Sunday, June 26, 2022

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for Y&R: Judith Chapman


The Young and the Restless viewers know that Gloria Abbott Bardwell will do whatever she has to in order to survive, including throwing her own children under the bus. Ultimately, people underestimate her, but she’s still standing. For her performance, Soap Hub Performer of the Week honors for Y&R is presented to Gloria’s portrayer, Judith Chapman.

Judith Chapman — Y&R Performer of the Week

In a surprising moment, Gloria walked right into Society interrupting a tense moment between Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) and Chloe Mitchell Fisher (Elizabeth Hendrickson). Chapman literally livened up the scene with the flair she injects into Gloria. Not only is her fashion, makeup, and hair on point, but also she brings the gestures and facial expressions to make the whole larger-than-life thing work.

While Chloe seemed wary of her zany mother-in-law, Glo spoke right to that. She mentioned that she may just be seen as comic relief, and that moment resonated both on-screen and with fans because Judith Chapman as Gloria often brings lighter moments to the show. Ultimately though, Gloria and Chapman are still standing, in part, because people underestimated them.

Any week that brings Gloria and Chapman back to our screens is a welcome one. We love watching what new trouble she manages to get her on-screen alter ego in every time she’s in storylines. At this point, she’s a spiritual guru, and we’d love to see more of that. Bravo Judith Chapman on a superb performance.

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