Saturday, August 20, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: August 22-26, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Things are getting hella messy! While Lily is questioning Billy’s intentions, Chelsea’s making a big move. As Sharon is helping Nick through a rough patch, Victor is arguably making it even rougher. And as Phyllis is proving her mettle, Victoria is issuing a reminder that she is not one to be trifled with.

Casting alert! This Young & Restless newcomer will impact Billy, Vikki and Chelsea’s worlds. Get the details.

Friday, August 19:

Chance’s decision leaves Nick rattled, Diane reels after a “kiss” with Jack, and Chelsea calls Billy’s bluff!

Even as Victor protects his family’s secrets — we just knew a confession wasn’t in the cards — Nick contemplates coming clean. Of course, if he were to do that, he might find himself in the unusual position of being higher on Dad’s [bleep] list than usual black sheep Adam. Speaking of whom…

What Adam does next just might throw not only Victor but all of the Newmans for a loop.

Somebody must have told Diane that if she’s gonna dream, she might as well dream big, ’cause today she’s imagining a future for herself and Jack — you know, the ex whose heart she broke more times than we can count.

Week of August 22:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Adam demolishes Chance’s master plan, Diane’s LA secret, and trouble brewing at Chancellor-Winters… and we don’t just mean with Nate and Devon!

Monday, August 22:

Victor loses his patience with Adam as often as we do our keys, our glasses and our train of thought. So maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that that’s what happens today. It is, after all, a day of the week that ends in d-a-y.

Oh, this oughta be rich! Billy gives Victoria sage advice. Which, if she has a lick of sense in her head, she’ll probably be way better off ignoring than taking to heart.

We could be inching one step closer to a “Shick” reunion when the recently widowed Sharon helps the inexplicably single Nick face his demons. If they have anything to do with his troublesome family, they will certainly be demons with whom she’s extremely familiar!

Tuesday, August 23:

Chance, Chance, Chance. You should know better than to play poker, even the metaphorical kind, with Victor. Will the detective fold when his father-in-law calls his bluff?

Victoria seems pretty solid to us these days. But Nikki questions her daughter’s state of mind. It would make an awful lot of sense for Victoria to be experiencing some post-traumatic stress after marrying Ashland, learning of his big lie, nearly dying in a car crash and then seeing him perish before he could murder her.

It’s put-up-or-shut-up time for Billy Boy as Lily forces her beau to make a decision about his future. Will he make the right one? Er, has he ever?

Wednesday, August 24:

It comes as naturally to Victor as drinking a third glass of wine does to us! So we doubt he’ll have any trouble whatsoever when he feels compelled to defend his actions once more. Honestly, why does anyone bother to challenge him at this point?

Now here’s a couple of well-matched opponents: Adam and Kevin. They’re equally sneaky when they want to be. But this time around, it’s Adam who gets the upper hand.

It feels like it’s been ages since we saw him smile. So as Nick relishes his new role, perhaps we’ll get a glimpse of him with a little pep back in his step.

Thursday, August 25:

Top this, Diane! Phyllis closes a power deal, which should make her an overnight sensation at Marchetti. Now just let anybody try and say she only got her job ’cause the boss is her daughter.

When Kyle protects Jack’s interests, will they be of the business variety… or the personal? Actually, considering that just about everyone Jack knows or is related to works at Jabot in one way or another, is there really any difference?

Hmm. If Chelsea makes a bold move — and she does — we can’t help but wonder whether it will be in the direction of Billy. And just when he and Lily are experiencing a bit of turbulence, too…

Friday, August 26:

Don’t mess with Victoria, mmkay? ’Cause if you do, she’ll do exactly what she does today and strike back. You won’t like that.

Things are gonna get chilly over at Chancellor-Winters when Nate steals the spotlight. Will he finally go so far that Devon and Lily consider dropping a pink slip on his desk?

Aha. So Chelsea’s bold move must be toward Billy, because now she’s getting mixed signals from him. Word to the wise, Billy Boy: You can have your cake, or you can eat it, but ya can’t do both!


The Bold and the Beautiful

The week to come is going to feel like a night at the fights! Brooke and Taylor take the gloves off, Ridge and Deacon enter the ring anew, and battle lines are drawn between Hope and Thomas. But perhaps the most startling development we have in store is the one that comes courtesy of Sheila. You think you’ve heard it all? Just… you… wait.

Friday, August 19:

Sheila makes a gory confession, Deacon panics, Quinn and Carter get caught canoodling, and Steffy and Finn revel in their love.

Carter and Quinn get busted kissing in the Forrester CEO office. Will the person who walks in on them sharing a lip-lock be Paris? Will we finally get a showdown over Carter’s flip-flopping? Carter’s flip-flopping — a phrase we never thought we’d say!

Finn and Steffy once again demonstrate their great love for one another. Ooo, is this another passionate bedroom scene or perhaps a vow renewal? Imagine if they held a ceremony in the Forrester living room and Sheila showed up again!

Bold & Beautiful’s new addition arrives today and could lead Deacon to an arrested development!

Week of August 22:

Monday, August 22:

Ruh-roh… Brooke confronts Taylor about the kiss she shared with Ridge. Are we about to get a repeat of the mud-bath tussle of ’09, the river rumble of ’10 or perhaps the wedding cake fight of 2018?!?

We don’t even know what to say about this bizarre scene! Deacon’s parole officer, Jordan, arrives unannounced causing Deacon and Sheila into a panicked comedy errors.

Tuesday, August 23:

It will come as a surprise to exactly no one to learn that Thomas and Hope disagree about Douglas’ long-term living arrangements. Will the vexed exes be able to work things out? Or are we headed for a bitter custody battle?!?

Getting in on the act, Taylor and Brooke swap zingers over the current situation between Thomas, Hope and Douglas. Yep, it’s shaping up to be an all-out war between the Forresters and Logans if you ask us!

Wednesday, August 24:

This can’t be a good sign: Thomas startles Hope by abruptly ending a phone conversation about Douglas. Will they be communicating through their lawyers for the foreseeable future (calling Carter!), or will cooler heads prevail?

When the Forresters gather for dinner to celebrate their family, let’s be real: This is totally going to turn into a strategy meeting about how to bring Douglas back into the fold, right? With a little bit of “Mom and Dad, you need to get back together” from Steffy and Thomas thrown Ridge and Taylor’s way for good measure.

Thursday, August 25:

Oooh, this is gonna get ugly. Brooke admits to Hope her suspicion that Taylor is using Douglas to get to Ridge. Will Hope talk her mother down, or will she stir the pot by agreeing that the World-Renowned Psychiatrist is hatching a scheme and has an ulterior motive?

Good Lord, man, what are you thinking?!? Deacon grudgingly gives in to Sheila’s insistence that they are roommates with benefits. We can’t imagine this is going to end well for the con with a heart of gold.

Friday, August 26:

Arriving without notice, Hope is startled by what she finds at Deacon’s house. We’ll be watching the scene through splayed hands with horrified expressions, we’re sure. Heck, that’s how we typed in this spoiler.

Broom closet brawl! Bold & Beautiful doubles down on its rivalry game as Ridge and Deacon argue about their relationships with Brooke and Hope.


General Hospital

Trina finally learns her fate, as Nina and Carly come to blows. Plus, Willow receives devastating news, Ava and Nik work with someone unexpected in order to protect themselves, Elizabeth is triggered by another disturbing memory and Mason threatens Austin!

Week of August 15:

Monday, August 15:

Portia successfully wakes Oz as the jury is about to announce their verdict in Trina’s trial. Plus, Liz issues Finn an ultimatum, and Nikolas tells Victor that Esme’s dead.

Everyone in her life is very concerned about Elizabeth and what’s been going on with her. When Finn and Terry discuss the situation, wonder if they’ll also talk about the biggest problem with the story (and show): namely, the pacing.

If you’ve got fingers to cross, do it now alongside Curtis and Portia as they hope against hope that their plan works! As this is playing out, Trina continues to anxiously await news about the verdict in her case.

Spencer finds himself having to make an incredibly difficult decision. Meanwhile, Nikolas might struggle to answer Victor’s questions regarding Esme!

Cam crosses paths with Sonny’s new henchman, Dex, and definitely does not get a good vibe from the dude. Wonder if that’s cause Cameron senses that the guy is perfectly positioned to make a play for Josslyn!

Tuesday August 16:

Trina learns her fate in court, Willow is given news about her future, and Victor and Nikolas scramble to destroy evidence.

The big day is here at last. Will the jury realize that Trina is completely innocent… or will the horrific scheme Esme set in motion months ago prove successful?

Olivia’s been watching from the sidelines and finds herself wondering if Carly and Drew’s friendship might soon be the type that comes with very specific benefits. Elsewhere, Sonny and Nina carve out time for a romantic date.

Dex is questioned about his past.

Willow’s been fearing the worst, and she’s about to get absolutely devastating news.

Wednesday, August 17:

Spencer makes a confession about his feelings for Trina and swears Joss and Cam to a promise. Plus, Victor throws Jordan off the trail of Esme.

Talk about too little too late! Spencer is only now beginning to have second thoughts!

With the walls closing in on them, Ava and Nikolas wind up having to work with someone rather unexpected in order to protect themselves. Is it simply a coincidence that this happens just as Jordan begins looking into Esme’s vanishing act?

When Willow needs a sounding board, TJ is there to provide it.

Get the popcorn ready, because things are about to get both nasty and physical between Nina and Carly!

Christmas comes early for fans of Rebecca Budig (ex-Hayden): She’ll be back on screen soon!

Thursday, August 18:

A conversation with Scott triggers a disturbing childhood memory for Liz, Chase gets a rock-n-roll makeover, and Dante remains suspicious of Cody.

Victor seems determined to get rid of Anna. Can Valentin convince his murder-minded dad that she is no longer a threat to his master plan? Meanwhile, Anna cooks up a new plan with Lucy, who might soon get an earful from Martin with regards to new guy Cody.

Brook Lynn is about to try and help Chase where his career is concerned. Anybody else get nervous whenever Brook Lynn tries to “help” her hunky would-be beau?

Having never met a dead horse she wasn’t willing to beat, Maxie tries convincing Britt that she should give Cody yet another chance.

Will the disturbing memory Elizabeth has today finally give more insight into what’s really been going on with her all this time?

Friday, August 19:

Liz has another episode, Finn makes a call for a consult regarding the nurse, and Austin returns to Port Charles, along with Mason.

Elizabeth’s past and present may be on a collision course after Finn reaches out to someone…

Things were going pretty swimmingly for Dante and Sam — even when they weren’t hanging out at the Metro Court pool. So why does he worry that he might have messed things up?

Will Alexis and Gregory’s latest encounter find them fighting or flirting? (Then again, with these two, those are practically the same thing!)

Austin gets together with a family member in order to set some firm boundaries.

When Britt confronts Cody, will sparks fly… or has the bridge between them already been burned to the ground?

Week of August 22:

Game-changer: The future of “Millow” — and Willow’s very life — hinges on a ‘huge decision.’

Monday, August 22:

Who doesn’t love a picnic? Of course, something tells us that when the Quartermaines host a fundraiser for the hospital, not everything will go as planned. (Wonder if, like at Thanksgiving, they’ll wind up trading burgers and hot dogs for pizza?)

Sam and Dante are at a precarious point in their relationship. Will a little push from Brook Lynn and Olivia help the pair take the next step?

Jordan and Marshall hash things out between them.

Wanting to get a better grip on her health crisis, Willow takes a meeting with Britt.

Ruh-roh. Dex has a bad feeling that Sonny might be on to him. And let’s face it… that could be a really big (potentially fatal) problem for the young hunk!

Nikolas might have to put all of his Cassadine wiles to use if he wants to keep the truth about Esme under wraps.

Curtis has a surprise for Portia.

Tuesday August 23:

When Willow sits Michael down for a talk, will she tell him the entire truth?

Leo jumps on the “let’s get Sam and Dante together” express by preparing them a, um, “special love drink” at the Quartermaine’s picnic. Dare we even ask what might be in it?

Are friends Carly and Drew going to explore the benefits of their relationship? Possibly, as they begin getting closer.

Ava and Nikolas pass the time by arguing. (But hey, we all know that on soaps, fights can often lead to explosive passion, right? Here’s hoping that’s the case for these two!)

What news does Portia receive regarding Trina?

Olivia makes her stance on the Sonny/Nina relationship perfectly clear. (Spoiler alert: She ain’t thrilled with it!)

Wednesday, August 24:

There’s a whole lotta love going around at the picnic. Over here, we have Chase finally admitting how he really feels, while over there Rory and Trina are getting to know each other much better. Perhaps inspired by Leo’s “love juice,” Dante has a change of heart. Finally, when Carly and Drew find themselves second-guessing their relationships, are they leaning into being friends… or considering becoming lovers?

Thursday, August 25:

In Port Charles, danger’s been known to get people’s emotions boiling over. Will that happen when Carly and Drew find themselves in a precarious situation?

Victor warns Ava that she would be wise to avoid crossing the Cassadines. (Perhaps someone should remind Victor of exactly how deadly Nikolas’ wife can be!) Meanwhile, although Nikolas is trying his best to bond with Spencer, his son is having absolutely none of it.

How will Elizabeth react to Finn’s confession?

Friday, August 26:

Terry’s last attempt to forge a love connection didn’t go particularly well (thanks to Amy’s interference). When the doc feels sparks, might she get another shot at love?

We might finally get a clearer picture as to what’s going on with Elizabeth when she has a very dramatic flashback.

Cody’s past in general (and his birth parents in particular) are a hot topic between Lucy, Felicia, Mac and Anna. Meanwhile, Britt tells Cody that she has no intention of talking about her father — now or ever!

Anna recruits a new partner in her efforts to get the goods on Victor.

Austin may find himself in a difficult position after Mason comes to him with a threat.

Spencer could be knocked for a loop when he finds out the truth, and Ava will find herself in the rare position of being caught completely off guard!

Celebrate Leslie Charleson’s 45th anniversary in Port Charles.


Days of Our Lives

Gwen gives her version of what went down the night Abby was murdered — plus, Li is horrified by what Rolf has to say, Stefan goes on the hunt for Gabi, and three Salemites receive a mysterious package from Orpheus.

Week of August 22:

Monday, August 22:

Is the truth about Abigail’s murder finally going to come to light? Perhaps… although that could depend on how much you’re willing to believe Gwen’s version of events, which she shares with Rafe.

The mind is a funny thing, and not to be messed with lightly. So it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that the attempts to brainwash Stefan don’t go exactly as planned! Meanwhile, Gabi finds herself getting suspicious of Li after she finds her lover with Dr. Rolf. After all, that’s not someone you meet with unless you’ve got a plot to cook up!

When Leo tells his story to Sloan — aka the woman who is supposed to help keep him from prison — will he tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Or will he, in true Leo fashion, twist things a bit?

Tuesday, August 23:

It looks as if Stephanie is very much her father’s daughter, especially in the stubbornness department. Kayla will attempt to mediate an argument between the two, but that could prove challenging!

When EJ accuses Ava of putting the moves on Johnny, is he showing fatherly concern for his son… or perhaps a little bit of jealousy?

Rolf probably wishes that Stefan were more like the original Frankenstein’s monster — meaning unable to speak — when Stefan starts asking questions and demanding answers.

What brings Paulina to John and Marlena’s doorstep seeking help?

Wednesday, August 24:

Even as a horrified Li reacts to the bombshell that is dropped on him by Rolf, Stefan is determined to reunite with Gabi. But will he get to her before someone can intervene?

Stephanie’s meeting is about to be interrupted by her dad, Steve, and his best friend, John. Meanwhile, their respective wives — Kayla and Marlena — are visited by the most unwelcome of people, Orpheus!

Thursday, August 25:

Gwen and Leo have been the prime suspects in Abigail’s murder for quite a while now. So what is the stunning news that Melinda has to share with them? Have they been cleared… or might she be charging both with the crime?

Cue the sexy saxophone tunes, because Eric and Jada are making some beautiful music together!

Chad and Stephanie carve out time to get reacquainted. Will she help the recently-widowed hunk begin to move on?

Alex has been putting the moves on half the ladies in Salem. But Sonny thinks maybe, just maybe, his brother isn’t the player he’s pretending to be!

Friday, August 26:

Nicole is upset to find an undressed Jada in Eric’s bedroom. (Of course, we can’t help but wonder exactly why Nicole is in her ex’s bedroom to begin with!)

Not so long ago, Paulina tried finding a way to come between Chanel and her girlfriend. Today, the mom will finally apologize to Allie for her actions.

Could the new guy and new gal in Salem find themselves drawn to one another? We can definitely report that Alex is smitten with Stephanie… but will she feel the same way?

Kate will no doubt feel incredibly vulnerable — something she doesn’t particularly love — when she asks Roman to give their romance another shot.

Week of August 29:

Monday, August 29:

With Orpheus lurking around town plotting, this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise: Marlena and Kayla are in what might best be described as a pickle. And not the delicious kind which go atop a burger, either!

Tuesday, August 30:

When EJ starts plotting to get rid of Ava, does he mean he wants to have her removed from the DiMera mansion or something far more permanent? (With the DiMera men, you never know!)

Wednesday, August 31:

What, exactly, is going to happen to Stefan? We may have a better clue after today’s episode, in which Rolf begins his work!

Thursday, September 1:

Is Christmas coming to Salem super early when John, Steve and Roman all receive packages? Based on what they contain — and that they come from Orpheus — we’re going to guess no!

Friday, September 2:

Chad — who apparently hasn’t been made to suffer quite enough yet — makes a horrifying discovery.

What devastating news will unite Justin, Bonnie and Alex?

Beginning September 12, Days of Our Lives will be airing exclusively on Peacock.

Brandon Barash may be gone as Jake but he’s back as Stefan!



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