Sunday, August 28, 2022

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for GH: Nicholas Alexander Chavez


Spencer Cassadine overheard stepmother Ava Jerome Cassadine blurt out that Spencer’s dad Nikolas Cassadine had slept with his son’s former girlfriend Esme Prince. The subsequent fallout widened the rift between father and son and also earned Nicholas Alexander Chavez, Spencer’s portrayer, Soap Hub’s Performer of the Week for GH honors.

Nicholas Alexander Chavez – Performer of the Week

Spencer had long fallen out of love with Esme (Kristen Avery Pohl) and we’re not sure he ever did care for her. But Nikolas (Marcus Coloma) didn’t know that. So while it was one thing for Nik to move on from his estranged wife Ava (Maura West) and share a romp with Esme, it was quite another for him to betray his relationship with his own son.

Rather than rush out of the Quartermaine mansion, Spencer chose to confront his father over his actions. Ava shortly excused herself after she reminded Nikolas that only he was to blame for this mess. The hurt and betrayal Spencer was feeling was written all over his face. Nikolas could do nothing except quietly try to explain his side of things and how the circumstances led to his one-time encounter with the calculating Esme.

Nicholas Alexander Chavez only assumed the role of Spencer a little over 13 months ago. He never played the part of a pre-teen but in these recent scenes, he displayed all the vulnerability of a child who’d been hurt deeply by someone he only wanted to love and trust — his dad.

Spencer’s pain, which Chavez so brilliantly brought to the screen, wasn’t about evil Esme. “She didn’t matter to me — but you did,” Spencer quietly proclaimed. “I love you. You are my dad. You meant everything to me. No longer. I’m done with you.” Bravo to Nicholas Alexander Chavez for another great performance!

Honorable Mentions: The hospital charity event at the Quartermaines was the backdrop for many developing storylines enabling several actors to shine. Kudos to Maura West for continuing to play Ava’s outrage, John J. York for displaying Mac Scorpio’s understated amazement upon meeting the late Dominique’s son Cody Bell (Josh Kelly), and Michael Easton’s Dr. Hamilton Finn, a man who refuses to give up on the woman (Rebecca Herbst’s Liz Webber Baldwin) he loves.

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