Saturday, May 7, 2022

DAYS Spoilers For May 9: DevAllie Takes Ciara’s Baby And Runs With It


The DAYS spoilers for Monday, May 9, 2022, tease a supernatural baby napping, heartsick parents, a villain’s true colors shining through — much to his kin’s chagrin — and more. You won’t want to miss a minute of this brand-new episode.

DAYS Spoilers Highlights

While Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) and Ciara Brady Weston (Victoria Konefal) mourn their missing baby, a possessed Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) bundles the little tyke up and has a rendezvous with Evan Frears (Brock Kelly).

Once the partners-in-mischief and mayhem exchange pleasantries, Evan wonders aloud what the Devil wants with the Westons’ offspring. And since Satan is in an obliging mood, it sits Evan down and reveals all. To say that Evan is stunned would be an understatement…so you know it has to be good — really bad? — to shut up an unrepentant murderer.

Days of our Lives Spoilers: Pointing The Finger

Eli Grant (Lamon Archey) isn’t sure how much clearer he can make this for Lani Grant (Sal Stowers). Her father, the supposedly reformed movie mogul, TR “I No Longer Inject Heroin And I’m Team Women” Coates (William Christian) is the one who put a bullet in his dome…and he was happy to have done it! Your move, Lani.

DAYS Spoilers: Fist Of Fury

If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again. And if you still don’t succeed, resort to violence — that’s pretty much TR’s motto.

And since he’s tried, and failed, to convince Paulina Price (Jackée Harry) to take him back — which means he won’t have access to her overflowing piggy bank — TR’s decided to let his frustrations out through his fists! Here’s hoping that there’s somebody able to come to Paulina’s rescue…or at least something sharp and/or heavy within her reach; sometimes a sister just has to do it for herself.

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