Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Critic’s Review of General Hospital: Choppy Pacing & Family Feuds


When it comes to General Hospital, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days, we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of the GH week that was.

General Hospital: A Critic’s Week In Review

I really wanted to like the special, Laura Collins (Genie Francis) centric episode of General Hospital, but I just didn’t. The pacing was choppy, I objected to some of the characters used therein – surprise, surprise, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) was shoehorned in – and nothing ultimately resulted from it. There was no resolution – we still don’t know who founded the group – and even a cursory look at the spoilers proves that they’ll be no follow-up.

And while I did appreciate seeing that retro clip of Bobbie Spencer (Jacklyn Zeman) rocking poor Laura’s world, haven’t we seen these two bury the hatchet about a half dozen times? Stop going back to that well. It’s dry.

The obvious highlight, and the scene that made every lackluster one before and after it palpable, was the one between Francis and Jeff Kober’s Cyrus Renault. Talk about a master call. And you want to know something, Cyrus had a point. Laura’s worship of Sonny blinds her.

My final takeaway from the whole enterprise: Francis is just as luminous now as she was back in 1978. How this is even possible one will never know. Perhaps talent staves off the aging process.

Further GH Musings

* Quotable General Hospital

Olivia: The Quartermaine’s may be a little bit backstab-y. Maybe, occasionally, a little bit of money-grubbing. Or, once in a blue moon, even a little bit bloodthirsty. Okay, nobody ever said that this family did not have its –
Brook Lynn: Foibles?
Michael: Faults?
Brook Lynn: Fatal flaws?
Olivia: I was going to say moments!

* Was anybody else thrown by how…reasonable Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) was when apprised of her daughter’s excursion to The Highsider?

* While I was utterly thrilled with Ned Quartermaine’s (Wally Kurth) decision to throw his all behind Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart), I wish it had come about simply because Ned felt a certain way about how Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) were treating him.

Instead, it seemed like it was Lucy Coe’s (Lynn Herring) caution that without a common foe to rally against the Q’s would resume backbiting one another that spurred Ned to take the action that he did.

A Critic’s Review of Days of our Lives: The Art Of Stretching A Story


When it comes to Days of our Lives, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of the Days of our Lives week that was.

Days of our Lives: A Critic’s Week In Review

Given that Days of our Lives will soon be losing Lamon Archey and Sal Stowers, I understand that the soap had to bring the truth about TR Coates’s (William Christian) shooting to light, and, of course, they wanted to do so in a way that would ring out the most drama possible…and stunning confessions at a wedding are a genre staple.

And just to be clear, I loved Abe Carver (James Reynolds) and Paulina Price Carver’s (Jackée Harry) wedding ceremony itself. But much like the buildup to the Abigail Deveraux DiMera’s (Marci Miller) whodunit, the whole exercise was contrived and rushed.

The service was planned in just a few hours, out-of-state guests were able to fly in at a moment’s notice, and Lani buckled after being haunted by TR’s ghost for all of two days.

Sure, this is Days of our Lives – the soap where anything and everything can happen – but would it have killed the writers to actually build to this moment? Heck, I would have been far more satisfied if the proceedings had been stretched for merely two or three more shows.

Imagine it: Abe and Paulina set the date on Monday; preparations get underway on Tuesday; guests begin pouring in on Wednesday; the ceremony commences on Thursday and climaxes with Lani’s confession; on Friday we experience the fallout, and all throughout the specter of TR taunts Lani.

There I go again, playing armchair head writer.

Further DAYS Musings

* If Chanel Dupree DiMera (Raven Bowens) were smart, she’d kick those squabbling, selfish twins to the curb and find herself a more mature and settled partner.

* Nobody, but nobody can pull a face that screams unrequited love written all over like Greg Vaughan. I might not be pulling for Eric and Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker) to reunite, but gosh darn it Vaughan doesn’t make me want to…almost.

A Critic’s Review of The Bold and the Beautiful: A Special Effects Surprise


When it comes to The Bold and the Beautiful, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days, we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of B&B’s week that was.

The Bold and the Beautiful: A Critic’s Week In Review

Boy, that stunt sure was something. Was it perfect? No. I’m still wondering how Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) ramming into the back of Li Finnegan’s (Naomi Matsuda) vehicle caused it to erupt in a fireball. Also, where did that random pier come from? Weren’t they just driving straight on an interstate highway?

But you know what? Kudos and a big thank-you to The Bold and the Beautiful for spending the time and the money. I honestly cannot remember the last time a soap opera aired a special effects-laden spectacular of that magnitude.

If only the whole thing hadn’t come at the expense of Matsuda and the dumbing down of Li.

Further B&B Musings

* All this time has gone, and I still can’t quite get a handle on Paris Buckingham (Diamond White). I’d love if once and for all B&B could decide who she is and what makes her tick.

* If Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) is as concerned for Brooke Logan Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang) and her safety as he claims, why not just move back home and protect her? Or, baring that, why not insist that she come and stay at the Forrester compound until Sheila is back behind bars?

* Remember when an episode of The Bold and the Beautiful would be chock full of flashbacks to Sheila switching the labels on the champagne bottles and Brooke wondering aloud, “Why did I drink that night?! Why did I so want to drink on New Years?” I miss those days. Now the episodes are featuring audio snippets of scenes that took place minutes earlier. As if we’d forget what was just said.

A Critic’s Review of The Young and the Restless: The Glory Of Gloria


When it comes to Young and the Restless, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days, we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of Y&R’s week that was.

The Young and the Restless: A Critic’s Week In Review

What was there to like about last week’s The Young and the Restless? Well, the twelve or so minutes that Judith Chapman was on my screen were absolutely Gloria-ous, and what I truly appreciated was the subtle dig that the writer of the episode took at us viewers.

We do take Gloria for granted. We do look at Gloria as a big joke. A most welcome joke to be sure, but a joke nonetheless. How nice it was to be reminded that Gloria is someone who has been through it. She’s survived men walking out on her, men who abused and used her, she’s gone for years at a time with barely two nickels to rub together, and yet she’s still here, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to greet the day’s challenges. If only we could all be a Gloria.

I’m also happy to report that I might soon owe Josh Griffith, The Young and the Restless head writer, an apology – and if I do, you’ll find it this column. It does seem like we’re in for a ‘Victoria Newman Was Scamming Ashland All Along’ plot point, and if that proves true, then I will, metaphorically, eat my words which condemned Griffith for not understanding the character of Victoria (Amelia Heinle). Lulling Ashland (Robert Newman) into a false sense of security so that she can swipe the remaining bribe that he accepted from her family out from under him is exactly the kind of thing that old-school Victoria would do.

Also, can I just admit to you all how I howled every time the camera would cut to a shot of Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) in her “disguise”? If the point was to be inconspicuous, big fail. If the point was to entertain, well done Y&R! I swear that there were times that Stafford was literally vamping for the camera, especially in those scenes where she was eavesdropping on Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) and Michael Baldwin (Christian Le Blanc). Surely you saw her, standing there one hand on hip the other placed just so on the hat…

Further Y&R Musings

* First and foremost, massive kudos to trailblazer Mishael Morgan! Second, I hope her momentous win will translate into some actual story. Maybe, we could actually see Amanda Sinclair’s visit with her mother. Maybe, we could actually watch the two women reckon with the past, their present, and their very shaky future. Just a thought or two.

* Yay, more scenes of Noah Newman (Rory Gibson) and Allie Nguyen (Kelsey Wang), I believe said no one, ever. Are there fans of this bourgeoning couple out there? If you exist, write me in the comments below and tell me why. Me? I still holding out hope that the Powers That Be at The Young and the Restless get Morgan Obenreder back as Crystal Porter and pair her opposite Gibson. Now there was chemistry.

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for GH: Genie Francis


General Hospital dedicated its 15,000 program to the show’s star — Genie Francis, who has played Laura Webber Collins since 1977. Laura has gone from angst-ridden teen to the confident mayor of Port Charles and was appropriately highlighted in this milestone episode. Soap Hub is honoring Francis with Performer of the Week for GH honors upon the beloved actress.

Genie Francis – Performer of the Week

The episode began with Laura getting out of her car at the General Hospital parking lot. “All my life this place has been a sanctuary — a place where I felt safe and welcome, almost a second home and today will be no different no matter what trouble I’m facing,” Laura said about GH. The sentiment likely also holds true about Francis and General Hospital (the show, that is — not the Port Charles medical facility).

We knew Laura was facing jeopardy but it took her ex-husband Scotty Baldwin (Kin Shriner) to inform viewers just what Laura’s predicament was. She was being recalled as town mayor courtesy of a group of folks who wanted a recall put on the ballot. This story beat allowed Francis to shine as Laura did what he did best — overcome the odds. We’ve seen Laura conquer overcoming the odds numerous times. She’s battled a mad man who wanted to freeze the world so, it wasn’t surprising for Laura to shoot down the idea of squashing the recall. She is ready to tackle the problem head-on!

Flashbacks were peppered throughout the episode, reminding us just how long Francis and Laura have been a part of our lives. We saw Laura and Scotty get married in the park; the lifelong love Laura expressed for Scotty that day has changed over the years into a deep friendship. We were also treated to a scene from Laura and Bobbie Spencer‘s (Jacklyn Zeman) tumultuous early days when Bobbie, wearing Laura’s ring from Scotty around her neck, taunted Laura, making her think that Scott had chosen to be with her.

Laura was relieved to discover that Bobbie thought she was signing a petition to save the whales and not a petition to have her recalled. Later, we learned at the show’s halfway mark that Laura’s half-brother Cyrus Renault (the always-terrific Jeff Kober) played a role with the group that wants to recall Laura. Cyrus taunted Laura about the rise in crime since she became mayor. Laura shot back that there’s been less crime since Cyrus was put behind bars. “Where was God in that?” Laura asked Cyrus about the presence of the Lord when he wrote the editorial asking for her to be recalled.

“Cyrus, I forgive you. Thank you for watching out for Port Charles,” Laura said seemingly earnestly, leaving Cyrus speechless. Safely away from the glass window that separated her from her convicted sibling, Laura composed herself, proud that she’d stood up to her attacker.

The episode ended with most of Port Charles (well, most of the show’s current cast) gathering at Charlie’s Pub after a softball game. The episode ended with Genie Francis’s Laura voicing her rebuttal, touting the positivity in Port Charles. “We’re not just a town, we’re a family,” Laura said. “We take care of each other.” She closed by saying that it was a possibility that she’d lose the recall however, she remains hopeful that everyone would continue to grow under a successor. Brava to GH for giving Genie Francis this special episode — it was a gift to not only her but also the show’s many fans.

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for Y&R: Judith Chapman


The Young and the Restless viewers know that Gloria Abbott Bardwell will do whatever she has to in order to survive, including throwing her own children under the bus. Ultimately, people underestimate her, but she’s still standing. For her performance, Soap Hub Performer of the Week honors for Y&R is presented to Gloria’s portrayer, Judith Chapman.

Judith Chapman — Y&R Performer of the Week

In a surprising moment, Gloria walked right into Society interrupting a tense moment between Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) and Chloe Mitchell Fisher (Elizabeth Hendrickson). Chapman literally livened up the scene with the flair she injects into Gloria. Not only is her fashion, makeup, and hair on point, but also she brings the gestures and facial expressions to make the whole larger-than-life thing work.

While Chloe seemed wary of her zany mother-in-law, Glo spoke right to that. She mentioned that she may just be seen as comic relief, and that moment resonated both on-screen and with fans because Judith Chapman as Gloria often brings lighter moments to the show. Ultimately though, Gloria and Chapman are still standing, in part, because people underestimated them.

Any week that brings Gloria and Chapman back to our screens is a welcome one. We love watching what new trouble she manages to get her on-screen alter ego in every time she’s in storylines. At this point, she’s a spiritual guru, and we’d love to see more of that. Bravo Judith Chapman on a superb performance.

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for B&B: Lawrence Saint-Victor


We’ve seen Lawrence Saint-Victor play a wide range of emotions since Carter Walton began an affair with Quinn Fuller Forrester. Now, The Bold and the Beautiful has cast him in the role of a guilt-ridden man in love who is going to marry one woman in the hopes he can forget another. For his passionate performance, Soap Hub bestows Performer of the Week honors for B&B on Saint-Victor.

Lawrence Saint-Victor – Performer of the Week

Folks do all kinds of crazy things to get over heartbreak. B&B has tasked Lawrence Saint-Victor with having his character propose marriage to Paris Buckingham (Diamond White) hoping it will help him move on as the woman he truly loves — Quinn Fuller Forrester (Rena Sofer).

When Carter proposed to Paris, it was as if he was trying to convince himself — not her — that this was right move. “I was deluding myself,” Carter explained to Paris, who expressed surprise over Carter bringing up their future. “I wasn’t seeing things the way they really are.”

The irony, of course, is that Carter is deluding himself. He may not know it yet but committing to Paris won’t make him happy in the long run. Of course, on one hand, he’d be lucky to spend the rest of his life with Paris. She’s kind, bright, full of energy and positivity. She also sings beautifully and is great with kids. However, it’s not fair to her — or Carter — as he is still in love with Quinn.

Saint-Victor is bringing an understated passion to this storyline. We see him wanting to burst out the truth but he can’t or won’t. We’ve seen Carter passionately declare he wants what everyone appears to have — a mate, a family, a future. Time will tell if he gets those things in life with Paris or Quinn or someone else. What we do know is that Carter’s portrayer, Lawrence Saint-Victor, has captured the hearts of B&B viewers with his compelling performances.

Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For DAYS: Sal Stowers


They say that confession is good for the soul, and that was certainly true for DAYS’ Lani Grant. Her admission that it was she, and not her mother who shot and killed TR Coates proved to be the catharsis she was in desperate need of – and it earned actress Sal Stowers Soap Hub’s Performer of the Week honors.

Sal Stowers – Performer of the Week

While her alter-ego was in cop mode, Stowers projected gritty determination and affective empathy in equal amounts. But the minute that Lani’s guilty conscience began manifesting itself in the form of a blood-soaked TR (William Christian), Stowers devolved into a panicked mess.

She pinched her eyes closed, thrust her hands up to her temples, and began to massage them in an effort to dissipate the horror standing before her.

When TR began to lambast Lani for taking his life and letting Paulina Price (Jackée Harry) take the fall and failing in her duties to uphold the law, Stowers undertook an emotional 180.

Suddenly in TR’s face, her irises flashing fire, Lani loudly reminded him of his trespasses. “You tried to kill Eli! I had to try to stop you from hurting anyone else!”

Thanks to Eli’s (Lamon Archey) timely intervention, Lani was brought back to her senses, and for a moment she was free of TR’s specter…but he was still there…waiting and watching…and judging.

Stowers spent the next several scenes guiding Lani along a knife’s edge. On the surface, she was all smiles; underneath, a nervous wreck.

When the pressure finally became too much to bear, and Lani stunned those who’d gathered to watch Abe Carver (James Reynolds) and Paulina tie the knot with her revelation, Stowers did so without any discernable hysterics. In point of fact, the very act of owning her actions seemed to lift Lani’s spirit and bring about a sense of peace. Stowers was finally (playing) a woman unburdened.

Honorable Mention: Susan Seaforth Hayes

The work she put into Julie Williams’s stirring speech, the one that convinced an entire wedding party to cast a deaf ear to Lani’s truth, is more than worthy of praise, but it’s actually her delivery of the lines, “It doesn’t matter who pulled the trigger. The bastard got what he deserved,” for which we’re recognizing Seaforth Hayes.

Weekly Spoilers on TPKs Stories


Saturday, June 25, 2022

49th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards: The Complete List of Winners


There was more glitz and glamour at the 49th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards than during last year’s ceremony, but the COVID pandemic’s presence was still affecting things.

The 49th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards: Live Coverage

That didn’t stop the casts and crew from all the daytime soaps — Days of our Lives, General Hospital, The Bold and the Beautiful, and The Young and the Restless — from celebrating the biggest day of the year — at night. Here is your complete list of winners in the biggest awards below.

The Winners List

Outstanding Drama Series
Beyond Salem, Peacock
The Bold and the Beautiful, CBS
Days of our Lives, NBC
General Hospital, ABC — WINNER
The Young and the Restless, CBS

Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Drama Series
Marci Miller (Abigail DiMera, DAYS)
Mishael Morgan (Amanda Sinclair, Y&R) — WINNER
Cynthia Watros (Nina Reeves, GH)
Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos, GH)
Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker, DAYS)

Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Drama Series
Peter Bergman (Jack Abbott, Y&R)
Eric Martsolf (Brady Black, DAYS)
John McCook (Eric Forrester, B&B) — WINNER
James Reynolds (Abe Carver, DAYS)
Jason Thompson (Billy Abbott, Y&R)

Outstanding Writing Team for a Drama Series
Beyond Salem, Peacock
Days of our Lives NBC — WINNER
General Hospital ABC
The Young and the Restless CBS

Outstanding Performance by a Younger Performer in a Drama Series
Lindsay Arnold (Allie Horton, DAYS)
Nicholas Alexander Chavez (Spencer Cassadine, GH) — WINNER
Alyvia Alyn Lind (Faith Newman, Y&R)
William Lipton (Cameron Webber, GH)
Sydney Mikayla (Trina Robinson, GH)

Outstanding Directing Team for a Drama Series
Beyond Salem, Peacock
Days of our Lives, NBC
General Hospital, ABC — WINNER
The Young and the Restless, CBS

Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Bryton James (Devon Hamilton, Y&R)
Jeff Kober (Cyrus Renault, GH) — WINNER
Aaron D. Spears (Justin Barber, B&B)
James Patrick Stuart (Valentin Cassadine, GH)
Jordi Vilasuso (Rey Rosales, Y&R)

Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Kimberlin Brown (Sheila Carter, B&B)
Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis, GH)
Stacy Haiduk (Kristen DiMera, DAYS)
Melissa Ordway (Abby Chancellor, Y&R)
Kelly Thiebaud (Dr. Britt Westbourne, GH) — WINNER

Outstanding Performance by a Guest Performer in a Drama Series
Robert Gossett (Marshall Ashford, GH)
Ted King (Jack Finnegan, B&B) — WINNER
Michael Lowry (Dr. Clay Snyder, DAYS)
Naomi Matsuda (Dr. Li Finnegan, B&B)
Ptosha Storey (Naya Benedict, Y&R)

Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series
Days of our Lives / Beyond Salem NBC | Peacock
Dogs, Netflix
General Hospital, ABC
Start Up, PBS
The Young and the Restless, CBS — WINNER

Outstanding Original Song
Grateful For It All, Y&R — WINNER
Next To You, Y&R
Talks With Mama Tina Theme Song, Talks With Mama Tina (Facebook Watch)

Soap Hub congratulates all the winners of the 49th Annual Daytime Emmys.

Daytime Emmy History

In 1972, the first daytime-themed Emmy Awards were handed out during the primetime ceremony, when The Doctors and General Hospital were nominated for Outstanding Achievement in a Daytime Drama — with The Doctors winning the first Best Show Daytime Emmy. Also at that same ceremony, Outstanding Achievement by an Individual in a Daytime Drama was awarded to Mary Fickett from All My Children.

Soap History

The Bold and the Beautiful made its debut in 1987 and introduced glitz and glamour to daytime soap operas. It has outlasted other soaps to become a mainstay for many households. Needless to say, three decades of storylines have kept viewers locked in and wanting more. BB airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for air times.

Days of our Lives made its debut in 1965 and is one of the longest-running daytime soap operas in American history. It has outlasted other soaps to become a mainstay for many households. Needless to say, five decades of storylines have kept viewers locked in and wanting more. DAYS airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for air times.

General Hospital made its debut in 1963 and is the second longest-running daytime soap opera in American history. The longest-running sudser is Guiding Light. While it’s not the longest-running sudser, General Hospital is the longest-running soap opera currently on air. GH airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for air times.

The Young and the Restless made its debut in 1973 and introduced more sexual undertones and younger characters to daytime soap operas. It has outlasted other soaps to become a mainstay for many households. Needless to say, four decades of storylines have kept viewers locked in and wanting more. YR airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for air times.

Peter Reckell Celebrates John Aniston’s Lifetime Achievement Emmy


Bo Brady’s life turned upside down in the mid-1980s when he learned that Victor Kiriakis — not Shawn Brady — was his biological pop on Days of our Lives. While Bo didn’t always want to give Victor ‘Father of the Year’ awards, Bo’s portrayer, Peter Reckell, tells Soap Hub he is thrilled that John Aniston, who plays Victor, is getting the Daytime Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award.

Peter Reckell Praises John Aniston

“[John] certainly deserves it,” Reckell tells Soap Hub when we informed him that his TV dad, who has played Victor Kiriakis since 1985, was getting the Daytime Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award. “It’s in the genes!” chuckles Reckell, hastening to add, “[John] is so easy to work with. I’d go to his room to run scenes and there’d be three or four jokes [from] him first. There was that sense of ease.”

Bo and Victor’s Tumultuous DAYS

Reckell says that a sense of comfort at the studio affords actors the ability to create better work.

“The whole thing with acting is having the environment be easy,” the actor shares. “John and I ran the gamut of things that we’d do with each other on-screen. Our characters would be angry with each other or they’d love each other. It was one of the most powerful relationships on the show.”

Peter Reckell Praises John Aniston’s Acting

Reckell can’t recall catching his TV dad phoning in his performances. “John played it all,” he says. “When you catch someone acting, then they’re not a good actor. But you would never ‘catch’ John acting. He’s one of the best actors I’ve ever worked with. There are people like him and [the late] Frances Reid [Alice Horton]. They’re part of who I am. I learned so much from that man. I’m so proud that he’s getting that award.”

The 49th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards air Friday, June 24 at 9 p.m. on CBS. Keep up with the live red carpet action on Soap Hub’s social media accounts, which you can find below.

Why Jason Thompson and Melissa Ordway Will Miss The Daytime Emmys


Jason Thompson and Melissa Ordway are both nominated for a Daytime Emmy for their respective roles as Billy Abbott and Abby Chancellor on The Young and the Restless. However, neither actor will be attending the ceremony and they’ve both shared with their fans the reasons why.

Jason Thompson Is Missing Two Big Events This Weekend

“After 2.5 years of dodging Covid…I finally tested positive!” Thompson shared on his Instagram account. “I’m very sorry to say I won’t be attending the @daytimeemmys tomorrow night and that’s a bummer!!

“To all my fellow nominees and friends, I wish you all the best, have a fantastic night celebrating what we do,” the actor added. “To the best fans in the world, like most of you I will be watching from home cheering on our favorites on @cbstv!! Thank you for an amazing year @youngandrestlesscbs and @sonypictures. I’ll be back to work in a week or so to try and earn another invite to the big night!!! Lots is love!”

Melissa Ordway Is Missing Out On A Life-Long Dream

“It has always been a dream of mine to be nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award and to bring my parents to the show. It was about to come true, until I tested positive for Covid yesterday afternoon,” Ordway posted on Instagram. “I’m so disappointed that I won’t be able to celebrate with everyone on Friday. I’ve cried lots of tears.

“Thankfully, I’m asymptomatic. I’m super grateful no one in our home is sick,” Ordway continued. “What a blessing.”

The actress went on to send her well wishes to her Y&R family, and she apologized to her parents for not getting to take them to her big night. She said that she’ll be cheering everyone on from her couch.

Stay West, Young Man

Thompson shared in his post that he’ll not only be missing out on the Daytime Emmys and finding out in person whether or not he wins the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Lead Performance in a Daytime Drama Series: Actor. He was also looking forward to spending the evening with the daytime community and his fellow nominees including Peter Bergman (Jack Abbott). Thompson did win this award two years ago in a virtual ceremony. He added that he’s also going to be missing out on a friend’s wedding this weekend in Wyoming that he’d planned on attending.

The good news is that Thompson says he’s currently only feeling the effects of what feels like a minor cold. The fan-favorite, who began his daytime career playing Dr. Patrick Drake on General Hospital, is receiving some words of support from former costars. “Awwwww Jason… so sorry dude,” posted Kimberly McCullough (ex-Robin Scorpio Drake). Marc Anthony Samuel (Felix DuBois) wrote, “Get well soon J!” And Thompson’s Y&R co-star Greg Rikaart (Kevin Fisher) shared, “Oh dude. So sorry. Hang in there.”

Wishing Jason Thompson and Melissa Ordway Good Health

Soap Hub joins Thompson and Ordway’s daytime pals in wishing them both a speedy recovery. Check out his full post below. The 49th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards air this evening, Friday, June 24 at 9 p.m. ET on CBS

Which Character Needs To Return To The Bold and the Beautiful?


After 35 years on the air, The Bold and the Beautiful has a treasure trove of characters who are out there in the ether and can easily be brought back to create new story or move the current story.

The Bold and the Beautiful Polling

The most recent B&B comeback to change the trajectory of stories across the canvas was Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown). As always, her path of destruction was wide and it’s still happening as we watched Li Finnegan (Naomi Matsuda) be chased to an alleged watery death. But, who else do you want to see return? Soap Hub asked this question of fans.

A Thorne In Ridge’s Side

We just saw Thorne Forrester, as played by Winsor Harmon, back in March when Brooke Logan Forrester fantasized about the most important men in her life. The last time Thorne was a regular on the soap, he was played by Ingo Rademacher and suddenly developed an Australian accent, so at least he seemed like he could be Ridge’s brother.

While fans didn’t specify who they say they want playing Thorne, 44% of you choose him as the character you’d like to see back on a regular basis. As Ridge’s brother and Eric Forrester’s (John McCook) son, he has ties to the canvas everywhere. He also has an unresolved relationship with Katie Logan (Heather Tom), who is definitely in need of a story at the moment.

Rick Should Roll Back Into Town

Brooke’s oldest son and Eric’s youngest son, Rick Forrester (Jacob Young) should be back on the canvas and 28% of you can’t figure out why the heck he is not. All we know is that his wife, Maya Avant Forrester (Karla Mosley), returned from Europe and announced that she and Rick had divorced and we never learned why. Rick’s L.A. return can help clear that mystery up and bring a much-needed character back to the show.

And What About Those Avants?

As far as we know, Maya is still in Los Angeles — we just don’t see her. But where is the rest of her family? Nicole Avant (Reign Edwards) is allegedly in Europe after dumping Zende Forrester Dominguez (Delon de Metz), but we do not know why. We also never heard about Julius Avant (Obba Babatunde) and Vivienne Avant (Anna Maria Horsford) leaving L.A., but they seem to be gone. If they are not, 17% of you would like to see them onscreen.

More Amber Moore

It’s been an entire decade since Amber Moore (Adrienne Frantz) was last seen in Los Angeles when she left town in shame after confessing to drugging Hope Logan. However, CBS soap fans did see her briefly in 2013 on The Young and the Restless. There was never a dull moment when Amber was around so 11% of you would like her back to cause more trouble. If Rick returns, too, it could be double the trouble.

Why Cyrus’s Pentonville Transfer Is A Brilliant General Hospital Move


The 15,000th episode of General Hospital wasn’t just any old episode celebrating the anniversary of the long-running ABC soap. It was also the reveal that big bad mobster, Cyrus Renault, who also happens to be half-brother to the mayor of Port Charles, is now being held at a prison much closer to the action — and this is very good news.

General Hospital — Can’t Keep A Bad Guy Down Forever

Actually, it’s great news for fans of the incredible acting of his portrayer, Jeff Kober (witness he’s nominated for one of those pretty gold statuettes that are being given out at tonight’s Daytime Emmys), because now there’s a better chance that we’ll get to see more of him.

It’s also good news for fans of Genie Francis, whose star shines even more brightly (as if that’s even possible) when Laura Collins is in scenes opposite one of her greatest foes. Those moments between them this past week were gold, as Laura forgave her brother, completely overwhelming him.

Their sibling dynamic is begging to be explored and that’s not easy to do if he’s being held in a prison in the Mid-West. No, General Hospital viewers need this bad guy much closer to home so he can have random visitors that will give us electric confrontations. After all, Cyrus did say he’s seen the light — and had a religious conversion.

How else will those around him be able to tell if it’s true if they never see him? It appears the show’s writers know they have a good thing in Kober and exploring his sibling relationships — we haven’t forgotten you Marty (Michael E. Knight) — could be the gift that keeps on giving.

The Bold and the Beautiful Comings and Goings: Villain, Vet Pop In


Who’s coming and who’s going from The Bold and the Beautiful (BB)? Are any of your favorite performers from yesteryear returning to the daytime drama, this week, or in the not-too-far-off future?

The Bold and the Beautiful C&G News

Have any new actors or actresses been cast on the show in contract, recurring, or day player roles? Are any well-remembered or beloved stars from other soaps, past or present, about to join The Bold and the Beautiful fold in surprise new parts? Here’s the latest casting news from the CBS soap.

The week of June 27 2022

Ken Hanes pops in as Mike Guthrie. Sheila’s (Kimberlin Brown) longtime partner in crime airs on Wednesday, June 29.

Dick Christie is back on the scene as Charlie Webber. Look for Forrester Creations’ security chief to be on-screen Monday, June 27, and Tuesday, June 28.

Cassandra Creech gets more airtime as Dr. Grace Buckingham. She’ll appear on Monday, June 27, Tuesday, June 28, and Wednesday, June 29.

The Young and the Restless Comings and Goings: Vet Back for Story Arc


Who’s coming and who’s going from The Young and the Restless (YR)? Are any of your favorite performers from yesteryear returning to the daytime drama, this week, or in the not-too-far-off future?

The Young and the Restless C&G News

Have any new actors or actresses been cast on the show in contract, recurring, or day player roles? Are any well-remembered or beloved stars from other soaps, past or present, about to join The Young and the Restless fold in surprise new parts? Here’s the latest casting news from the CBS soap.

The week of June 27, 2022
Looks like fans can expect to see more of Jack Abbott in Genoa City as Peter Bergman inked a new five-year deal to stay on The Young and the Restless. Get the full story here.

After a long absence, Judith Chapman is back for another run as the divine Gloria Bardwell. The character was last on the Genoa City scene back in January. There’s no official word as to the length of her stay this time around.

Also, Leigh-Ann Rose pops back in as Imani Benedict. She’ll share scenes with Sean Dominic’s Nate Hastings Jr. on Wednesday, June 29.

General Hospital Comings and Goings: Beloved Heroine Hasn’t Been Fired


Who’s coming and who’s going from General Hospital (GH)? Are any of your favorite performers from yesteryear returning to the daytime drama, this week, or in the not-too-far-off future?

General Hospital C&G News

Have any new actors or actresses been cast on the show in contract, recurring, or day player roles? Are any well-remembered or beloved stars from other soaps, past or present, about to join the General Hospital fold in surprise new parts? Here’s the latest casting news from the ABC soap.

The week of June 27, 2022

Rebecca Herbst, whose character, Elizabeth Webber Baldwin, has been shipped off to Shadybrook mental hospital, took to social media to assure fans she’s still with the show. “Just thought I’d shut down some rumors that have been circulating: I haven’t been fired. I’m not on vacation. I don’t have COVID. My kids don’t keep me from working. Nor do I have cramps (the best one yet),” she posted on Twitter.

Primetime soap vet Morgan Fairchild (Falcon Crest, Flamingo Road) is popping onto the Port Charles scene. She’ll air as Haven de Havilland this week. The character is a home shopping hostess. Longtime soap fans will also remember Fairchild for her roles as Jennifer Pace on Search for Tomorrow and Sydney Chase and Debbie Tompkins on The City. She also played Anjelica Deveraux on Days of our Lives back in 2017.

Susan Batten, best known for her runs as Luna Moody on One Life to Live and Connor Walsh on As the World Turns, is set to air as Flora Gardens. She’ll share scenes with Sofia Mattsson’s Sasha Gilmore Corbin and others.

Days of our Lives Comings and Goings: Supercouple Says Goodbye


Who’s coming and who’s going from Days of our Lives (DOOL)? Are any of your favorite performers from yesteryear returning to the daytime drama, this week, or in the not-too-far-off future?

Days of our Lives C&G News

Have any new actors or actresses been cast on the show in contract, recurring, or day player roles? Are any well-remembered stars from other soaps, past or present, about to join the Days of our Lives fold in surprising new parts? Here’s the latest casting news from the NBC soap.

The week of June 27, 2022

A popular supercouple is about to bid goodbye to Salem. Lamon Archey, who debuted on the soap in 2017, makes his final appearance as Eli Grant this week. The actor, originally a contract player with DAYS, had been recurring the past few months while doing double duty on the Fox series All American.

Meanwhile, Sal Stowers, who has portrayed Lani Price Grant since 2015, will also be exiting the soap with her above-mentioned husband. Her last airdate is Friday, July 1.

On the return front, Casey Moss pops back in as JJ Deveraux in the wake of his sister Abigail Deveraux DiMera’s (Marci Miller) murder. He’ll share emotional scenes with Billy Flynn’s Chad DiMera on Wednesday, June 29.

George DelHoyo is also back to stir the pot as Orpheus. He’ll deliver surprising news to Evan (Brock Kelly) on Tuesday, June 28.

Soap Hub Weekly News Wrap: Juneteenth & Everything Emmys


The Bold and the Beautiful star nabs Emmy victory… Days of our Lives duo talks Juneteenth celebration… General Hospital and DAYS stars team up for a new band… Here’s everything you missed in the daytime world — with links — in the Soap Hub soap opera news wrap.

The Bold and the Beautiful: King Size Victory

Ted King (Jack, The Bold and the Beautiful) snagged the Daytime Emmy award for Outstanding Guest Performer. Soap Hub was on hand for the victory and chatted with King about his win.

Days of our Lives: Commemorating Juneteenth

Days of our Lives Abe Carver and Paulina Price recently tied the knot on a very special holiday. Actors James Reynolds and Jackée Harry explained the significance of Juneteenth on the soap’s official YouTube podcast.

Emmy Talk
Soap Hub weekly news sat with Reynolds to discuss his Leading Man Daytime Emmy nomination. Find out what the honor means to him and what scenes he submitted.

DAYS co-star Eric Martsolf (Brady) chatted about his Leading Man nom, too. And he shared his thoughts on the Kristen/Brady relationship and co-star John Aniston (Victor).

Band on the Move
Move over Port Chuck. There’s another daytime band on the horizon featuring a quartet of DAYS and GH stars, and Eric Martsolf (Brady, DAYS) gave us the lowdown on it. Soap Hub newsletter subscribers can chat with the group of guys on Tuesday, June 28 at 7 pm ET/ 4 pm PT during a fireside video chat.

General Hospital: Bad Girls Unite

Kathleen Gati (Liesl) and Lydia Look (Lydia) working together on GH would be a dream come true for fans of the Port Charles baddies. It turns out the pair recently shared the screen on another project.

Hollywood State of Mind
GH’s Maurice Benard (Sonny) reunited with former All My Children star Liz Vassey (ex-Emily) on his video podcast, State Of Mind. The duo tackled all kinds of topics including ageism in Hollywood.

The Young and the Restless: Buzz Around Genoa City

A pair of Y&R stars, past and present, are teaming up on a new project reports Soap Hub weekly news. Victoria Rowell (ex-Drucilla) is working on the dramatic comedy Catfish Christmas with Leigh-Ann Rose (Imani).

Meanwhile, Cait Fairbanks (Tessa, The Young and the Restless) discussed her nomination for Best Song. Find out her thoughts on having two creative outlets as an artist.

In Other Soap Hub Weekly News: At the Festival

A group of CBS soap stars, including B&B’s Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy) and Y&R’s Jason Thompson (Billy) attended the 2022 Monte Carlo Film Festival. Check out their posts, pictures, and video moments from the event.

The Fans Have Spoken
Also on the awards front, Soap Hub fans weighed in on their choices for the Daytime Emmy Awards airing live on Friday, June 24. Find out who you chose as the winners in Soap Hub weekly news.

Travel and Wellness
Arianne Zucker (Nicole, DAYS) is all about travel, and she just crossed off a destination that had long been on her Bucket List. Find out where it was. Meanwhile, GH’s Avery Kristen Pohl (Esme) shared her wellness philosophy.

Past Due: Who Was Your Favorite General Hospital Pairing For Liz?


Elizabeth Webber is not the only character on General Hospital to have multiple children with multiple men. But she is one of the few to have been in multiple relationships where the majority of them have been heartfelt, deep, and not merely one-night stands.

General Hospital Polling

She has had more than one relationship that seemed to be meant-to-be. Though we did wonder: Which one of her pairings was your absolute favorite?

Long Term Love

It may be hard to believe, but Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) was actually involved with Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) for longer than she’d been with any other man. We’re not sure if that’s why 61% of you voted it as her top relationship, or whether it’s because he was the most recent.

And it’s obvious Elizabeth isn’t quite over his death, as indicated by her current stay in a mental hospital. Liz’s problems may not have been caused entirely by losing Franco. But it certainly didn’t help.

General Hospital: First Love

While Franco may have been the last, Lucky Spencer was the first, and 32% of the audience chose him, whether the father of Liz’s youngest son was played by Jonathan Jackson, Jacob Young, or Greg Vaughn.

These two keep coming back to each other, and Lucky is still technically alive, as far as we know. Which means there’s always still a chance for these two crazy kids.

GH: Lost Love

Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) is the father of Liz’s middle child – having beaten out Lucky in the Who’s the Daddy Sweepstakes – and he, on the other hand, currently is presumed dead.

And if he does return, odds are he’ll gravitate towards Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) or Britt Westbourne (Kelley Thiebaud) first, which is why only 5% of the fans think Liz is even still in play.

Remember Me?

Less than 2% remember that Liz was once married to Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst). And that he loved Liz. In his own way. It wasn’t a good way…

DAYS Spoilers Photos: Nicole And Rafe Are Ready For Forever…Maybe


DAYS spoilers photos for Monday, June 27, 2022, are here! Catch a glimpse of your favorite Salemites stirring up drama. This is going to be an episode you will not want to miss.

DAYS Spoilers

Spending an afternoon with Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker) has Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) all torn up inside. Does he still love her? Yes. Is he the type of guy to break up her current relationship? Not so much. Okay, maybe. A talk with his dad, Roman Brady (Josh Taylor) may give him a little clarity.

As for Nicole, she heads straight to the station to see her fiancé. Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering) is hard at work but never mind all that. His investigation can wait a few minutes to see his lady. In fact, why not give her a whole night? A very special night.


End of the Road: A Young and the Restless Break Up For Nate and Elena?


Are things really working out for Nate Hastings and Elena Dawson on The Young and the Restless? They initially got together because they were both doctors. And now Nate isn’t a doctor anymore. They initially moved in together because they wanted to spend more time as a couple.

Young and the Restless Polling

But now they’re both either always working, or Elena is always sleeping. (Not mocking her being tired! She deserves to be tired! She’s still out there saving lives, while Nate is mostly picking petty arguments that are hardly a matter of life and death.) Considering their ships that pass-in-the-night lives, should they just pull the plug on the entire relationship?

Love Will See Us Through Till Something Better Comes Along

Nate (Sean Dominic) and Elena (Brytni Sarpy) are in love, 45% of you insist. At least, we think they are. The show keeps telling us they are. Sure, we haven’t really seen any proof in weeks. But who are we to question The Powers That Be?

Young and the Restless: Separate Lives

This isn’t working, 34% of the audience sighs. They want different things and, most importantly, they’re on different sleep schedules. (Again, not mocking sleep! Sleep is important!) It’s time to call it quits before someone really gets hurt.

The Other Man

This is because she should be with Devon Hamilton (Bryton James), 19% Young and the Restless fans have been telling us for months. We are all for this break-up if Elena ends up with the guy she should have been with all along. Step aside, Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan)!

The Other Woman

Finally, only 2% are rooting for an end to Nate and Elena because you’d rather see him with Imani Benedict (Leigh Ann Rose). She seems to actively want him in a way that Elena just isn’t into passively fighting. Give her what she wants. She’s earned it.

Weekly Spoilers: June 27-July 1, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Victor cooks up a new scheme, Nikki receives a helping hand, Adam has both a reason to celebrate and someone with whom to do it, and Nick contemplates his future. Plus, things could get interesting when several twists impact Ashland and Victoria’s relationship. Will they wind up weathering the storm or allowing their relationship to be washed away for good?

Friday, June 24:

Victor directs Michael to put the kibosh on Victoria and Ashland’s plans, and Phyllis calls a reluctant ceasefire with Diane.

See, Victor? This is why you didn’t get a Father’s Day card from your daughter! What could he expect when he’s out there doing stuff like derailing Victoria’s new venture? Good thing she’s super rich.

“I’m” and “sorry” are legendarily two of the hardest words to say in the English language, especially in that order. But Phyllis gives it the old college try when she extends an olive branch. Will her efforts be too little, too late? Could be, seeing as…

Diane seizes an opportunity with Jack. And if the she-devil is so much as seeing an opportunity with Jack, it can only mean that he and Red are still very much on the outs. Maybe this would be a good time to remind him of the kind of chaos that Diane has been known to wreak. Our photo gallery of her tempestuous life story has all the gory details.

Week of June 27:

Monday, June 27:

Is Billy about to ruin his relationship with Lily!

Though Jack stands his ground with Phyllis, we have to believe that that ground is still pretty shaky. Just scroll through our “Phack” photo album to recall all the times that the couple has said they were really, truly done… only to pick up the pieces and start over anew.

Please don’t tell us the honeymoon’s over already. When Tessa faces an unexpected crisis, will it mean that trouble’s afoot in her marriage to bride Mariah?

No one could blame Nick if he needed a little time-out from Genoa City and his family.

Tuesday, June 28:

If there’s one thing we learned long ago, it’s that Victor will always have the last word… whether literally or metaphorically. So it should come as no surprise that he’s about to reveal a whole new game plan. The only question is against whom is he plotting? (Although even that is likely rhetorical, given how he feels about son-in-law Ashland!)

Perhaps sensing that Billy is feeling a bit at loose ends ever since the Chancellor-Winters merger, Lily recommends that her beau take things in a new direction.

Adam’s been on the losing side of too many battles in his life. So it’s not particularly shocking that when he and Sally score a victory, they want to celebrate. (Something tells us they’ll do so on top of a piece of office furniture… )

Wednesday, June 29:

When opportunity knocks, one is supposed to open the door. But it appears Chelsea is going to sit back and think about it before she decides whether or not to dive in.

When Nate needs a favor, he turns to Imani. And given how she clearly feels about the hunk, it seems pretty doubtful she’ll be turning him down, no matter what his request might be!

Ugh. Come on, Jack, we’re going to need you to be smarter than to fall for Diane’s ploys. But we fear that playing the sympathy card is all Kyle’s mom will have to do to bend Jack to her will.

Thursday, June 30:

As far as we’re concerned, Nikki needs absolutely no assistance when it comes to strategizing. But having an expert in the field in your corner never hurts, so she’s happy to let Victor help!

Remember how just a few days ago, Nick was considering a change of scenery? Well, he may wish he had left town when, today, he’s put in the all-too familiar position of having his loyalty tested.

We can’t help suspecting that Victor might be responsible when Victoria finds herself caught in a compromising position. Will this impact her relationship with Ashland?

Friday, July 1:

Victor does what might very well be his favorite thing in the world when he gives Adam an ultimatum. Will Adam do his father’s bidding… or perhaps draw a line in the sand?

Things have been pretty tense between Chelsea and Chloe over the past few weeks, and the lid is about to blow right off the kettle as those tensions boil over.

Will the shocking discovery that Ashland makes be something he can use to his favor, or will it drive a final nail into the coffin in which Victor would love to see his and Victoria’s marriage wind up?


The Bold and the Beautiful

Tantalizing hints about what happens after Quinn catches Eric in bed with Donna, whether any “I dos” go down at Carter and Paris’ wedding, and how Steffy and Finn reconnect despite the fact that they are continents apart.

Friday, June 24:

Quinn learns Carter will wed the next day, Hope recovers from a gaffe, Zende deals with Grace, and Carter confesses to Ridge that he’s in love with Quinn.

Of course they do! Paris and Carter move up their wedding date amidst push-back from their loved ones. Because forging full-steam ahead is the logical thing to do when everyone’s urging you to slow your roll. Maybe it’s time to bring back [Spoiler]…

With breathtakingly awful timing (he’s about to marry Paris!), Carter makes a stunning admission about his genuine love for Quinn to Ridge. What will the dressmaker have to say, given that the woman who holds his friend’s heart in her hands… is his stepmother?!

Week of June 27:

Monday, June 27:

“Honey, I’m comin’ home!” Eric promises a bright future to an overjoyed Donna. The stumper is, when will he get around to letting Quinn in on his life-changing plans?

Aaawkward! Quinn and Bridget learn a shocking truth about Eric’s pickleball “exercise.” We’re guessing they’ll be even more shocked than Hope to discover that the Forrester patriarch has not been hitting the courts but has instead been giving his ticker a different sort of workout whilst in bed with a buxom Logan — who just happens to be his ex-wife!

Tuesday, June 28:

When Donna was enthusing about the good news Eric gave her the other day, she might have paused to consider the possible ramifications… which are about to come a-knockin’ while the bed’s a-rockin’. Hide the breakable honey jars because all hell is bound to break loose when Quinn and Bridget bust Eric and Donna in bed!

As Carter and Paris’ wedding begins, Quinn grapples with having lost her two true loves. Will it occur to the heartbroken (and probably furious) brunette to make her way to the big event to try and stop Carter from marrying his second choice? We sure hope so!

Wednesday, June 29:

Surrounded by loved ones, the wedding of Paris Buckingham and Carter Walton begins. But will it go off “with” a hitch?! Heaven knows Quinn’s gears will be turning, what with just having discovered her “loyal” hubby in bed with his ex-wife! Will she make a beeline to the big event?

Yup, she will! However, Quinn’s journey to reach Carter before it’s too late takes a comical turn. Will she be able to get to the church (or the Forrester living room as the case may be) on time and stop her former lover from tying the knot with his near-Mrs.?!

Thursday, June 30:

An elated Donna shares her good news about Eric with Brooke. There’s no question that her sister will be absolutely thrilled, given how she feels about Quinn — although she might be disappointed that she wasn’t there to see the look on her nemesis’ face when she caught ol’ Honey Bear in the act!

There’s nothing better than a wedding crasher on a soap! What will go down after Quinn’s startling admission stuns Carter and rattles Paris and Grace?! Will the usually upstanding COO follow through on the pledge he made to his fiancée or gift Mama Buckingham with an “I told you so” moment that will validate the considerable concerns she’s been very vocally expressing all along?

Friday, July 1:

Partners in crime once again! Mike can’t resist Sheila’s request to help with Finn as they reflect on some of their best moments together. What a hair-raising trip through time that’s bound to be!

OK, we can’t wait to see what the outcome is as Paris, Carter and Quinn reach an unexpected ending to an emotional day. “Unexpected” can mean a lot of things. It was expected that Carter would marry Paris, so does he not? Will he declare that he wants Quinn, or will Paris pull a runaway bride after realizing she’s not the woman in the room that her groom truly loves?! Heck, maybe Grace will drag Zende up to the altar and strong-arm her daughter into marrying him instead!

Week of July 4:

Monday, July 4:

Overseas, Steffy gets sentimental as she remembers loving memories with Finn, and we can’t help but wonder if she’ll pull up our photo album of “Sinn’s” love story so as to look back on their entire romantic journey.

So deep! Finn and Steffy share a cosmic connection as Sheila fights to save her son’s life. Will the grieving widow begin to sense on some level that her husband isn’t really gone?! Maybe it will dawn on her that he’s still got a pulse.


General Hospital

The ABC soap celebrates its 15,000th episode — and someone takes aim at Laura! Plus, Brad isn’t honest with his BFF Britt, an unexpected event leads to a revelation, Olivia takes on Nina and Sasha and a new connection of Cody’s is revealed, which surprises Sam and Dante…

Week of June 20:

Monday, June 20:

Spencer asks Victor to help him find Esme’s parents, Kevin is furious to learn Esme’s been seeing Ryan, and Alexis warns Laura of a catastrophe to come.

Esme thinks that perhaps Kevin can provide her a little bit of insight. (Wonder how he’d feel to know that he’s actually offering advice to his psycho brother’s daughter?) Meanwhile, Spencer, too, seeks advice, but he winds up turning to Uncle Victor for help.

Mac is going to lose his cool when he finds out what Felicia’s been up to… and with good reason!

Remember when Martin and Laura were being targeted by someone while they were away from Port Charles? Cyrus swore he wasn’t responsible, but was he telling the truth? The discussion Laura and Martin have today may shed more light on the situation…

A whole lot of people have reason to be worried about Trina, and they compare notes today.

As Anna and Valentin’s first date continues, he opens up a bit. But how will she feel about what he confesses?

Far wiser than Spencer, Nicholas Alexander Chavez sets poetry in motion “if anyone should need it.”

Tuesday, June 21:

Due to ongoing news, the soap was pre-empted today and will air the 15,000th episode tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 22:

In a special episode celebrating 15,000 episodes, Laura faces a recall vote looking to replace her as the mayor of Port Charles.

You know how some primetime shows make a big deal about reaching their 100th episode? Well, today General Hospital is going to be airing its 15,000th. Appropriately enough, the episode will focus on much-loved Port Charles Mayor Laura Collins as some unknown adversary takes aim at her.

Thursday, June 23:

Due to ongoing news, the soap was pre-empted today and will air Thursday’s episode tomorrow.

The super couple we’ve been waiting for…” As he goes for the gold, James Patrick Stuart receives such a show of support that he’s left gratefully asking, “Who needs Emmys?”

Friday, June 24:

ELQ holds a vote on whether to oust Valentin or not, Carly shocks Olivia by how she was able to buy so much of Aurora’s stock, and Cody finds a reason to stay in Port Charles.

Control of ELQ could be decided as the board gathers for an important meeting. Meanwhile, Carly tells Olivia — aka her partner at the Metro Court — all about her latest business maneuver.

Is Chase right to be worried about what the future holds for him where the PCPD is concerned? On the plus side, at least he’s talking about his feelings with Brook Lynn.

Britt has been ticked with Brad ever since he turned her poolside rant into a viral sensation. Will his attempt to make peace be hampered by the fact that he’s not being totally honest?

Dante and Cody wind up discussing the past after Sam’s beau asks the newbie what happened to him.

Week of June 27:

Monday, June 27:

Things could get a bit messy — and potentially loud — when Olivia has it out with Nina and Sasha. Something tells us throwing Willow into the combustible mix isn’t likely to help matters!

Sonny wants Brando and Dex to put aside their differences and start getting along. Yeah, good luck with that one, boss man!

Drew makes it clear exactly where he stands with Valentin.

Carly has reason to celebrate, and who better to do that with than Josslyn and Bobbie?

When Chase finally gets word, Brook Lynn’s the person he most wants to share it with.

Tuesday, June 28:

If there’s one thing we know, it’s that bathing suits aren’t the only revealing things at the Metro Court pool. That proves true today when something unexpected leads to a bit of info coming to light.

Michael’s making plans for his next move against Sonny… and you’ll never guess who overhears!

Nina and Obrecht discuss their love lives.

Anna wants to know more about Valentin’s relationship with and loyalty to newfound dad Victor.

As Epiphany prepares for one of the biggest days of her life, TJ is right there in her corner.

Wednesday, June 29:

It turns out that Cody’s just full of surprises. Dante and Sam find that out when they discover he has a connection they never suspected.

Spencer hopes that Brad will be able to lend him a helping hand. Britt, however, thinks that’s a bad idea all around! Meanwhile, Esme apparently can’t help but want the attention of any guy who likes Trina, explaining why she begins flirting with Rory at the pool!Trina, meanwhile, is surrounded by her support system as she prepares for the beginning of her trial. Will she finally be able to clear her name?

Ex-lovers Michael and Sasha reconnect.

Thursday, June 30:

It ain’t easy being the Face of Deception, especially given all of the other stresses Sasha’s been under of late. As she prepares for her big TV appearance on the company’s behalf, will Felty’s arrival prove helpful… or disastrous?

When Chase is in need of a little advice, his dad and brother are there to provide it.

Is the end of Trina’s nightmare finally in sight? It could be, if Spencer’s right in what he tells Cameron. Meanwhile, Esme’s on high alert after coming across Scott taking a meeting with Ava and Nikolas.

Brook Lynn hopes that Sonny will come to her assistance.

Friday, July 1:

Who doesn’t like a good proposition? When Drew approaches Nina with one, will she accept? (And no, Sonny doesn’t have to worry… this is a business proposal!) Meanwhile, when Carly crosses paths with Sonny, she does her best to be evasive. Will he figure out what she’s trying to keep from him?

Spencer and Cameron’s attempt to help Trina gets underway… only to rather quickly go awry! Things also don’t go at all as planned when the Deception crew arrives for Sasha’s appearance on the Home & Heart Channel!

Cody’s having a nice evening with Dante and Rocco… until the newcomer catches a glimpse of Spinelli? Now why does that bother him so?


Days of Our Lives

Sami walks in on a steamy moment between EJ and Belle, as Brady and Chloe catch Shawn and Jan kissing! Plus, Marlena tries to pull a fast one, which sets off Abe and Paulina, a life-changing gift arrives for Ben and Ciara from Hope, and someone pulls a knife on Chanel!

Week of June 27:

Monday, June 27:

Sami serves EJ divorce papers, but she’s the one about to have her world rocked. Watch the preview!

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for as Sami walks in at exactly the wrong moment (or right, depending on your point of view) and finds Belle and EJ sharing a steamy moment.

Rafe can’t help but wonder if perhaps his bride-to-be is getting cold feet. Is she considering ditching their upcoming wedding… or perhaps doing a last-minute groom swap? Meanwhile, Roman suggests to Eric that it’s not too late to make a last-minute plea for Nicole to change her mind.

As Chad continues to grieve the loss of his beloved wife, John and Marlena do what they can to support him.

Tuesday, June 28:

Everything is about to change for Ben and Ciara thanks to a special gift they receive from her mom, Hope.

You know that notoriously fine line between love and hate? It sounds as if EJ and Belle are pretty much existing on it as they antagonize one another.

Lucas and Sami celebrate their engagement. But they might want to hold off popping the bubbly, given the truth waiting to explode!

Evan gets a bit of surprising news from his dad, Orpheus.

Wednesday, June 29:

Brady and Chloe walk in to see… wait, this can’t be right, can it? Shawn is kissing… Jan? And without her having received any help from the devil? What the H-E-Double-Hockey Sticks is going on here?!?

There are certain things you can never come back from. Is what Belle and EJ just did one of them?

Abigail’s brother, JJ, is back in Salem as he joins Chad in trying to figure out how they will move on without Abigail. Meanwhile, Jack and Jennifer need one another more than ever as they deal with an extremely difficult task.

Thursday, June 30:

If Melinda thinks she can pull a fast one on Abe and Paulina, she might want to think again. Why? Because the two of them are having absolutely none of it!

Lani’s fate is about to be decided… and you won’t believe who swings by for a surprise visit. Meanwhile, Doug helps Julie handle the twins.

Chanel’s love life is the very definition of complicated. Will Theo’s advice help her figure things out?

Friday, July 1:

What Julie finds out from Eli today will absolutely shock her. But what will she do next?

As Lani’s loved ones gather around her at a crucial moment, she is absolutely blown away by what Abe does.

Proving yet again that things aren’t completely right with Sarah, she winds up pulling a knife on Chanel!