Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Critic’s Review of The Young and the Restless: Pluses And Minuses


When it comes to Young and the Restless, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days, we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of Y&R’s week that was.

The Young and the Restless: A Critic’s Week In Review

Was this week’s Young and the Restless offerings perfect? No, not by any means. But more on that later.

What I’d like to begin with is praise for the underlining message that permeated the Copeland/Porter wedding – love is love, and it’s a real, powerful thing. It’s a sentiment that is as true as it is beautiful.

The wedding itself was true to who the brides were both as individual human beings and to who they are as a couple, and that was a thing of beauty in and of itself.

That being said, between the 70s esthetic and the weeks of hoopla, I fully expected the ceremony to be the funkiest, most rollicking, vow swapping shindig since One Life to Live’s Bo and Nora, and it wasn’t. It was fun, just not what I was expecting.

And I can’t help but feel that the Young and Restless costumer really missed the ball. Aside from the brides and one or two of the guests, I wasn’t seeing much ‘”70’s inspired glam.” Simply throwing someone into something sparkly or loud doesn’t cut it.

Also, Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) was the promised wedding crasher – seriously? Talk about overselling and under-delivering.

Further Y&R Musings

* Boy, do I love seeing Kate Linder, and Esther Valentine, on my screen. My one gripe? She should be living it up in the Chancellor manse.

Even after all this time, the home’s current occupants, Chance Chancellor (Conner Floyd) and Abby Carlton Newman Abbott Chancellor (Melissa Ordway), still feel like interlopers to me – and this is in spite of their bona fides.

If I had my way, Jill Foster Abbott (Jess Walton) and Esther would be the only people residing therein. That, Young and the Restless writers, is what Katherine Chancellor would have wanted.

* Here’s hoping that Young and the Restless learns from the mistakes of soaps past – looking at you All My Children – when it comes to planning future storylines for the newly minted Mmes. I do NOT want to see one or both of them macking on a man.

* Scene of the Week: Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) catching the bridal bouquet and quipping, “I think I’ve been married more than anyone in this room…the next time’s the charm!”

* Welcome, Allison Lanier (Summer), and kudos for hitting the ground running.

* Why wasn’t Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott), Tessa Porter’s (Cait Fairbanks) original benefactress, among the revelers at the nuptials?

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