Sunday, July 18, 2021

DAYS Spoilers Spec: How Claire Will Reunite Ben and Ciara


Ciara Brady Weston has been super-clear in DAYS spoilers that she and Ben Weston are never, ever getting back together. She’s even accused Claire Brady of wanting him for herself.

DAYS Spoilers Spec

Claire (Isabel Durant) doesn’t. But she does want her aunt to reunite with the love of her life. And here is how almost 5,000 voters speculate she’ll go about it:

Days of our Lives Spoilers Spec: A Lie Becomes the Truth

It was a close vote, but 40% of you rose to the top with the classic assumption that the best way to make Ciara Brady Weston (Victoria Konefal) realize what she’s giving up is for Claire to live up to her predictions and make a play for Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) herself — to make Ciara jealous. She’s doing it for true love – no other reason.

DAYS Spoilers: Second Front

A smaller 28% predict that Claire will make a play for Theo Carver (Cameron Johnson) instead, in order to break up him and Ciara. Ciara latched onto Theo as a way to keep from facing the truth of her love for Ben. Without him to tether her, she’s bound to drift back into Ben’s orbit. Claire is doing it for true love – no other reason.

Days of our Lives Spoilers Spec: Volume Control

Claire doesn’t scheme anymore, 18% of the audience reminds. She’s been cured. Now, Claire mostly yells. You expect her to yell at Ciara, and to keep yelling, until the lovebirds are reunited. And Claire can say, “I told you so.”

DAYS Spoilers: For Me

And then there are the cynical 14% who don’t foresee Claire reuniting Ben and Ciara. You think she’ll go after Ben herself. Oh, sure, she’ll make all the right noises about wanting to see the course of true love run smooth. But, in reality, she’ll just sit back and wait for Ciara to commit to Theo, Ben to get over her…and to come running straight into Claire’s arms.

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