of the Quartermaine pie?

Week of October 4:

General Hospital Opinion: There was no winner in Carly and Nina’s face-off, but Spencer was definitely a big loser.

Monday, October 4:

You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Turns out those made by Dante and Sam might suffer a similar fate when theirs begins to go a little bit too well!

Looks like Nikolas and Spencer are in for another rough patch when dad finds himself both shocked and disappointed in his son. Meanwhile, Esme seems to have reason to celebrate, ’cause she’s kicking up her heels at the Savoy.

Trina proves that she can’t help but be compassionate.

When Carly tells Sonny why she believes Nina did what she did, something tells us Mrs. Corinthos won’t be speaking in glowing terms with regards to her nemesis!

Tuesday, October 5:

When Sam is in need of comforting, Dante is there with a shoulder for him to lean on.

Valentin finds himself in an unexpected situation, while Anna is taken aback by what she finds at the bedside of Chloe, the nurse who was helping Drew.

Peter continues to make enemies everywhere he goes, this time around by giving Victor an ultimatum.

The past and the present may blur a bit when Curtis and Portia reconnect.

Wednesday, October 6:

Brook Lynn takes it upon herself to apologize to Austin, while Maxie looks at one of her relationships in a new light. But which one?

Sam and Dante continue to grow closer.

When Anna seeks out Valentin, is it simply to share information or does she have some other purpose in mind? And what is the “startling” revelation that is made by Victor?

Thursday, October 7:

Who is the unexpected guest knocking on Sonny and Carly’s door? More important, is it a friend or a foe?

Britt hasn’t always been the voice of reason, but today she gives some pretty darn good advice… although heaven only knows if her words will be taken to heart!

Cameron is a good guy who tries always to do the right thing, but will that hold true when it’s Esme who comes to him for help? And what’s got Josslyn feeling more suspicious than ever?

At long last, Portia and Trina sit down for a chat that some might call long overdue.

Friday, October 8:

Spencer attempts to apologize, but will the person on the receiving end accept the offered olive branch? Elsewhere in the teen scene, Josslyn and Cameron find themselves disagreeing. (Anyone else want to bet their dispute has something to do with Esme?)

Alexis takes Nikolas to task.

When Shawn talks to Jax about the investigation into Hayden’s disappearance, will new information come to light?

Nina has known for some time that her actions in Nixon Falls would have consequences. Today, she’ll begin to find out exactly what they are! Meanwhile, will Carly’s anger toward Nina actually wind up causing a romantic shake-up of epic proportions?


Days of Our Lives

The devil solidifies his hold on Marlena, John tries talking sense into someone, and things just might be looking up for Chad and Abigail!

Week of October 4:

Days Opinion: Sami’s absence has benefited EJ, the mob has injected life into the corporate wars, and Johnny needs to show some respect.

Monday, October 4:

As the devil continues to torment the residents of Salem, Doug is determined to prevent Marlena’s unwelcome visitor from harming Julie. But how far will he go to keep his beloved wife safe?

Abe’s got big, romantic plans for Paulina, and he gets an assist in pulling things off from her daughter, Chanel. Meanwhile, the object of his affection finds herself having a talk with Lani about days gone by.

History seems poised to repeat itself as Nicole and EJ get ready to go on a date. (Wonder how Sami, wherever she may be, would feel about this particular development?)

Tuesday, October 5:

Unaware of the very big secret she’s keeping from him, Abe pops the question to Paulina. Will she agree to become his bride?

Given their past, Nicole and EJ going on a date already has the potential to be awkward. Well, imagine just how “fun” things will get when they cross paths with Rafe and Ava during said date!

When Chad strikes a deal with Johnny, how will that impact the younger man’s plans to make a movie about Marlena’s possession?

Eli and Lani’s plans for a romantic evening take a hit when they’re interrupted by Chanel.

Wednesday, October 6:

At long last, Maggie returns… but unfortunately, she comes bearing bad news, which she shares with Brady and Chloe. (Anybody else suspect that Summer — who made our list of wildly unpopular characters — may have drawn her last breath?)

Ava is about to give Philip a big ol’ scoop of dirt on Jake.

As Xander tries roping Justin into his latest plot, Gwen proves just how far she’s willing to go to help her lover!

Thursday, October 7:

Apparently unaware that Gabi doesn’t respond particularly well to threats, Philip issues her an ultimatum.

As Justin takes a heated meeting with the judge, Xander and Gwen assume that he’ll soon be a free man. (Why do we suspect they should perhaps hold off on popping the cork on their champagne?)

As he competes with Philip for the attentions of Chloe, Brady’s about to play very dirty. How? By inviting the one-time Ghoul Girl to hang out in the park with him and Rachel. Chloe’s only human… how in the world is she supposed to resist a handsome guy when he’s playing with his adorable daughter?

Friday, October 8:

Things definitely are not what they seem when Philip lashes out at Chloe for her “betrayal.”

There appears to be trouble brewing between Gabi and Jake when she demands the truth from her beau!

Will Maggie and Ciara be able to offer Julie any comfort where Doug’s situation is concerned?

The devil’s got control of Marlena, and he ain’t letting go. But what new ways will he find to torment her? And could, as we suspect, Ben soon play into his master plan?

Week of October 11:

Monday, October 11:

Marlena has done her darndest to keep the devil at bay, but when she’s bent to his will, what horrific thing will everyone’s favorite shrink be forced to do?

Tuesday, October 12:

Despite the reservations he’s expressed in the past, Ben finally tells Ciara that he’s ready for them to have a baby.

Wednesday, October 13:

When Abigail and Chad have a major breakthrough, does this mean that perhaps their marriage isn’t quite as doomed as it’s seemed?

Thursday, October 14:

Rafe and Nicole are just friends, right? And both are seeing other people, right? So it makes perfect sense that he would ask about her recent date with EJ. Surely there’s nothing more to it than one friend checking up on another… right?

Friday, October 15:

When you walk in on two people in a compromising position once, it can be explained away. But the second time Philip finds Chloe in Brady’s arms, he’s a whole lot less inclined to cut either of them slack! In fact, it’s safe to say that he’s about to lose his cool over the situation!

John has been increasingly concerned about Marlena, and he believes that the last thing she needs is Johnny making a movie about the most trying time in their lives. But can John really convince EJ’s son not to move forward with his film?

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