Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Wild Twist That’s Electrified The Bold and the Beautiful


It seems like only yesterday that Eric Forrester forgave Quinn Fuller Forrester for her tryst with Carter Walton, the pair reconciled, and he sweetly serenaded her with It Had to Be You. The couple was back together, then faded into the storyline background where everyone just assumed they were living happily and lovingly ever after. That is until the soap delivered a wild twist that’s totally electrified The Bold and the Beautiful: Eric’s been having an affair with his ex-wife Donna Logan.

The Bold and the Beautiful: Trouble in Paradise

During the last couple of weeks, viewers have learned all’s not-so-well under the Forrester patriarch’s roof. Eric’s (John McCook) is still plagued by ED – at least as far as his wife is concerned. Yet, while Quinn (Rena Sofer) has been standing by her man and patiently waiting for things to get back on track in her marriage, her husband has been enjoying afternoon sex romps with Donna (Jennifer Gareis).

Switching Roles

The shocking affair – I mean, who saw that one coming? – has revved things up on a show that’s already jam-packed with action and drama. Eric, undeniably one of B&B’s most honest and aboveboard characters, is cheating on the wife he loves to satisfy his physical desires. Meanwhile, the once devious and adulterous Quinn is sacrificing her own needs to be with the husband she adores. It’s a perfect juxtaposition that suddenly makes Quinn the wronged party and Eric the bad guy.

The Bold and the Beautiful: Back on Top

The plot twist has brought Quinn and Eric back to The Bold and the Beautiful forefront and raised the stakes regarding the future of a pair who truly love one another, but have been plagued with major issues over the past year. And the best is obviously yet to come when Quinn learns what’s been going on behind her back.

The Wrath of Quinn

Remember, months back she forced Eric to fire Donna when she learned his ex was still able to arouse him. And, before that, Quinn ferociously warned Donna to stay away from her man or else. A truly scorned Quinn likely won’t bode well for Donna and could unleash the dormant diabolical hellcat of yesteryear. Who knows? It could be just the thing to turn Eric on and send him racing back home to Quinn and their bedroom.

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