Saturday, November 6, 2021

Weekly Spoilers: November 8-12/15-19, 2021


 The Young and the Restless

Jack tries a new approach where Phyllis is concerned and Billy and Lily reach an extra pointy fork in the road. Oh, and Abby is in crisis. But hey, when isn’t that the case, right? Watch to see what's next for Nikki being kept up nights and keeping Sally on high alert.

Friday, November 5:

Lily goes ballistic on Billy, Nikki confides in Adam, and Phyllis issues a warning to Amanda!

As anyone with half a brain would be, Nikki is suspicious of Adam’s change of heart. But could it be — gasp — sincere? If so, this could be the turning point he’s needed to reach for, oh, ages in order to have a real, semi-healthy relationship with his whole family.

C’mon. You knew these two couldn’t stay at odds forever. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that when Nick extends an olive branch to Victoria, she’ll accept it. She could hold out for a bigger, better olive branch.

The yin to her lover’s yang, Lily questions Billy’s tactics. To what end, though? Does she really think that he’s the kind of tiger that can change its stripes? (’Cause we don’t.)

Week of November 8:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: The no good, very bad start to November Sweeps including Abby-palooza, Nick’s whining, Amanda in danger, Billy vs. Lily and Billy vs. Adam. Plus, romantic shake-ups ahead!

Monday, November 8:

Billy turns the tables on Adam. Or at least he thinks he does… because he’s actually unknowingly caught up in his nemesis’ plot, right?!

We fear that Lily’s unlikely to get any satisfaction when she demands answers from Victoria, who has washed her hands of all things Gaines-related. But hey, it’s not like we haven’t been known to beat our head against a brick wall now and then.

Circling back to a well-worn state, Nikki worries about her family’s infighting. You’d think that by now she’d be as used to it as the sun rising and setting every day. But she’s a born troubleshooter — seriously, just look at her crazy history — and this is one problem she’s just never been able to solve.

Tuesday, November 9:

In a move that should surprise exactly no one, Victor refuses to back down. Does he even have a “reverse” switch? Ask anyone that The Mustache has ever trounced. When he gets going, there’s simply no stopping him!

After lurking, circling and advising Phyllis for weeks, now that her relationship with Nick may be in its death throes, Jack decides to keep his distance from his beloved Red. What the actual fudge? Need we remind him of her significance in his life (and love) story?

Oh, here’s a place we don’t visit too often! Who will be on the receiving end when Devon loses his cool?

Wednesday, November 10:

When Abby reaches out to Nick for help, we have a funny feeling we’ll be left scratching our heads. What can her half brother do for her that her all-powerful parents weren’t?

As Amanda and Michael discuss her testimony against Sutton, she’s determined to bring her grandfather down for the death of her father. But will she live to regret it if her quest for justice lands her in extreme danger?! Need we remind her of the kind of pickles in which she and twin sister Hilary previously landed themselves?

Can’t say as we blame her this time: Sally keeps score with Phyllis, whom she’s been keeping a careful eye on since the infamous ice bucket incident. Oh, please, please, let us be heading for a triangle with [Spoiler] in the middle!

Thursday, November 11:

When Victor and Adam receive a puzzling message, our reaction is as plain as the mustache on the mogul’s face: “What’s Billy up to now?”

Are Victor and Adam setting up Billy Boy Abbott to take a fall? We have to wonder if that’s the case when Rey interrogates the Chance Comm exec. In any event, it’s never a good thing when you become a person of interest to the cops.

Trouble may be afoot in the Chancellor manse when Devon voices his concerns about Dominic. Could we be headed for a custody battle between him, Mariah and Abby? Or does Devon just think that no baby should be fed that many pureed green peas?

Friday, November 12:

When Amanda worries about overstepping with Devon, we can’t say as we blame her, considering that Mr. Chill has already exploded once this week. Maybe it’s time he — gasp! — switched to decaf?

As Nina struggles with her grief and Phyllis’ current relationship ends, we can’t help but think it’s the perfect time for Ronan to return to Genoa City. Not that we expect it to happen, but we’d love it. See more characters primed for comebacks in this wish list of a photo gallery.

Billy and Lily are blindsided, which, we’re guessing, is exactly how Victor and Adam planned for their comeuppance to go down. Question is, will the couple be able to pick up the pieces and carry on? Or instead of “game on,” is it “game over”?


The Bold and the Beautiful

Katie (don’t do it) shows her (don’t do it) Judge Judy side (don’t do it) to Carter, Hope draws a line in the sand where Daddy Dearest is concerned, Brooke’s destiny with Ridge is imperiled anew, Liam is forced to do his least favorite thing ever (make a decision), and Sheila’s lunch date serves up food for thought. Intrigued?

Friday, November 5:

Deacon confesses his love to Brooke after quitting Sheila, Ridge and Liam see eye-to-eye, and Hope pleads with her mother to let Deacon stay!

Really, guys? Good luck with that! After Ridge and Liam make a pact about Steffy, Hope and Brooke, it’s a safe bet that the guys’ mettle will be tested. And that’s not even taking into consideration the seismic shift in our feelings about two key characters that the show could be headed for.

Deacon frustrates a scheming Sheila by making a bold move of his own. It’s a calculated risk if there ever was one, given that the she-devil’s accomplices tend to end up dead when they displease her. Yet, he’s going to act, and given his predicament, we have to wonder if Deacon’s gamble might threaten Brooke in a way she’ll never see coming.

In this week’s soapbox, a special guest columnist who’s neither special nor a guest crowns the show’s new smartest person, marvels at the heat generated by a couple of exes, dissects an odd, odd date and rings up HR on Donna’s behalf

Week of November 8:

Monday, November 8:

It’s a mother/daughter throw-down the likes of which we rarely get to see between these two when Hope forces Brooke to face her past. Better get comfy; this could take a while!

Heartbroken, Donna reveals to Katie that Eric banished her from his life and Forrester Creations at Quinn’s request. Er, demand. We have a hard time believing that either of Donna’s buttinsky sisters will let this stand, and just wait until Pam gets wind of it. We hope for Quinn’s sake Stephanie’s sister is taking her meds!

Tuesday, November 9:

Trouble in paradise? It sure seems so as Ridge explodes when Brooke defends Deacon’s presence. Could “destiny” be about to be derailed yet again?

When Douglas catches Paris off guard by asking a personal question, will he put his dad’s new roommate on the spot regarding her feelings for the single parent? Perhaps the cutie patootie is noticing their long, lingering glances just like we are!

In front of Carter, Katie and Quinn verbally spar about Mrs. Forrester’s many misdeeds. Will the broken-hearted Forrester financier defend his former lover or knock her for a loop by siding against her with the Logan sister with whom he’s been holding hands? If so, cue Quinn’s head exploding in 3, 2…

Wednesday, November 10:

Eek! It sounds like things are taking a turn for the ugly as Hope defiantly reminds Ridge that Deacon, not he, is her father. We have to have her back on this one. In fact, it was Ridge’s half brother Nick who wanted to adopt her as a youngster, not the dressmaker.

Look at Hope go! Brooke is stunned when her daughter gives her an ultimatum about Deacon. There’s the missing spine we were so worried about that we wanted to send Hope to a specialist!

Thursday, November 11:

When Ridge hires Justin for another job, it’s to get the goods on Sheila and Deacon. Eep! Will he get the 411 on “SheCon’s” fake romance… or will he end up on the wrong end of the she-devil’s wrath for poking around in her business? (Wonder if she still has that beekeeper’s getup… )

Continuing her “my way or the highway” tour, Hope shocks Liam with her decision about Deacon’s role in their lives. Will her declaration leave the husband and wife at an impassable, er, impasse? Even if Hope is being boneheaded, shouldn’t Liam stand by her, given how many ill-advised decisions he’d made over the years?

Friday, November 12:

Liam is conflicted by Hope’s decision and request. Which you’d sort of expect, given that she’s rarely asked a whole lot of him aside from, “Saaay… do you think you could maybe, just maybe, refrain from sleeping with Steffy?”

Though Jack invites Sheila to lunch, he then hides when Finn arrives. This is likely a precursor to his secret being exposed, wouldn’t you think? Surprisingly, Finn still hasn’t asked Sheila who his biological father is. Are we the only ones who feel like it’s strange that he repeatedly remarks on being curious about his mother his whole life but seems ambivalent about the identity of his dad?

Speaking of Sheila, she’s running around like someone large and in charge. But given her knack for making enemies as quickly as she does threats, we wouldn’t be surprised if she wound up modeling the spring collection of toe tags.


General Hospital

One of the Five Families takes a meeting with Sonny, Robert reconnects with Olivia, Esme butts heads with Trina, and Sam is asked about her love life.

Week of November 1:

GH Soapbox: Port Charles’ selective justice is hypocritical, while the reveal of Nikolas’ secret created even more suspicions.

Monday, November 1:

Someone is shot — and it’s not Peter! — Brook Lynn races to stop Gladys, and Spencer confronts Nikolas!

Obrecht has spent a lot of time in labs, but rarely has she actually awakened in one, as she does today! Meanwhile, Britt and Jason’s search for her missing mom brings them to Cassadine Island, and the Port Charles branch of the Greek clan deals with their issues as Spencer confronts his dad.

Can Brook Lynn get to Gladys in time to stop her?

Dante and Sam are taken aback by what Sonny and Carly decide to do.

Tuesday, November 2:

Jason and Britt are taken prisoner, Nikolas offers Shawn a deal, and Spencer reaches out to Trina.

Britt proves that you can knock her down but she’ll get back up and keep fighting!

When Peter winds up in a shocking situation, does it mean that karma is finally catching up with him and fans are about to get what they’ve most wanted for some time now?

Harmony offers Alexis a bit of advice about the deal she’s been offered.

Josslyn makes it very clear exactly how she feels about Esme.

Who is the unexpected visitor tracking down Trina?

Wednesday, November 3:

Cyrus warns Sonny of a returning threat, as Carly is confronted by someone from her time as the head of the Corinthos family.

Sonny knows better than to listen to everything he hears. But should he refrain from being completely dismissive? Meanwhile, something tells us things are about to heat up in Port Charles as an old enemy of the Corinthos clan returns to town.

Portia opens up to Elizabeth, admitting her concerns about the mysterious man who’s been skulking about town of late.

Sure, Carly and Olivia own a hotel with a perfectly fine bar, but it seems they want something a little bit different as they head to the Savoy for a drink. (Or maybe they’re checking out the competition!)

After putting their heads together, Maxie and Brooklyn think they’ve come up with a new plan.

Thursday, November 4:

Victor refuses to help Anna and Valentin catch Peter, hinting he has a bigger focus — and Esme makes a promise to Ryan.

Dante warns Curtis to be careful about some of the more nefarious elements in town.

Alexis offers Spencer advice that he finds somewhat unexpected. Meanwhile, Ava can’t help but be suspicious about whatever’s going on between Shawn and Nikolas!

Esme begins her internship at Spring Ridge, while Trina suggests a unique exhibit for Ava’s gallery.

Amid a proud-dad moment, Maurice Benard reveals his surprising reaction to his son’s dream career.

Friday, November 5:

Alexis gets surprising news and Nikolas is stunned when Spencer disowns his father and relinquishes his ties to the Cassadine family.

Is Sonny hoping to avoid a bad situation when he attempts to strike a deal? And can anything stop the chain of events that seems to have already been set in motion?

Nikolas has high hopes, while Spencer at last makes a decision.

When Terry talks to longtime gal pal Elizabeth, what is she warning her about?

When Esme plays on Josslyn’s insecurities, will her latest game prove successful or be shut down?

Week of November 8:

Monday, November 8:

Ms. Wu has proven herself an ally to the Corinthos clan, but will that continue to prove true when she and Sonny take a meeting? Meanwhile, given everything that’s gone on in recent weeks, Diane decides to swing by to check in on Carly.

Britt continues to worry about her mom. (Call us crazy, but we’re of the belief that Obrecht can definitely take care of herself!)

Esme and Cam discuss the possibility of a getaway that we suspect their significant others might want to chime in on.

Sam’s about to receive a bit of news that will set her mind at ease.

Tuesday, November 9:

After everything that Peter has done, we’re almost afraid to ask what it means that the baddie is about to demonstrate his power.

There’s a fine line between Sonny’s business and personal lives, but it’s the latter that needs dealt with today.

With whom does Willow share an unexpected encounter?

While Brook Lynn and Maxie’s plan hasn’t been what we’d call an unqualified success, they put their heads together and plan the next stage. Meanwhile, Austin has a few questions where Gladys is concerned.

Wednesday, November 10:

Elizabeth should brace herself for what she’ll find when she arrives home.

Josslyn and Trina are usually pretty in sync, but that definitely doesn’t seem to be the case today, at least not based on Trina’s reaction.

Maxie wants to know how things are going between Sam and Dante. If anyone can offer perspective, it oughta be Maxie, too, considering the wild life that she’d led. Check out her unpredictable past via a new photo album.

We’re about to find out just how good (or bad) Curtis is when it comes to being a manager thanks to a situation which arises at The Savoy.

Thursday, November 11:

Nina suspects she may soon find herself barred from enjoying a beverage at Charlie’s.

Will the information Austin has to share prove valuable to Valentin?

If you want to find out where things stand between Finn and Elizabeth, join us in eavesdropping on the nurse’s conversation with Portia.

What’s got Scott seeking out Ava?

At long last, Josslyn and Cameron get to spend a little time alone together. (Anyone else suspect they’ll be interrupted?)

Friday, November 12:

Is Maxie right to question Chase’s motives?

Remember the sparks that flew when Robert and Olivia were playing spy games a while back? We just might see them fly again when he puts Ned’s wife on the spot.

Irony alert! Sonny sits down with Spencer to chat with him about the long and winding road to redemption. Meanwhile, Esme and Trina cross paths at the gallery and things quickly grow tense.

Curtis gets a visitor at The Savoy who is definitely not on the guest list!

November Sweeps Previews and Predictions: Will General Hospital finally deliver the twist we’ve all been waiting for?


Days of Our Lives

It’s the show’s 56th anniversary celebration as warnings are given about grave danger ahead, a horrifying discovery is made, someone goes into a downward spiral and a woman fights for her man!

Week of November 8:

Chloe and Brady give into temptation! Plus, you won’t believe who the Devil decides to possess next!

Monday, November 8:

Hard as it may be to believe, today is Days of our Lives’ 56th anniversary. Join us in flashing back through the years with a special photo gallery that’ll bring back a whole lot of memories.

Ben and Ciara are beyond excited about the upcoming birth of their child. But when Susan Banks swings by, she gets a bad vibe and issues a warning to the parents-to-be!

Unaware that he’s speaking to Marlena’s dark passenger, Brady is taken aback by the outlandish (and borderline salacious!) advice she offers.

Rafe wonders if perhaps honesty really is the best policy. But will he come clean with Ava?

Allie and Tripp can’t get past the shocking events which unfolded last week.

Tuesday, November 9:

Chloe’s got a secret, and given how jealous Philip gets, the last person she should probably share it with is Brady. Now… anyone want to guess who she decides to share it with? Three guesses, and the first two don’t count!

Susan put some ideas into Ben’s head, and MarDevil must now work hard to try and convince him to ignore what Kristen’s lookalike said. Meanwhile, Ciara and Susan try to figure out who might be posing a threat to the former’s unborn child.

Guilt causes Nicole to push Rafe in Ava’s general direction. But is she really through with the hunky cop?

Wednesday, November 10:

When Susan makes a shocking discovery, will it have to do with the truth about her good friend Dr. Marlena Evans?

Awkward alert: Things will be a tad uncomfortable when Ben and Ciara are reunited with a visiting Theo. (Which makes sense, given that she was all set to marry the guy not that long ago!)

Will Abe agree to his would-be bride’s wishes when Paulina suggests they postpone their wedding? Meanwhile, she’ll soon have other fish to fry after Chanel finds out that she’s been lied to by her mom!

Thursday, November 11:

Philip hasn’t exactly been the picture of stability lately, and things are going to get a whole lot worse when he goes into a downward spiral.

Jake manages to strike a deal with Melinda. But will he regret it? Meanwhile, Ava does what she has to in order to secure her own freedom, and Gwen is shocked to find out what Xander did for her.

Friday, November 12:

If there’s one thing that really gets under the devil’s skin, it’s John and Marlena’s love and the way it seems to conquer all. But this time around, the devil’s got a plan to come protect himself by coming between the supercouple once and for all! Meanwhile, Steve tells Kayla that he thinks something’s wonky where John’s sudden vanishing act is concerned.

Gwen proves just how good a schemer she is by tricking Melinda into handing Xander’s money back over to the hunk! (Wonder if he’ll do the right thing and cut Gwen in for a piece of the action?)

At long last, Chad and Abigail are ready to put the past behind them. Will this be a whole new beginning for the beleaguered pair… or is more trouble waiting just around the corner?

Days of Our Lives November Sweeps previews

Week of November 15:

Monday, November 15:

Gwen thought things were bad after Abigail exposed her secret to Jack, but things might get a whole lot worse after Kristen drops a bombshell in her lap!

Tuesday, November 16:

Ben and Ciara have been touched by how active a role Marlena has taken in their pregnancy. Of course, they don’t realize that it’s actually the shrink’s unwelcome guest who is so heavily invested. What special gift does MarDevil give the parents-to-be?

Wednesday, November 17:

Johnny’s making a movie about his grandmother’s past possession, but it’s Chanel who winds up MarDevil’s target as she plays mind games with the young women. But to what end?

Thursday, November 18:

It’s Abe and Paulina’s big day… but things definitely are not going to go as planned. (Hey, that’s what happens when you ask MarDevil to officiate!) Something tells us this will definitely be connected to the shocking news Lani receives…

Friday, November 19:

The last thing Paulina expected when she woke up on her wedding day was that it would end with her being confronted by an angry Lani. Yet here we are…


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