Saturday, October 22, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: October 24-28/October 31-November 4, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Asking for a friend: Uh, how high can stakes get? Because they get so high that you’d need a ladder to reach them, and it looks like they’re just going to keep rising! As Phyllis goes from pushing Diane over the edge to seeing if she can do the same with Sally, Billy goes from risking the end of his relationship with Lily to risking the beginning of a new understanding with Chelsea, and Devon goes from taking a knife to his ties with Nate to putting his connection to Amanda under the microscope.

Friday, October 21:

Diane reveals to Jack what Tucker has on her, Kyle and Summer revel in their love, and Tucker toys with Nikki and Talia.

Nikki puts Tucker in the hot seat, which must mean that at some point since his return to Genoa City, he at least briefly got out of it. We were starting to think the hot seat was the only place we’d ever see him!

Knowing that Phyllis shares a secret with Lauren only makes us all the more eager to know what it is ourselves.

After refereeing between their mothers and now dealing with Nick’s involvement with their former tormentor Sally, Kyle and Summer deserve a break — and they get one, too, when they take off to enjoy a romantic getaway.

Week of October 24:

Monday, October 24:

When Tucker reveals a dangerous plan, we have a hunch that the biggest danger will be… to himself. Everything that he’s up to seems destined to demolish any hopes he has of a future with Ashley and Devon.

What will Lily’s reaction be as she sizes up the competition? Will the relatively new power player feel up to the challenge before her… or will she begin to wonder what she’s gotten herself into?

Tuesday, October 25:

This can’t be good. Since Jack is making a confession to Ashley, can it be anything but that those old feelings for Diane have been reawakened?

Nikki’s never had a whole lot of patience to begin with, and today she loses what little she had.

We have issues with Phyllis’ behavior (read why here), but nonetheless, she keeps pushing, pushing, pushing Diane to the breaking point. Frankly, we don’t blame Diane for breaking, either; we would do!

Wednesday, October 26:

Is it the beginning of the end for Lily and Billy? Sure sounds like it could be when he crosses the line with her. Guess it’ll all depend on whether it’s a line that can then be uncrossed!

Just as Lily and Billy are hitting the skids, Adam and Chelsea seem to be reaching a new and improved place in their relationship as co-parents as he supports his ex.

Better late than never, Devon cuts ties with Nate. Good — ’cause he probably would’ve tried to steal Amanda next!

Thursday, October 27:

If Nikki is giving Nick tough love, the reason she thinks he needs it is likely his fledgling relationship with Sally. Do those two stand a chance?

Perhaps not. At the same time as Nikki is on Nick’s case, Sally is trying to take the high road with Phyllis. Good luck with that, Sally — Nick’s ex is on a tear this week.

We don’t recall Chelsea ever giving much thought to boundaries. Despite that, Victoria tries to set some with her where Johnny is concerned.

Friday, October 28:

It must be sweater weather in hell, because Adam and Victoria call a truce. Anyone wanna bet whether it lasts all the way till Monday or not?

Off his upset with Lily, Billy lends his support to Chelsea. Could she be getting the second chance with him that had been hoping for?

When Devon opens up about his relationship with Amanda, we could find out how Mishael Morgan’s recent decision is going to impact the couple’s future.


The Bold and the Beautiful

Hope finds the past rising up to interfere with her future, while Liam begins to wonder if his wife might be getting caught up in Thomas’ latest drama. Plus,Brooke may soon have to deal with a threat she doesn’t even know exists! Read on to find out who’ll be doing what to — and with — whom!

Week of October 24

Monday, October 24:

Deacon has repeatedly said that he would do absolutely anything for his daughter. But he might have to put his money where his mouth is when she asks him to come clean about something!

For weeks, Brooke has been wanting to have an honest dialogue with Ridge. Well, she may wind up regretting that when he opens up to share exactly how he’s feeling.

As Bold & Beautiful hurls a wrecking ball at Brooke’s life, Katherine Kelly Lang takes off.

Thomas and Steffy should brace themselves, because we’re pretty sure we know what’s coming next…

Tuesday, October 25:

Ridge is downright tickled by the romantic gift that Taylor presents him with. We can’t help wondering, however, if these two are living in a fool’s paradise, given that they are only really together because of the very nasty secret Thomas is sitting on!

Which lucky Los Angeles couple is considering taking a walk — or perhaps even a run — down the aisle? We’re not sure, but someone’s about to pop the question, and if they get the answer they’re hoping to hear, wedding bells could soon be ringing!

Wednesday, October 26:

Steffy may have been enthusiastically cheering a Ridge/Taylor reunion, but she definitely doesn’t feel the same way when it comes to the idea of her brother ever reconnecting with Hope. Is she right to be concerned?

Speaking of Hope and Thomas, things might get awkward between the pair when he asks a few pointed questions regarding something he heard from Paris.

Thursday, October 27:

Hope has a loving husband and is raising two beautiful children, but her life hasn’t always been quite so sunny. What dark memory from her past is about to make its presence known in her present?

You can almost hear someone shouting, “Let’s get ready to rumble!” as Brooke and Steffy square off with one another.

Never one to hold the sins of the father against the son, Liam sits down with Douglas and makes a touching request of the boy.

Carter’s been asking a lot of questions since Quinn walked out on him. But is there much more to the story than he suspects?

Friday, October 28:

Sheila has been very much enjoying her time with Deacon, so it’s no surprise that she sees a free-and-single Brooke as a threat. But just how far might she go in order to eliminate the competition?

Does Liam have reason to be concerned about his wife? He certainly thinks so after listening to a conversation between Hope, Thomas and Douglas!


General Hospital

It sounds like we’re about to get more clues as to what Victor’s master plan is. Meanwhile, one couple focuses on romance (at last), Liz and Terry go on a journey, and Willow gets an update on her health.

Week of October 17:

Monday, October 17:

Victor agrees to arrange for Valentin to see Charlotte, Cody agrees to the DNA test, and Carly is floored by what Peyton has to say to her.

When Carly gets a surprise, will it be a positive or negative one?

With Scott finally back in town, Mac and Felicia sit him down for a catch-up session. And boy, has he missed a lot!

Lucy and Anna wind up butting heads. Meanwhile, Victor tries to strike a deal with son Valentin.

Britt opens up to Cody, telling him a bit more about her past.

ABC soap vet pays a heartfelt tribute to AMCs/EONs Anne Flood, the “dear woman and stand-alone talent” that we’re all going to miss.

Tuesday October 18:

Esme warns Nikolas her father will punish him, Cody and Britt discover a safe deposit box key in Peter’s things, and [spoiler] is shot by someone wearing black gloves.

Lucy finds herself in a familiar position… in other words, one filled with danger!

Cody and Britt haven’t had the best of luck when it comes to their personal relationship, but he may score big points by offering to help her.

Esme has to defend herself… but from what or whom?

Good thing Scott’s back in town, because one of his clients — Ava — is in desperate need of advice. Earn that retainer, man!

Now that they’ve become lovers, Anna has even more reason than before to worry about Valentin.

Wednesday, October 19:

After being shot, Lucy goes missing from the pier. Nikolas thwarts Esme’s escape attempt, and a woman collapses after swimming to shore.

When Robert and Diane strike a connection, is it of the business or pleasure variety?

Esme finally is able to take a deep breath… but only for a moment before her relief is cut short.

As General Hospital cues up an especially dark turn for Jon Lindstrom, his real life is brighter than bright!

Ava and Nikolas do their usual dance as she confronts him.

Kristina and Alexis have had to deal with more than a few issues over the years. How much of the past will impact their present as they attempt to mend fences?

Anna points the finger at someone.

Thursday, October 20:

Things get a little crazy at the Quartermaine mansion, and new clues arise as to Lucy’s fate!

At long last, the one and only Holly Sutton finally returns today! (Perhaps now we can finally get answers to the burning questions: Who kidnapped her and why?)

Nina is made an offer, but it turns out it’s the kind she can refuse.

Ned and Michael have often had a contentious relationship, and that continues as they butt heads. Bet it’s over the future of ELQ…

Trina should proceed with caution as she finds herself being peppered with questions by Victor.

When Curtis has a change of heart, which of the women in his life will it impact?

See General Hospital’s Rebecca Budig reunite with a former leading man who… wait, is he really “reverse aging?”

Friday, October 21:

Holly has few answers for Robert, Anna is framed for shooting Lucy, and Carly spreads Virginia’s ashes.

At long last, Carly is able to find something that has often evaded her: peace of mind.

Laura Wright (Carly) and her ex celebrate parents weekend with their son who’s… wait, how can he be so grown up already?

Maxie and Sasha can’t help but be worried.

Two great minds are better than one, especially when it is Anna and Jordan who are putting their heads together.

Chase needs someone to confide in, but is Brook Lynn’s dad really the best choice? Meanwhile, the lady in question finds herself receiving a rather unpleasant reminder of something.

Week of October 24:

Monday, October 24:

It’s a tough call, but Jordan makes it. That’s why she gets the big bucks!

Get ready for a little chest thumping as Victor finds himself with reason to celebrate.

Sasha is updated on her legal situation.

Now that they’ve dealt with her past, Carly and Drew find themselves looking toward the future.

Laura Wright braces Carly fans before revealing a ‘new side to her’.

Something tells us that when Holly is stunned, we’re going to find our jaws hitting the floor, too!

Tuesday October 25:

We’re not gonna lie: Hearing that Cody and Britt make a discovery kinda makes us nervous, given that lately, that kinda thing far too often means finding another victim of the hook killer!

With best friend Terry by her side, Liz embarks on a journey.

When Josslyn crosses paths with Dex, will the sparks that tend to fly whenever they’re in a room together do their thing?

To whom is Victor about to make a revelation, and what will he share?

Nina and Ava have come a long way over the years. So why does Sonny’s lady friend suddenly find herself suspecting the motives of her martini-loving gal pal?

Wednesday, October 26:

Get ready, because Victor’s about to make his next move! How do we know? Because in true villain style, he announces it!

Having been friends for a long time, Cody decides to take Dante into his confidence. Meanwhile, Britt goes to Sam with a special request.

Maxie fills Austin in, while Felicia carves out time to catch up with a friend.

Thursday, October 27:

Since being sent to Pentonville, Spencer’s had to deal with some not-so-friendly folks. But today, he gets visitors whom he’ll very likely welcome.

What’s got Trina so distracted?

Victor finds himself being called out by Nina. But about what?

Mac and Felicia cross paths with Dante and Sam.

They took a long and winding road to romance, but Brook Lynn and Chase are finally focusing on their budding relationship.

Friday, October 28:

Terry figures out a way to create a distraction. But what is she trying to draw attention away from?

Finn learns a bit more about Liz via a conversation with her son, Cameron.

Carly makes a big decision.

Willow’s about to get an update on her health. Will the mom-to-be finally get some good news, or are things going to take an even more tragic turn.

Remember when Olivia had psychic powers? Bet they could have warned her about the nasty surprise she’s about to get!


Days of Our Lives on Peacock

Chloe can’t believe that Brady has already moved on — with Kristen, as Paulina is taken aback by Abe’s shocking announcement. Plus, the roles have reversed and Stephanie is the one begging Alex for something, Orpheus sends another disturbing gift, Wendy is caught in the act, and mismatched couples gather at the Horton Town Scare Festival!

Week of October 24:

Monday, October 24:

Still reeling from her recent heartache, Chloe gets yet another blow when she discovers that Brady has already moved on… with Kristen.

We’re not saying that Li is urging Stefan to continue romancing Chloe in order to protect his own relationship with Gabi… but yeah, he totally is. Meanwhile, Gabi just might be getting closer to the truth, especially if she can get Rolf to spill the beans!

Eric and Nicole find themselves dealing with a very familiar situation!

Tuesday, October 25:

Paulina isn’t what we’d call an easily flappable woman, but she’s going to be blown away by what Abe has to say.

Sloan thinks she’s in control, but she might want to keep a close eye on Chad and Stephanie, who have a plan to turn the tables.

You can’t keep a bad boy down, as Leo proves when he actually manages to get another job. But who in Salem would actually hire him?!?

Talk about nerve! Johnny goes to Chanel and Allie to ask them for a favor.

Wednesday, October 26:

Stephanie is gonna hate having Alex in a power position, but she has to beg him not to reveal what he knows.

Here’s hoping Sloan likes games, because whether she knows it or not, she’s playing cat-and-mouse with Chad!

Abe is usually the voice of reason, but will Paulina listen when he suggests she’s making a big mistake?

Will Sonny be able to get Allie to open up?

Thursday, October 27:

Halloween is always a creepy time in this particular town, but it’ll be even scarier as the various mismatched couples of Salem wind up crossing paths during the Scare Festival.

Marlena finds it awfully suspicious that Kristen and Brady suddenly have a close bond again. But can she get the DiMera scheme queen to reveal the truth? And what will John do when he finds Brady turning someone’s bedroom upside down?

Is it getting hot in here, or is that just Eric and Nicole steaming things up at their photoshoot?

Friday, October 28:

All Steve and Kayla really want from Orpheus is for him to leave them alone for good. So you can imagine them being less than thrilled when instead he gives them a disturbing gift.

Ava’s not only back, she’s lookin’ to make EJ pay!

Much as she may not want to, Stephanie will have to ask Alex for a helping hand. Meanwhile, Paulina is put on notice by Sloan!

Week of October 31

Monday, October 31:

They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but in the case of Ava’s quest to bring down EJ, it might be described as a piece of advice served up by her dead son, Charlie!

Tuesday, November 1:

They may have got off to a rough start, but when Stephanie needed him to come through, Alex did exactly that. How will Chad feel about this development?

Wednesday, November 2:

Having lived in Salem for years, Rafe has come to expect the unexpected. But he’s still blown away by the news Jada shares with him!

Thursday, November 3:

Wendy is pretty good at figuring out how to work around obstacles. But she could be in over her head when she’s caught by EJ!

When Johnny suggests that EJ might have done something nefarious to Stefan, will Susan defend her son or perhaps be the only person in Salem who can get him to answer honestly?

Friday, November 4:

What could possibly cause Ava — a woman who has gone through with some pretty wicked schemes in the past — to think twice about her plans for EJ?


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