Thursday, August 18, 2022

Forget Me Not: Will Ava Ever Be Able To Forgive Nikolas on General Hospital?


Nikolas Cassadine cheated on his wife Ava Jerome Cassadine with teeny-bopper Eurotrash Esme Prince on General Hospital. Once Ava found out, all hell broke loose, towards both Esme and Nikolas.

General Hospital Polling

Ava (Maura West) doesn’t give a damn about what happens to Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) — all bad, she hopes — but will she ever be able to forgive Nikolas (Marcus Coloma)? What almost 2,000 voters had to say:

GH: It Takes Time

Maybe….down the road…eventually…a non-commital 57% of you venture. This is a soap, after all, and nobody either stays together…or breaks up…forever. Ava will cool down. Nik will grovel adequately. And maybe they can start again. Because they certainly were hot while they lasted.

General Hospital: Same Old, Same Old

This is nothing, 28% of the audience shrugs. Soap couples cheat. All. The. Time. There is not a single couple currently on the canvas where cheating wasn’t either how they got together, how they once broke up, or lurking in their future.

Ava and Nik will go through the motions of never wanting to see each other again. And then they’ll reunite. Not saying there won’t be more cheating down the line — it’s Ava’s turn next. But this is barely a bump in their long and winding road.

GH: Over and Out

On the other hand, 15% of fans are convinced this is it. Nik could have pulled this kind of nonsense on some of his previous love interests. But those other love interests weren’t Ava Jerome. She has too much pride. And too much bitterness.

Ava will never forgive being played for a fool. Nik shouldn’t just fear for his marriage – that’s over. Nik should fear for his life. He may be one of the nicer Cassadines. But Ava is one of the more blood-thirsty and vengeful Jeromes. She’ll make Nik pay and pay and pay…and she’ll never forget.

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