Saturday, June 4, 2022

Weekly Soap Spoilers: June 6-10, 2022


The Young and the Restless

It’s one step forward, two steps back. Although Victor finally manages to get Ashland out of Genoa City, it looks anything but like he’s out of the Newmans’ lives. On top of that, he’s getting cozy with the last person Victor would want him to. Meanwhile, one of The Mustache’s heirs is hatching a plot while two others are picking a fight, and in the end, a painful decision must be made. Yeah, it’s a lot.

Friday, June 3:

Victor orders Ashland out of town, Amanda takes a hard line with Phyllis, and Kyle and Summer get amazing news!

For what, the zillionth time? Victor gives Ashland an ultimatum. Will this be the one that finally makes the Locke Ness Monster shake in his shoes? Possibly, if we’re right that his opponent is prepared to use Harrison as leverage.

This oughta be fun, ’cause whenever Victoria asserts her independence, you know she’s taking no prisoners.

As Sharon and Nick start to look ever more like they’re going to become “Shick” again...

Week of June 6:

Monday, June 6:

You can tell that a new week is starting if the day finds Adam plotting his revenge — and this day does. But at whom will the black sheep of the Newman family be directing his anger this time around?

Hell must be freezing over, because at long last, Victor forces Ashland out of town. Now, of course, the trick will be keeping him out of town!

So much for the Saint Diane act! The she-devil gets back to doing what she does best as she drives a wedge between Jack and Phyllis.

Tuesday, June 7:

Considering what’s coming down the pike later in the week, we’re going to guess that when Victor and Nikki receive shocking news, it ain’t good shocking news. (Is it ever?)

Who but Diane could empathize with Ashland? Maybe as the town pariahs commiserate, the show is setting up the storyline we predicted ages ago.

When Summer and Kyle turn to Jack for guidance, will the Abbott family’s patriarch be able to point them in the right direction?

Wednesday, June 8:

Victoria is not the fragile flower that she’s so often treated like. So when she asserts her independence, you can bet that the reverberations will be felt far and wide.

As Nick confides in Sharon, it’s feeling more and more like old times. Are we one step closer to the “Shick” reunion we’ve been expecting since Rey’s untimely demise?

Singing a familiar refrain, Victor vows to protect his family at all costs. But against what threat? Has Ashland found a way to jeopardize the Newman empire? Or is Daddy Dearest the person against whom Adam is hell-bent on taking revenge?

Thursday, June 9:

When Victor makes a promise, he takes it seriously. And when he makes a dangerous promise, even more so. Can’t wait to find out who’ll be on the receiving end of his threat! Er… promise.

Things haven’t been going so great for Chelsea lately. But maybe she’ll turn a corner when she makes an unexpected ally.

Given the number of messes that he’s made in his life, he oughta be good at this by now: Billy does damage control.

Friday, June 10:

It’s good news, bad news today. The good? Victor and Nikki are working together rather than falling apart. The bad? They are doing so in order to make a painful decision.

When Victoria stands her ground with Nick, will she be able to make him see her point of view? Or is she fighting a battle that she simply can’t win?

As Elena sizes up the competition, we can’t help but fear that Imani is an unstoppable force of nature, one that’s destined to get Nate between the sheets.

As Victor and Nikki form a united front to rise to the latest challenge in their lives, take heart in knowing what they’ve already been through and overcome.


The Bold and the Beautiful

It’s decision time for both Brooke and Eric. She has a second chance with Ridge, but it comes with a caveat to which she may not be able to agree. Meanwhile, he makes a choice regarding his current and former wife. In other developments, Grace pulls a stunt that leaves us wondering if maybe, just maybe she’s every bit as cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs as Sheila!

Friday, June 3:

Ridge sends Brooke home, Deacon blurts his feelings, and Donna asks Eric to leave Quinn! Must-see Donna and Eric gallery within.

Deacon offers Brooke reassurance after her failed attempt with Ridge. Something tells us the con who loves her might have more than just comforting words to put forward… but will the blonde be able to take her eyes off the prize that is “destiny” long enough to notice?

Count the honey bottles! Donna takes Eric on a trip down memory lane before making a stunning request. Uh-oh… has the patriarch’s vivacious ex-wife and lover decided she’d like to be his current wife again?!

Oh, honey! Do not miss Donna and Eric’s sweet — and often scary! — love story — we throw it way back!

Week of June 6:

Monday, June 6:

Was he really expecting this to go as smooth as honey?! Eric manages his entanglement with Donna while married to Quinn. Now, he has loads of experience dealing with these situations, but we’re not sure we ever recall him emerging from one unscathed. Queen Stephanie always caught him red-handed!

Never one to call it quits, La Logan may have to dig deep in the closet for a racy throwback from the Brooke’s Bedroom lingerie line when she surprises Ridge with a late-night visit and a plea to reunite.

Tuesday, June 7:

Eric makes a surprising decision about Donna and Quinn. Will his lover be left crying into her honey pot, or will his wife be completely blindsided by the husband she believes to be utterly loyal? Find out which woman may be Eric’s endgame...

When Brooke and Ridge agree on the terms for his return, we suspect the dressmaker will circle back to the original thorn in his side — Deacon. Brooke would agree to anything to get “destiny” back on track, but another attempt to ban Hope’s biodad seems like making the same mistake twice and expecting a different result. Which, now that we think of it, kinda defines “Bridge’s” romantic history.

Wednesday, June 8:

Well, it seems as though we were right in thinking Ridge would put his foot down about Deacon, as the reformed con and Hope plead with Brooke to consider their relationship. Will the father/daughter duo be able to convince the blonde bombshell to stand her ground against her husband, or will Hope and Tofu Boy be left with no choice but to leave the cabin in order to keep Grandpa Sharpe in their kids’ lives?

Extra-large popcorn, please! Given that no one tells Dollar Bill what to do, it’s no surprise to hear that the mogul simply can’t help himself when Ridge declares the subject of Brooke off limits. It’s safe to say the designer will be getting an earful and then some detailing the myriad ways he’s let down the object of both of their affections, and a rant on why he doesn’t deserve to be with her to boot!

Thursday, June 9:

In prison, Sheila breaks down when Li confronts her for being evil. We’re kinda not surprised that the jailbird gets shook by facing down Finn’s adoptive mom — did you see the chilling look that she leveled at Liam? Skeery stuff. Even if the twisted Ms. Carter unearths a smidgen of conscience from down deep inside, it’s doubtful her son’s protector will be moved by it.

Proving her mother is as much of an ongoing concern as her criminal father, Paris intercepts a meddling Grace as she’s giving false hope to Zende. Honestly, there’s “determined” and then there’s Mrs. Buckingham, who is on a whole other level. And what about Zende? He’d have to be as thick as a brick to buy into what his ex-girlfriend’s mother is selling when he already knows she’s into Carter.

Friday, June 10:

In an ill-fated move to be sure, Carter kisses Paris, who is stunned but happy by the COO’s sudden change of heart. Will she stop to question that fact that mere days before she was convinced he was still carrying on an affair with Quinn? We’re guessing not.

Level five nutjob alert! Grace files a formal complaint with Ridge about Carter’s harassment of Paris! Is someone outside of a company even allowed to file a complaint on behalf of an employee, especially when that employee isn’t actually complaining about anything?

Brooke and Ridge may be down, but don’t count them out...


General Hospital

Things get complicated at Wyndemere as Esme and Spencer have an important conversation… even as Ava’s getting suspicious about what’s really going on. Meanwhile, Selina raises an issue with Sonny, Trina isn’t on the same page as gal pal Josslyn, and the past comes back to haunt Mac and Felicia!

Week of May 30:

Monday, May 30:

The soap will air an encore of its Tuesday, October 26, 2021, episode, where Sonny and Carly were concerned about Michael, Willow vented to Sasha, Brook Lynn confronted Gladys, Spencer pondered his prospects with Esme, and Ned turned to Austin for advice.

Tuesday, May 31:

Esme plays Nikolas and gets what she wants from him, and after Willow lashes out at Nina, the judge is prepared to rule on Nina’s visitation request.

All the local singles gather to mingle at the Metro Court pool as the Society Setups event gets underway. Who’ll wind up connecting with whom?

Things get heated at the courthouse as the hearing draws closer to its conclusion.

The pieces may fall into place for Esme when she just happens to find a vulnerable Nikolas drowning his sorrows, all alone.

Chet has a tough decision to make, and Terry does what she can to help.

Well, this sounds downright dangerous: Ava and Laura have a conversation over target practice! Here’s hoping nobody ends up with a knife — er, axe — in their back!

Wednesday, June 1:

Carly has a big decision to make after getting the DNA results on Willow and Nina. Also, the judge announces her ruling in Nina’s case, and Esme and Nikolas cross a line.

Something tells us that no matter what the judge rules today, it’s going to have a ripple effect across Port Charles. Meanwhile, Carly is finally going to get the information she’s been waiting for. But what will it reveal?

Things are about to get a little bit chaotic at the Society Setups event. Why? Because Britt’s going to have a few cocktails and cause a bit of a scene!

Vanna fans are going to be very happy today, as sparks between Anna and Valentin will definitely be flying thanks to the challenge she issues him.

Oh dear. It looks as if Nikolas might be drawn even deeper into Esme’s wicked web. Fight the temptation, Nickolas! Fight it!

Thursday, June 2:

Cody Bell splashes into the Metro Court pool and is almost arrested by an old friend. Plus, Nina keeps the DNA results a secret, even from Drew.

With half of Port Charles looking on, Britt tells Dante that she wants someone to be arrested.

At the courthouse, everyone tries to figure out what the newly-handed-down verdict will mean for their collective futures. How will Drew’s arrival impact things?

Sonny wants to be there for Nina, but he can’t seem to get in touch with her.

Josslyn is in the park with Wiley when she once again proves to be her mother’s daughter. Will she regret what she decides to do?

Spencer and Ava head off in search of their missing significant others. Okay, fine, in the case of Spencer it’s more like his faux significant other. Are we heading toward the Spencer/Ava pairing which his portrayer recently admitted seemed like a potentially explosive — and not at all unlikely — twist?

It’s a bird, it’s a plane… wait, was that Josh Kelly making one of the more memorable entrances in soap history?

Friday, June 3:

Sonny stops Nina from leaving Port Charles for Milan, Ava asks Spencer and Esme to not move out of Wyndemere, and Sam learns how Dante and Cody met.

Sam’s going to be taken aback by what she hears regarding her beau Dante.

Between the sex tape and Esme, Josslyn and Cameron have not had the easiest of times lately. When she asks to talk, will it help bridge the gap… or only make it wider?

Things are about to get mighty awkward between Portia, Taggert, Rory and Trina!

Ava wants to know why Nikolas is acting so strange. (Trust us, Ava, maybe you don’t really want to know!)

Monday, June 6:

A sweet family moment for Ned, Olivia and Leo is derailed by the arrival of Valentin, who comes around with an offer. (Isn’t there an old proverb that says something like, “Beware of Cassadines bearing gifts?”)

It’s an important day for Michael and Willow as he winds up discussing ELQ’s future while she informs Carly that she’s made a very important decision.

At last, the truth about Marshall is finally revealed when he, Curtis and Stella return.

TJ’s been burning the candle at both ends and is pretty much drained. Will Terry’s wise words help him get back on track?

Finn interrupts a chat between Laura and Elizabeth.

Tuesday, June 7:

While Sonny, being the mobster and all, is the one who usually makes the offer that people can’t refuse, the tables are turned when Brando is the one extending an offer. Here’s hoping Brando isn’t about to do something that will push Sasha even closer to the edge.

Ned has heard what Michael has to say, and now, having thought it through, he’s ready to make a counter-proposal. Will the two be able to strike a deal? Meanwhile, Carly very much wants to help save ELQ and turns to Drew for an assist in that regard.

Britt’s in need of help, and those closest to her — meaning Brad and Obrecht — are on hand to stage an intervention.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Marshall opens up to Curtis about his past.

Wednesday, June 8:

All eyes are on Dex, and not because he’s a good looking guy. Rather, Dante and Brando think there’s something suspicious about the newbie…

Sasha is not pleased by an upsetting delivery.

When Brook Lynn goes looking for someone to blame, she settles on Brad. Meanwhile, Selina pays a visit to Sonny to express her concern.

What’s got Britt calling in legal expertise?

Thursday, June 9:

Sam finds time to catch Carly up on recent events.

Sasha has been in a downward spiral ever since poor Liam’s birth and death. When Brando becomes concerned for her well-being, will she be able to let him in? Or will she push him away?

As Joss contemplates the future, Trina — who is worried about what’s coming down the road — can’t help but react.

Ava wonders what’s going on inside her husband’s head. (Of course, trying to get into the mind of a Cassadine man is not the easiest thing to do!) Meanwhile, Spencer has questions for Esme regarding their future and her living arrangements.

Friday, June 10:

Epiphany and Marshall were just getting to know one another when he skipped town. Now that they’re in the same city, will they manage to pick up where they left off?

Cameron continues to worry about his mom. Fortunately, Laura — who has managed to survive just about every trauma known to mankind — is there to offer her support.

Finn, Gregory and Violet are heading out for a camping trip. What could possibly go wrong?

Spencer’s been doing his best to pull the wool over Esme’s eyes, but you know who he’s not fooling? Ava, who calls her stepson out on his obvious-to-her feelings for Trina.

Felicia and Mac would probably be perfectly happy to never encounter Kevin’s psychotic twin, Ryan, again. Unfortunately, that’s not in the cards as fate puts them on a collision course!


Days of Our Lives

Dark forces seem to be lining up against Chad and Abigail. Are the rumors about her unspeakable future really about to come true? Meanwhile, EJ is having dreams about a certain lawyer, Lucas may finally be realizing just how far over his head he really is, and Chanel is finally going to choose one of the twins.

Week of May 30:

Monday, May 30:

The NBC soap will be pre-empted today.

Tuesday, May 31:

In a Salem Inn room, Sarah looks up at Xander. Their slightly open mouths, inches apart as Sarah remembers and reunites with Xander, Belle draws up legal papers, and Gwen and Leo scheme.

Talk about interesting timing! Even as rumors circulate that Abby will soon die (and find herself being beheaded!), Chad’s wife approaches him about the possibility of having another child.

Having dealt with Leo far too many times, Sonny knows better than to take the scorned man’s actions lightly. But will he be able to convince Will to call the police?

Belle and EJ, up in a tree… K-I-S-S-I-N-G. But the real question is who spots them locking lips… and what might they do with the information?

Wednesday, June 1:

In Horton Square, Eric joins Brady, John and Marlena at a table. after running into Eric, Nicole asks Rafe to fast-track the wedding, Eric updates his family, and EJ extends an invitation to Belle.

Belle continues to struggle with everything going on between Shawn and Jan… to the point that she asks her husband to sign legal documents! Meanwhile, Jan turns to Marlena, of all people, for help.

Ciara goes to Rafe with a very special request.

Sure, most people find it hard to imagine Belle and EJ becoming a couple… but Nicole is entirely in their corner. (Heck, maybe she’s only throwing her support being the pairing because she knows how much it would tick off her nemesis, Sami!)

Thursday, June 2:

The NBC soap will be pre-empted today.

Friday, June 3:

The NBC soap will be pre-empted today.

Week of June 6:

Monday, June 6:

As an investigative reporter, Abigail is naturally going to wind up doing stories on things which might stir up trouble. But Chad hears alarm bells going off when his wife reveals what her latest story will be about! Is this the beginning of the end for “Chabby,” with the horrific fate that’s been rumored for months finally coming to pass?

Johnny lost Chanel thanks to Satan, but another rather devilish dude — his dad, EJ — urges the young man to fight for the woman he still loves. Meanwhile, when Allie needs a bit of advice about her romantic future, Will is there to help.

Armed with the results of the medical tests Kayla ran, Sonny confronts Leo, accusing him of drugging those cookies he just couldn’t resist! (Guess that’s one way to stay on a diet… have people randomly poison the treats you might be tempted by!)

Tuesday, June 7:

Everybody in Salem loves Marlena, right? Well… not quite everybody, it appears, because today, Jan goes off on everyone’s favorite shrink! (Perhaps not surprising given that Marlena is #TeamBelle… )

To say that John is not a fan of EJ’s would be an understatement along the lines of “fans were ready to see the devil storyline end.” So it makes sense that Belle and her dad get into a fight about her spending so much time with Sami’s ex. Meanwhile, another person who’s not particular fond of EJ — Lucas — is back in town, and the two men wind up exchanging blows!

We can’t decide if Chanel is the luckiest woman in the world — what with having both Allie and Johnny in love with her — or the unluckiest, given that today she will have to choose between them!

Wednesday, June 8:

Children wind up in the most unusual places, and you never know what they might find there. For example, Thomas goes poking around in the DiMera basement, only to uncover Leo’s hiding place! Meanwhile, the kid’s mom, Abigail, is dangerously close to uncovering a secret!

EJ has a dream about Belle, and we’re guessing it doesn’t involve her filing his legal briefs!

Having apparently never heard that whole thing about loose lips sinking ships, Lucas fills Roman in on a secret.

Thursday, June 9:

Clyde knows how to play on the weaknesses of those around him. Is that the way he’ll convince Lucas to do his bidding?

Get the popcorn, because Abigail and Gwen are about to go at it again! How far will their latest battle go?

Believe it or not, Marlena actually agreed to become Jan’s therapist. But given how quickly their first session comes to an end, we can’t help but wonder if the shrink realizes that this was a big mistake. (Perhaps she could recommend Jan see Bold & Beautiful's Dr. Taylor Hayes?)

Shawn wants to know exactly what’s going on between his estranged wife and EJ. Or at least he thinks he does…

Friday, June 10:

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but sometimes, so does tragedy. Will worrying about the fate of their unborn child wind up bringing Shawn and Jan closer?

Lucas has been living on the edge for months now (even if that was largely happening off screen). But now, with the walls closing in, will he prove that desperate times really do call for desperate measures?

It’s a showdown months in the making as Sarah finally has an opportunity to lash out at Gwen for everything she’s done! Meanwhile, things take a horrific turn when Chad makes a discovery which shakes him to his core…

Headwriter Ron Carlivati says a murder is about to rock Salem… and we think Leo might just wind up dead, given how many suspects there would be!


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