Saturday, June 4, 2022

Y&R Spoilers Wild Speculation: Victor’s Ashland Plan Exploits Summer


Y&R spoilers often reveal that whatever Victor Newman wants, Victor gets. And the way that he gets it is by figuring out what his foe wants and giving it to them – in a way that benefits Victor.

Y&R Spoilers Wild Speculation

Right now, Victor (Eric Braeden) wants Ashland Locke (Robert Newman) out of town. And Ashland wants access to the boy he raised for four years. Victor arranged for him — er, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) — to take out a court order against Ashland seeing Harrison (Kellen Enriquez). Now Victor has Ashland exactly where he wants him.

The Son Also Rises

Now that Victor has demonstrated to Ashland that he can keep Harrison away from him, it’s time for Victor to turn around and offer Ashland exclusive custody of the boy. (Because Victor, the great family man, couldn’t care less about a kid from someone else’s family, especially the Abbotts.)

Y&R spoilers predict that the catch is, Ashland must take Harrison and leave town immediately, never to return, or else the deal is off – you got that? And how will Victor accomplish this seemingly impossible feat? Well, that’s where The Mustache really shows off his business negotiation skills.

Y&R Spoilers: Team Effort

Victor drops by for a visit with his beloved granddaughter, Summer Newman Abbott (Allison Lanier). Like he did with Kyle, Victor butters Summer up by telling her what a wonderful stepmother she is, how much she obviously loves Harrison, and what a terrific mother she’ll make to her own child somebody. Would Summer like to have a child with Kyle?

Of course, she would! So why doesn’t she have one already? Y&R spoilers tease that when Summer doesn’t have an answer, Victor asks if, loving mother that she is, it’s because she’s afraid of upsetting Harrison. The poor little guy is just getting used to his new family, Daddy having another baby would be so upsetting to him! Right?

Um, sure, Summer says. Because she was trained since childhood to always agree with Victor. His opinion is always the right one.

A delighted Victor goes running back to Kyle with the news. And then he leads Kyle, step by step, through the realization that the way to make his wife happy is by getting rid of Harrison. Surely, Kyle wants to make Summer – and Victor – happy! Right?

Um, sure, Kyle says. Because he also knows how important it is to agree with Victor. If Summer said she’d like to have a baby with him, but only once Harrison is out of their lives…hey, Kyle has an idea! Maybe Ashland would like to have the boy back? Good thinking, Kyle, Victor says! Then sits back…and smirks.

Think this Y&R spoilers wild speculation could really happen?

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