Saturday, August 27, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: August 29-September 2, 2022


The Young and the Restless

It’s business as usual as Victor engages in his favorite pastime (antagonizing his children), Phyllis pulls a total Phyllis (scoring a minor victory that’s likely to result in a major loss), and Jack breaks the only kind of news that anyone in Genoa City ever does (the bad kind!).

Friday, August 26:

Sally learns the truth, Nick and Victor confront Adam, and Billy makes a confession to Lily.

Don’t mess with Victoria, mmkay? ’Cause if you do, she’ll do exactly what she does today and strike back. You won’t like that.

Things are gonna get chilly over at Chancellor-Winters when Nate steals the spotlight. Will he finally go so far that Devon and Lily consider dropping a pink slip on his desk?

Aha. So Chelsea’s bold move must be toward Billy, because now she’s getting mixed signals from him. Word to the wise, Billy Boy: You can have your cake, or you can eat it, but ya can’t do both!

Week of August 29:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Sally takes her revenge on Adam, Diane is triggered, what’s next for Chelsea and more.

Monday, August 29:

Since Diane returned from the dead, things have been going her way for the most part. She’s tight with Jack, hanging with Summer, working for Kyle… But all that could change as Nikki and Phyllis find a way to turn the tables on their shared nemesis.

When Nick points Sally in the right direction, we only wish it was in the direction of his bedroom, because a quadrangle with them, Adam and Sharon would be deliciously messy!

Traci gives Jack the third degree. But she’s so good at questioning her siblings at this point, it might actually turn out to be the fourth or fifth degree.

Tuesday, August 30:

It’s a little late for this if you ask us. Nonetheless, Victor prepares to deal with Adam’s dark side. “Hello, Genoa City Hardware? I’d like to order your brightest flashlight!”

Uh-oh. This is how solid marriages start to crumble: Chance breaks a promise to Abby. And you just know that she isn’t going to take that any better than Daddy takes being lied to.

When Chelsea gives Sally a history lesson, dare we hope that the redhead is being schooled in Nick’s past… as a precursor to sparks flying between them in the future?

Wednesday, August 31:

Jack makes a shocking decision. After weeks of saying that it’s over, over, so totally over between him and Phyllis, maybe he’s finally ready to forgive the love of his life?

Get comfortable, Allie. When Noah opens up to her about his past, she could be there awhile.

Careful, Chance. Giving Chelsea some words of encouragement could make Abby’s husband the next in line to be the newest object of the podcaster’s obsession.

Thursday, September 1:

Phyllis settling a debt translates to us as the conniver lowering the boom on her rival, Diane. Of course, doing so would undo any goodwill that Phyllis has generated with Jack. One step forward, two steps back!

It’s always electric anytime Chloe gets in Adam’s face, so we’re expecting a good time when she challenges the black sheep of the Newman family. Mind you, even that bit of excitement will likely pale in comparison to what happens when…

Diane confronts Talia Morgan about her exposé. Somehow, we doubt that the face-off will end in the women‘s agreement that “We’ll all laugh about this someday.”

Friday, September 2:

It being a day of the week that ends in “day,” Victor questions Nick’s judgment. Way to make the guy glad that he returned to the family business, Pops!

For so long, Nikki and Phyllis have felt powerless to strike back at Diane. But at last, the unlikely tag team is able to celebrate a win. But at what cost?

When Kyle receives unsettling news from Jack, we have a hunch that it will be in regard to the exposé. Will the Marchetti exec feel compelled to fire his mother-in-law?


The Bold and the Beautiful

Hope’s worst nightmare comes to pass. Well, at least her worst nightmare since the one in which she pushed Thomas into a vat of acid or the one in which Liam mistook a mannequin for her and slept with Steffy. In other developments, an honest conversation could lead “Quarter” to make change, Brooke and Taylor engage in an unorthodox form of “art therapy,” and Deacon regrets that Sheila’s bat-guano-crazy plan didn’t involve her obtaining for herself a cloak of invisibility.

Friday, August 26:

Hope comes face-to-face with Sheila, Brooke and Liam share their concerns, and Ridge goes off on Deacon.

Arriving without notice, Hope is startled by what she finds at Deacon’s house. We’ll be watching the scene through splayed hands with horrified expressions, we’re sure.

Broom closet brawl! Bold & Beautiful doubles down on its rivalry game as Ridge and Deacon argue about their relationships with Brooke and Hope.

Week of August 29:

Monday, August 29:

What are the chances she’ll be a redhead with a waxy complexion? An uneasy Hope meets “the new woman” in Deacon’s life. Will she see through Sheila’s disguise? We sure hope not because his whole future is riding on it!

When Quinn and Carter get honest with each other during a romantic and sexy dinner for two, will things take a turn for the worse? Or will their ability to be candid only bring them closer together?

Leaving the CBS soap Rena Sofer gives ‘Queric’ fans a peek at her parting gift to the leading man who’s ‘like a glass of champagne.’

Bold & Beautiful makes a guest star of Kimberlin Brown’s daughter — and she’s the spitting image of mom!

Tuesday, August 30:

Agree to… disagree? Steffy declares the rightful place of the Forresters to a resistant Hope. Why are we so sure that that “rightful place” isn’t going to be “with everyone who loves the Forrester in question” but very specifically “in the Forrester mansion”?

As their daughters bicker elsewhere, Brooke and Taylor take the high road, deciding to put aside their differences for Douglas’ sake. And if you believe that one, we’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn we wanna sell ya! What really happens is that a hysterical paint fight ensues between Ridge’s on-again/off-again wives.

Wednesday, August 31:

Ruh-roh. It sounds like this situation is going to do nothing but escalate as Hope accuses Thomas of putting his own desires above the needs of Douglas. Right, Hope, because that sort of approach always cools off a discussion that’s getting heated.

Taylor and Brooke each state their case to Ridge after he breaks up their mischief. Side note: Why on earth would he break up their mischief? Do they run out of paint? Buzzkill.

Thursday, September 1:

Disregarding Deacon’s desperate pleas — and the danger he’s put himself in — Sheila devises a new plan to see Finn. 1) We knew this was coming. 2) We’re not even sure why Deacon bothers to try and talk the madwoman out of anything — a she-devil’s gonna do what a she-devil’s gonna do, no matter how ill-advised it is!

Oh boy, Hope’s mom has recruited her favorite ally! Liam and Brooke fear that Thomas is using Douglas to manipulate Hope. Our question: What could Thomas possibly be angling to get Hope to do?

Friday, September 2:

Well, it sounds like a move was made! Hope visits Douglas at the Forrester mansion to determine if Thomas is being truthful. Will she discover that the boy is happier than she ever expected? If so, will she drop her objections to the change in living arrangements? And even if she does, would Brooke be able to let it go?

And this week on The Odd Couple… Deacon had better get used to playing out this scenario over and over! He attempts to maintain his composure while blocking Finn and Bill’s view of Sheila.


General Hospital

What starts out as a romantic day takes a chaotic and potentially violent turn as things spiral out of control during the Quartermaine-sponsored charity picnic. Elsewhere, Spencer makes a decision, an old flame is there for Elizabeth, and Trina yet again finds herself waiting for news!

Week of August 22:

Monday, August 22:

Marshall worries he caused his son Tommy’s death, Leo works on a love potion for Sam and Dante, and someone gets a surprise proposal!

Who doesn’t love a picnic? Of course, something tells us that when the Quartermaines host a fundraiser for the hospital, not everything will go as planned. (Wonder if, like at Thanksgiving, they’ll wind up trading burgers and hot dogs for pizza?)

Sam and Dante are at a precarious point in their relationship. Will a little push from Brook Lynn and Olivia help the pair take the next step?

Jordan and Marshall hash things out between them.

Wanting to get a better grip on her health crisis, Willow takes a meeting with Britt.

Ruh-roh. Dex has a bad feeling that Sonny might be on to him. And let’s face it… that could be a really big (potentially fatal) problem for the young hunk!

Nikolas might have to put all of his Cassadine wiles to use if he wants to keep the truth about Esme under wraps.

Curtis has a surprise for Portia.

Kirsten Storms and Days of Our Lives’ Brandon Barash take daughter Harper back-to-school shopping: “When she walked up with a taco piñata, I nearly lost it.”

Tuesday August 23:

Jordan overhears Portia’s call with the genetic counseling team, Willow reveals her decision about treatment to Terry, and Leo’s love potion ends up in several wrong hands.

When Willow sits Michael down for a talk, will she tell him the entire truth?

Leo jumps on the “let’s get Sam and Dante together” express by preparing them a, um, “special love drink” at the Quartermaine’s picnic. Dare we even ask what might be in it?

Are friends Carly and Drew going to explore the benefits of their relationship? Possibly, as they begin getting closer.

Ava and Nikolas pass the time by arguing. (But hey, we all know that on soaps, fights can often lead to explosive passion, right? Here’s hoping that’s the case for these two!)

What news does Portia receive regarding Trina?

Olivia makes her stance on the Sonny/Nina relationship perfectly clear. (Spoiler alert: She ain’t thrilled with it!)

Wednesday, August 24:

Leo’s love potion finally brings several would-be couples together, and Jordan weighs telling Curtis what Portia is keeping from him about Trina.

There’s a whole lotta love going around at the picnic. Over here, we have Chase finally admitting how he really feels, while over there Rory and Trina are getting to know each other much better. Perhaps inspired by Leo’s “love juice,” Dante has a change of heart. Finally, when Carly and Drew find themselves second-guessing their relationships, are they leaning into being friends… or considering becoming lovers?

Thursday, August 25:

Ava and Nikolas are overheard discussing his affair with Esme, Drew and Carly’s passion for one another leads to a fire, and Liz discovers her sister Sarah calling Finn.

In Port Charles, danger’s been known to get people’s emotions boiling over. Will that happen when Carly and Drew find themselves in a precarious situation?

Victor warns Ava that she would be wise to avoid crossing the Cassadines. (Perhaps someone should remind Victor of exactly how deadly Nikolas’ wife can be!) Meanwhile, although Nikolas is trying his best to bond with Spencer, his son is having absolutely none of it.

How will Elizabeth react to Finn’s confession?

Backstage intrigue: General Hospital newcomer gets caught up in co-star’s tangled web of lies.

Friday, August 26:

Spencer tells Nikolas he’s through with him, Elizabeth has another disturbing memory, Mac is shocked to meet Cody, and someone is stabbed with a fishing hook at the picnic.

Terry’s last attempt to forge a love connection didn’t go particularly well (thanks to Amy’s interference). When the doc feels sparks, might she get another shot at love?

We might finally get a clearer picture as to what’s going on with Elizabeth when she has a very dramatic flashback.

Cody’s past in general (and his birth parents in particular) are a hot topic between Lucy, Felicia, Mac and Anna. Meanwhile, Britt tells Cody that she has no intention of talking about her father — now or ever!

Anna recruits a new partner in her efforts to get the goods on Victor.

Austin may find himself in a difficult position after Mason comes to him with a threat.

Spencer could be knocked for a loop when he finds out the truth, and Ava will find herself in the rare position of being caught completely off guard!

As summer finally heats up for Chase and Brook Lynn, Josh Swickard’s very different winter plans are revealed!

Week of August 29:

Monday, August 29:

Mac and Felicia wind up on the same page as they come to a mutual realization.

Joss and Ava have a complex relationship, given that the teen’s mom isn’t the gallery owner’s biggest fan. But how will Joss react when she finds the older woman in need of help?

Sonny has had just about enough of the way his family treats Nina. But is there really anything he can do to change them?

Perhaps because of their long and complicated history, Elizabeth finds herself able to open up to Nikolas in a way she might not be able to with others.

Cody and Britt (aka the soon-to-depart Kelly Thiebaud) are about to get in one another’s faces. But will it result in exchanging kisses or insults?

We don’t particularly think of them as pals, but Finn takes it upon himself to offer Spencer a bit of advice.

We are saddened to report that a beloved General Hospital vet, Joe E. Tata, who added zip to 90210 has passed away at 85.

Tuesday August 30:

Given everything that went down during the Quartermaine picnic, it’s not really surprising that the town is still reeling the morning after. Look for this to be a big topic of conversation in the days to come!

Josslyn is still trying to process what went down. Having been through a terrifying situation or two herself over the years, Carly is there to help her daughter process things.

Finn and Elizabeth have had… let’s be kind and call them “issues.” Now, they’re about to sit down and try to talk them through. Good luck, kids!

Brook Lynn is questioned by the police about what went down in the park. After doing her time in the hot seat, she puts Drew there so she can grill him about his true feelings for his “friend” Carly.

Victor and Spencer circle one another warily, each throwing accusations at the other during a confrontation.

When Sonny is in need of comforting, Nina is there for him.

Wednesday, August 31:

Trina may have been exonerated by the jury, but that doesn’t mean her problems are gone. In fact, she’s now anxiously awaiting other news!

When Anna comes to an important conclusion, will it impact her future with Valentin? Speaking of the handsome Cassadine, he has a few pointed words for Lucy!

Finn isn’t so sure Nikolas’ motives are on the up-and-up. Might the doctor be wondering if old feelings are bubbling to the surface in Elizabeth’s ex-lover?

Things remain rocky between Sasha and Brando. Can these crazy kids find their way back to a loving place?

Thursday, September 1:

In recent weeks, Elizabeth has often pushed Finn away rather than let him help. But today, she actually opens up and confides in him.

Anna and Valentin strike a bargain. (Here’s hoping it is one which will allow them to continue their swoon-worthy romance!)

Drew needs someone to talk to, and Curtis is there for him. Meanwhile, Carly begins to second-guess her recent decision.

Victor finds himself having to answer questions put to him by Jordan. Or perhaps we should say he finds himself trying to avoid answering those questions!

Friday, September 2:

Are there fractures developing in the romance between Nina and Sonny? We may find out when he demands answers of his girlfriend!

Is Spencer’s nightmare a vision of things to come?

Josslyn is about to do something that will definitely catch Cameron off guard! (Does it have anything to do with the obvious sparks flying between her and Dex? Might she be why the poor guy winds up feeling disappointed today?)

When Willow makes a big decision, will she actually share it with Michael? Or is it the beginning of the end for their relationship?


Days of Our Lives

Rolf’s lab proves to be a hot spot, especially when Kristen goes to the mad doc with a command. Meanwhile, John cranks up the romance, Sarah and Xander decide it is way past time for them to make things official, and Ava’s presence in the DiMera mansion continues to be an issue between Johnny and his dad, EJ!

Week of August 29:

Monday, August 29:

With Orpheus lurking around town plotting, this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise: Marlena and Kayla are in what might best be described as a pickle. And not the delicious kind which go atop a burger, either! And as a man who isn’t afraid to go where he’s not wanted, wait until you see what event Orpheus winds up crashing!

Can a player really change his ways? Something tells us Chanel and Allie will be more than a little skeptical when Alex insists to them that he’s met the woman of his dreams. Assuming he’s talking about Stephanie, the two could quickly wind up butting heads on a professional level, especially if Sonny succeeds in convincing her to come and work for him!

Tuesday, August 30:

When EJ starts plotting to get rid of Ava, does he mean he wants to have her removed from the DiMera mansion or something far more permanent? (With the DiMera men, you never know!)

Gabi happens to overhear her beau making a potentially incriminating call to Dr. Rolf, who is also being kept busy by co-conspirator Kristen! Speaking of Ms. DiMera, Brady finds time to fill Chloe in on what his ex is up to now.

Wednesday, August 31:

What, exactly, is going to happen to Stefan? We may have a better clue after today’s episode, in which Rolf begins his work!

The soap will definitely turn big business into our viewing pleasure when EJ turns the DiMera shareholders meeting upside down! At the same time, EJ proves he doesn’t even have to be present to create drama as Shawn and Belle realize that the guy is still an issue for them.

They grow up so quickly! It seems like just yesterday that Rachel was in diapers, and yet today she’s taking Chloe to task! Will Brady’s daughter be what derails his romance with the erstwhile Ghoul Girl?

Thursday, September 1:

Is Christmas coming to Salem super early when John, Steve and Roman all receive packages? Based on what they contain — and that they come from Orpheus — we’re going to guess no!

Alex must be presenting his most charming self to Stephanie, because it seems as if he’s actually making progress.

The good news: Someone is visiting Sonny. The bad news: It’s the last person he wants to see, Leo.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Gwen insists — this time to Chad — that she’s innocent.

Friday, September 2:

Chad — who apparently hasn’t been made to suffer quite enough yet — makes a horrifying discovery.

What devastating news will unite Justin, Bonnie and Alex?

Chloe can’t help but fear Nicole is flirting with disaster.

What’s Leo done this time to wind up in big trouble? Has he committed a new crime (whether real or against fashion), or is his past catching up with him (again)?

Week of September 5:

Monday, September 5:

Well, isn’t this convenient? Alex has found himself drawn to Stephanie on a personal level, and Victor thinks the two of them should work closely on a professional level! What could possibly go wrong?

Tuesday, September 6:

Perhaps realizing that to wait would be to give the fates another opportunity to come between them, Sarah and Xander realize that the best thing they can possibly do is tie the knot pronto!

Wednesday, September 7:

John and Marlena may have been together for a long, long time, but that doesn’t mean he’s slacking in the romance department. In fact, he’s about to provide Doc with a swoon-worthy day!

Thursday, September 8:

Kristen’s done playing games as she orders Rolf to wake Stefan up, pronto. But could she be making a huge mistake?

Friday, September 9:

Even as Johnny and EJ are butting heads over Ava, the beauty is having a very upsetting encounter in the DiMera crypt. Is she about to have another run-in with “Jake”?

Beginning September 12, Days of Our Lives will be airing exclusively on Peacock.


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