Saturday, May 14, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: May 16-20, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to… Included among them — maybe you could have guessed! — are all the deets on Mariah and Tessa’s long-awaited nuptials. But on top of that, we reveal the tag team that’s formed by Diane’s “comeback,” the long-running character who’s about to kick her life into high gear, a potential couple in the making and the troubled soul who finds himself at a crossroads. Who’s who, and what are they up to?

Friday, May 13:

Nikki engages in confrontation, Crystal arrives, Sally works Victoria and Ashland, and Victor wants Michael to get rid of Locke!

It’s undoubtedly Lauren’s aforementioned worst fears realized when Victor gives Michael a dangerous assignment. Will the restless attorney take the Mustache up on his offer or decline after deciding to heed the old adage, “Happy wife, happy life”?

After recently learning that sis Crystal is coming to the wedding, Tessa’s past catches up with her. Will she come to regret scheduling the wedding she so painstakingly planned with her lady love, Mariah, for Friday the 13th?!?

Ashland put Nikki on notice when they crossed paths at the Grand Phoenix and informed her that the Newmans would never get rid of him, short of murder. But will he be singing a different tune this time around when Victor’s wife gives him his marching orders?!?!

Week of May 16:

Monday, May 16:

It wouldn’t be a wedding day without a whiff of disaster in the air, now would it? But we have a hunch that “Teriah” will muddle through to “I do” even as Tessa faces an unexpected crisis while she and Mariah prepare to walk down the aisle.

Tuesday, May 17:

Hope you RSVP’d “yes,” because today’s the day: Family and friends gather to attend Mariah and Tessa’s wedding.

Wednesday, May 18:

As the “I do” to-do of the year continues, Tessa and Mariah — and, presumably, viewers — celebrate their love. And we didn’t even have to pop for a toaster for the happy couple!

There’s always one, isn’t there? But when an unexpected guest crashes the wedding festivities, will it be one of the good kind… or bad? Whatever the case, you can follow the path that “Teriah” walked to happily ever after via our photo gallery that retells their whole love story.

Thursday, May 19:

If Phyllis catches Jack off guard, and she does, the possibilities are unlimited. Will she be taking an eyebrow-raising new stance on Diane, revisiting the romance they resolutely vowed not to start up again, or will she give her ex-husband pause over something altogether different?

When Noah turns on the charm, we can only imagine that it’s pointed in one direction.

Friday, May 20:

Here’s a pair that needs no reminding that two heads are better than one: Phyllis and Ashley discuss Diane’s latest move. The question is, will they be able to come up with a countermove to thwart the thorn in their sides?

Mother’s Day has come and gone, but Chloe may still have found the perfect present for Esther when she helps her mom start a new chapter. Maybe Katherine’s former maid is going to become an exec at Newman Enterprises or Chancellor-Winters! (Everybody else has!)

When Kyle faces a major decision, you can bet that it has to do with his back-from-the-dead mother. Despite the hurt that she caused him, will he decide to take a walk on the wild (read: dangerous) side and allow Diane to have contact with Summer and Harrison?


The Bold and the Beautiful

Ding-dong, the witch is… Well, not dead. Sheila does end up in police custody. In other developments, Brooke finally learns the answer to the $1M question (“Why did I drink on New Year’s Eve?”), Ridge decides between his wives (for now), Bill offers an unsolicited opinion, and Thomas reveals a truth that’s sure to have consequences.

Friday, May 13:

Sheila’s showdown with Steffy, Taylor and Ridge escalates after she admits to making Brooke drink, and Deacon stuns Hope and Brooke with a reveal.

Deacon may be fighting a losing battle against “destiny.” But he nonetheless doubles down on his theory about Ridge to Brooke and Hope.

During a heated fight with Sheila, Steffy recalls another shocking memory. We’re guessing she’ll expose the madwoman for pushing Brooke off the proverbial wagon on New Year’s Eve. Or will she? After all, the revelation could propel her father back to the blonde and out of her mother’s life!

Week of May 16:

Monday, May 16:

After hearing Deacon’s take on Ridge, Hope comforts Brooke as she desperately seeks answers to some nagging questions. We’re guessing one of her greatest hits, “Why did I drink on New Year’s Eve?” will feature heavily in the playlist.

Sheila is at her most dangerous when she’s cornered and under attack, and that’s exactly where she happens to be right now. As the she-devil refuses to go quietly, fight to the very end, we can only hope Steffy and her loved ones emerge unscathed as the madwoman refuses to go out quietly, fighting to the very end. Who are we kidding? We know they’ll be scathed… Perhaps it’s best just to hope they come out of the confrontation alive!

Though it looks like Sheila’s last stand...

Tuesday, May 17:

Hmm… this is shaping up to be a theme: Worried about the future of her relationship with Ridge, Taylor seeks counsel from Steffy. Will her daughter continue to encourage her to fight for a man who loves two women, or will she instead suggest her mom move on from the drama and find herself a “Finn” of her own?

In what could lead to a turning point in Ridge’s latest round of waffling between his current and ex-wife, he stands at Brooke’s side as she learns the horrifying truth about Sheila’s crimes. At long last she will have her answer to the gnawing — and absolutely maddening — question of why she drank on New Year’s Eve. Sweet relief!

Wednesday, May 18:

Well, this is bound to go over well with Ridge when he hears about it: Dollar Bill questions the dressmaker’s love for Brooke to Wyatt, Liam and Hope. Are we headed for another round of “Bridge” vs. “Brill”?

Alert the bookies and place your bets! The moment of truth arrives as Ridge renders a decision about his immediate future with Brooke and Taylor. Notice the teaser says “immediate,” as in “subject to change,” so you’ll also need to lay a separate wager on the outcome of the long game.

Thursday, May 19:

Still oblivious to the fact that Eric has been playing around with Donna and not on the pickleball court at the club as he claims, Quinn unites with her husband to help the Forrester family in their time of crisis.

When Ridge discloses his plans, Steffy gets emotional, and Taylor speaks her truth. We can’t even imagine how biting that candor might be if he reveals he’s choosing Brooke! If only Taylor had listened when we tried to warn her that Ridge just isn’t that into her. (We even included pictures, for Pete’s sake!)

Friday, May 20:

Unable to suppress his guilt, Thomas breaks down to Ridge about his involvement with Sheila. His father is bound to be upset that his son didn’t speak up immediately and engaged in yet another manipulation… but his good intentions and guilt might win the younger designer some brownie points. Brooke, on the other hand, is almost certain to be utterly unforgiving of her stepson.

It’s on like Donkey Kong! Get ready for a little — okay, a lotta — jailhouse rock when Deputy Chief Baker grants Brooke face-to-face time with an imprisoned Sheila.


General Hospital

Trina’s situation is causing friction among several different people, Sasha’s got to answer some tough questions, Bobbie overhears something surprising, and things get messy when Sonny, Carly and Nina all wind up in the same place at the same time!

Week of May 9:

Monday, May 9:

Cam tries to stall Esme so Spencer can search for evidence in her room, Terry and Chet go on their first official date, and Amy hears about it from another nurse who spotted them.

Carly is determined to get to the truth, but will she be able to dig it up?

Terry and Chet are finally having their date, and it seems to be going swimmingly. At least until she finds out something that could change everything.

With the visitation hearing coming up, it’s anybody’s guess as to how things will go. So of course, Nina and Ava decide to try and play “What If?” with the various scenarios.

How do you solve a problem like Marshall? That’s exactly what Curtis and TJ spend a little time trying to figure out.

Hey Spencer, it looks like someone else might have caught Trina’s eye… and Josslyn isn’t the only one who has noticed that sparks are flying between Trina and Rory!

Tuesday, May 10:

Spencer confronts Esme about her father after discovering her letters from Maggie, while Trina turns to Ava for help. Plus, Carly is caught red-handed by Drew.

We know Charlie’s serves drinks, but is popcorn on the menu? Because we’re gonna want some when Nina and Carly cross paths and wind up — as you’d expect —in attack mode!

After everything that went down between Alexis and Harmony, it makes sense that the former attorney wants to chat with Willow about her mom.

ELQ is a family company, but when the family in charge is the Quartermaine clan, you can be sure things won’t run smoothly. Can Ned, Drew and Michael come to an agreement regarding ELQ’s future?

Spencer has been playing a potentially dangerous game where Esme is concerned. (After all, this is the same young woman who set Ava’s car on fire!) When he searches her room, will he find evidence linking her to the crime she framed Trina for?

Cameron finds himself on the outs with both his girlfriend, Joss, and their gal pal, Trina.

When Calls the Heart preview: A belated birthday gift could lead to a life-alter decision for [spoiler] — plus, a storm is brewing in Hope Valley.

Wednesday, May 11:

Carly confesses a secret to Drew, and the psychic senses a dark and angry presence in Liz’s house.

Carly is usually the one who calls people on their behavior. So how will she feel when Drew gets in her face about what he recently witnessed?

How will Willow’s decision impact her and Michael’s future?

The already complicated situation that’s developed between Spencer and Esme takes another turn as the two circle one another, each trying to find out where the other stands.

Laura took it upon herself to get Sonny to promise no harm would come to Esme. But Nikolas, who is still angry about Sonny having threatened Spencer’s girlfriend, isn’t pleased when he comes across the mafioso and his mom together!

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Which is why Elizabeth, who is at her wit’s end where the mysterious events taking place at her home are concerned, brings in a medium! Will the truth finally be revealed?

Thursday, May 12:

Ryan’s memories offer clues to Esme’s mother, and Liz makes a connection that Finn doesn’t believe is real.

Spencer hopes that Britt might be able to lend him a helping hand.

Felicia is doing a little bonding with her grandchild when her babysitting gig is interrupted by an unexpected visitor.

Something catches Michael and Willow off guard.

Ryan put a lot of faith into Esme and her ability to do his bidding, but he’s not thrilled by the progress she’s made. Will her status update result in him giving her a new — perhaps more dangerous — set of marching orders?

An increasingly concerned Finn hopes that Laura might be able to reach Elizabeth.

Friday, May 13:

Michael swears to Dante that he’ll take everything from Sonny, Sam offers to help Willow find her birth mother, and Valentin identifies a weak link in the Quartermaine family.

The parents of Port Charles prepare for the school festival. Meanwhile, Olivia, Ned and Brook Lynn work as a team to get Leo ready for his big performance!

Dante and Sam come to Willow and Michael with news.

Something tells us that when Valentin and Martin put their heads together to come up with a plan, it will involve trouble for someone!

Jordan swings by to make sure that TJ is doing okay. Meanwhile, Curtis does that same with Nina, given all she’s been through of late.

It’s time for a little mother/daughter bonding as Carly and Joss head to the salon to get a mani-pedi!

Week of May 16:

Monday, May 16:

Leo’s been having a bit of anxiety about his performance, but today’s the big day. Surely having his family in attendance will help… right? Then again, the Quartermaines aren’t necessarily known for “helping” in high-pressure situations!

How will Ned feel about the offer being made to him by Drew and Michael?

Anna clearly has feelings for Valentin, and it sure seems as if the feeling is mutual. Then again, he recently had a lovely chat with ex Nina. Perhaps Felicia will be able to get to the bottom of the situation when she asks the charming Cassadine what his intentions toward her friend really are.

What did Stella know… and when did she know it? We’re about to find out when she finally confesses to Curtis.

Things with Spencer aren’t going quite the way Esme would like, so the vixen does what she does best: manipulate someone. But not Spencer… his dad, Nikolas! Meanwhile, it looks as if Trina has a bit of bad news to share with Ava and Portia.

Tuesday, May 17:

Yesterday, Michael and Drew were making an offer to Ned. Today, the guys are on the receiving end of a most unexpected offer… from Michael’s mom! What, exactly, does she have in mind? Meanwhile, Ned takes a meeting that could prove surprising…

Get the popcorn, because we’re going to save you a front-row seat as Ava and Esme butt heads! Meanwhile, Sam tells Spencer it’s time for him to cough up some answers!

Leo’s got something on his mind and, being a straight-shooter, puts it bluntly to Chase.

What will Gladys do with the info after she figures out what Sasha’s been hiding?

Wednesday, May 18:

When it comes to family problems, Sonny and Brando are both dealing with their share. Will either be able to provide the other with advice when they have a confab at the garage?

Portia has every reason to be concerned about Trina’s situation. When the fretting mom opens up to Curtis, will he be able to assuage her fears?

With Marshall still missing — and Brooklyn being where he supposedly ran off to — Molly and TJ head for the Big Apple to search for his grandpa.

Sasha would probably love to deny Gladys’ accusations, but when confronted with pretty solid evidence, will she crack?

Just when it’s looking as Brook Lynn and Chase will finally steam things up, they’re interrupted by… well, honestly, who cares who it is? The interruption is definitely unwanted!

Thursday, May 19:

Bobbie is in the right place at the right time — or the wrong place at the wrong time, depending on your perspective — and, after overhearing Carly’s conversation, has questions for her daughter.

Speaking of “right place, right time,” just as Nina is having a most uncomfortable encounter at The Savoy, who should walk in but Sonny. (Something tells us he’ll deal with the problem!)

Portia, Epiphany and Stella wind up taking things in a completely different direction!

The mystery surrounding Elizabeth isn’t likely to be much clearer after she has a tense encounter with Finn, Laura and Kevin. Meanwhile, Gregory gets to spend a little time with Violet at Kelly’s!

Friday, May 20:

Ah, you have to love life in a small town like Port Charles, where there are apparently only three places in which to grab a drink. That explains how Bobbie, Carly, Sonny and Nina all wind up at The Savoy. (You’d think Sonny would support his own business, Charlie’s!)

Michael and Willow are ready to share a little bit of a romantic evening.

TJ will have to leap into action to prevent a bad situation from becoming worse as things heat up in Brooklyn.

Violet’s theory has Finn and Gregory wondering if maybe the little girl has figured out something they’ve completely missed.

Portia will have to step in when Taggert gets in Jordan’s face about the Trina situation!


Days of Our Lives

It’s a race against time as Ciara and Ben fight to rescue their baby from the Devil, Kate questions Lucas regarding Sami, and Xander goes to Eric for a favor after he and Maggie struggle to keep the truth from Sarah — plus, while Johnny professes his love to Chanel, Gabi receives help from an unexpected ally!

Week of May 16:

Monday, May 16:

This is it, kids: The final battle between good and evil, as Marlena and her loved ones battle for the life and soul of Allie.

Ben and Ciara have fought for one another time and again, and their love has always proven unbreakable. But they’re now facing their greatest challenge yet as they fight for the life and soul of their baby boy!

It’s going to take more than an exorcism to rid Salem of such evil. As Days of Our Lives nears the end of the devil’s reign of terror, someone is killed — but there’s a twist!

As their family comes together in a time of crisis, Shawn and Belle find themselves drawn closer. Can they overcome the strife which has recently torn them apart?

Tuesday, May 17:

Well, this isn’t suspicious at all: Lucas returns to Salem, but doesn’t have true love (and unwitting kidnap victim) Sami by his side. That leaves us with some serious questions… which might be the same ones his mom, Kate, will be asking!

Headwriter Ron Carlivati warned that there were life-and-death stakes where the devil storyline’s conclusion was concerned, and today we find out exactly what he means. But who will die as Allie’s family deals with the aftermath of her possession.

Just when Ben and Ciara think things might be on the verge of going back to normal, they find themselves faced with an unexpected encounter.

Wednesday, May 18:

Who’s got a secret? In Salem, just about everyone, but in this case we’re talking specifically about Paulina and Lani, who aren’t being completely honest with Eli and Abe.

Xander and Maggie are keeping a secret from Sarah, but struggling to keep their lips zipped. Will they finally come clean with her?

What does Eric have to tell Nicole that leaves her feeling a little disappointed?

Thursday, May 19:

Xander hopes that perhaps Eric will do him a favor. (Dare we hope that the reformed scoundrel is asking the former priest to officiate at his wedding to Sarah?) Meanwhile, Nicole is taken aback by the accusation Sarah hurls in her direction!

Always ready to champion the cause of love, Julie urges Abe to be honest with Paulina and tell her exactly how he really feels. Meanwhile, Chanel and Lani are by their mom’s side when she needs them most.

Friday, May 20:

Sure, Johnny dumped Chanel about six seconds after they tied the knot, but — and this is an excuse you can probably only use once, maybe twice in a lifetime — the devil made him do it! Can he convince Paulina’s daughter that his love is true?

Gabi’s back is up against the wall, but she’s got an unexpected ally in her corner. Will they make the difference where her latest fight is concerned? Heaven knows she’ll need help, because it looks as if Chad and EJ are ready to put aside their differences and present a united front if it means they can drive her out once and for all!

Earlier in the week, Shawn and Belle seemed to be getting closer… but Jan’s about to work her wicked ways again. What does she do to get under her longtime rival’s skin this time?


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