Sunday, October 16, 2022

Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For B&B: Katherine Kelly Lang


Katherine Kelly Lang shows Brooke’s vulnerable side.

Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For B&B: Katherine Kelly Lang

Brooke Logan Forrester is the quintessential soap opera heroine. She finds the love of her life only to lose him but she fully never loses hope. For her performance as a devastated wife, Soap Hub bestows Performer of the Week honors for Bold and the Beautiful on Katherine Kelly Lang, who plays Brooke.

Katherine Kelly Lang – Performer of the Week

The writers have positioned Brooke in a horrifying place but in doing so, they’ve also placed Katherine Kelly Lang where she shines the best — as a woman who will not let go of love no matter what twist of fate has recurred. Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye), acting on erroneous information, dumped Brooke and reunited with his ex-wife Taylor Hayes (Krista Allen). Time will tell if and when Thomas Forrester’s (Matthew Atkinson) duplicity comes to light. We also don’t know if such a revelation will cause Ridge to beg Brooke for forgiveness.

In beautifully shot scenes on location in Aspen, Lang played out Brooke’s utter devastation. Brooke, understandably, couldn’t believe what Ridge was telling her as tears filled her eyes. “I love you and I don’t want to lose you,” Brooke told Ridge, having no understanding at all as to what had prompted Ridge’s distant attitude.

Brooke asked Ridge to take her hand, then asked him to get on the plane so they could go home. Ridge said he couldn’t. The dude had already made up his mind. “It’s over,” Ridge said. “I don’t understand any of this,” Brooke replied. Ridge kept talking about honesty but Brooke was as incredulous as she was devastated by her husband’s words. “You can’t just leave me like this,” she insisted. “This can’t happen.” But, sadly for Brooke, it was. “Goodbye, Logan,” Ridge said as he walked away.

Cue the tears that Katherine Kelly Lang cries so well as Brooke. The heroine probably never thought she’d be in this position again. After all, Ridge has chosen her in the past so many times over so many others. Salt was poured into Brooke’s open wounds when Steffy appeared and clarified to Brooke what had just transpired. She was done.

When the Forrester pilot (Ryan Stroud) told Brooke, tears still streaming down her face, that they were going to be landing back in Los Angeles, a look came across Lang’s face that spoke to Brooke comprehending her new reality; she went to Aspen hoping to reunite with her destiny, but she’s returning as a woman headed for divorce, most likely.

A dazed and confused Brooke, back in her mansion, flashed back to happier times with Ridge. Her memories of the past were interrupted by a literal knock on her door. It was Bill Spencer (Don Diamont), ready to lend support before her divorce papers have even been signed, let alone filed.

Katherine Kelly Lang plays a woman that most. if not all, men on the B&B canvas want to protect and love. Brooke has found solace in Bill’s arms, which has some fans wondering if it’ll be too late for Ridge once he learns that he left Brooke under false assumptions. Stay tuned.

Honorable mention: Kudos to Jacqueline MacInnes Wood. Even though Brooke said Steffy wasn’t above doing a victory dance, Steffy was restrained as she made it clear that this was the end for her dad and Brooke. Wood embodied her character’s late grandmother and namesake Stephanie Forrester — by simply and firmly telling Brooke that her time was done and she needed to accept that Ridge and Taylor were back together. It would have been easy to go all Bobbi ‘Told Ya So’ Adler on Brooke but, instead, Steffy chose a more reserved path.

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