Sunday, May 29, 2022

Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For DAYS: Elin Alexander


DAYS has made quite the find with mini actress Elin Alexander, who can more than hold her own with her fellow (grown) thespians. In fact, she’s got the ability to steal the whole darn show – and that’s a talent certainly worthy of Soap Hub’s Performer of the Week award.

Elin Alexander – Performer of the Week

You gotta love a young’un who knows their own mind. Holly Jonas was well aware of the fact that she earned herself a sweet treat, and she meant to get exactly what was due her…and that which was due was a slice of strawberry pie.

But since mama Nicole (Arianne Zucker) seemed in need of a reminder, Holly helped her out. First and foremost, what she wanted was indeed a, “summer pie.” It’s May after all. Furthermore, “I got all A’s except for one B. You promised I could have anything that I wanted.” And to prove that her character meant business, Alexander started the top of the explanation with hands planted firmly on her hips before folding them authoritatively across her little chest. Your move Nicole!

The humorous standoff was halted by the sudden appearance of Holly’s former step-pops, Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan). Holly sure was glad to see him, if Alexander’s enthusiastic greeting was anything to go by.

“Who’s this little girl,” Eric stone-facedly kidded, but Alexander pulled a face wrecked with such concern that she might have been forgotten that he had to make clear he was just being a big ole goofball.

With that out of the way, Holly wondered aloud if Eric was going to, “get back together with Mommy?” As delivered by Alexander, it wasn’t an accusatory question, just an earnest one.

And the answer, little one, was no. Eric’s a excommunicated priest once again and Mommy is with Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering). Speaking of Rafe, would Holly like to join him in scrounging for that strawberry pie? Sure she would. But first, another question. Is she being led away so that Eric and Mommy can talk? And she’s not asking in an attempt to be oh so precious. The way Alexander phrased it, it’s just Holly wanting to make sure she read the social cue properly. She did.

If only all soap opera children could be as wise – and non-grating – as Elin Alexander’s Holly.

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