Saturday, June 11, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: June 13-17, 2022


The Young and the Restless

The residents of Genoa City get together to celebrate the launch of Chancellor-Winters. Of course, it wouldn’t be a party if a few things didn’t get broken. The only question is whether it’ll be glassware, promises or hearts! Meanwhile, Diane gets under Nikki’s skin, Adam gets news from his father, and Billy is put on the hot seat. Plus, don’t miss a very special episode celebrating a major milestone for two Young & Restless faves!

Friday, June 10:

Victor and Nikki scheme to use Adam to lure Victoria back, Nick and Victoria hug it out, Nate confides in Imani, and Billy gives Lily a ring!

It’s good news, bad news today. The good? Victor and Nikki are working together rather than falling apart. The bad? They are doing so in order to make a painful decision.

When Victoria stands her ground with Nick, will she be able to make him see her point of view? Or is she fighting a battle that she simply can’t win?

Elena sizes up the competition, and we can’t help but fear that Imani is an unstoppable force of nature, one that’s destined to get Nate between the sheets.

But wait… Nate who? Imani has a whole new hottie on her arm.

Week of June 13:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: The scene that left us hollering, ‘Make it make sense!’ Plus, Diane’s making moves, Nate’s about to go rogue, and Chelsea’s got a new obsession!

Monday, June 13:

As Lily and Devon prepare to launch their exciting joint venture, they’re approached by Victor, who offers up a few words of wisdom. (What he probably should tell them is, “Beware of the competition… especially if it happens to be part of my family business!”) Meanwhile, Jill returns to Genoa City just in time to raise a glass or three in celebration of the Chancellor-Winters merger.

We generally think of Traci as the local peacekeeper, but she must be busy today. Why do we say that? Because Jack finds himself having to pick up the slack in that department. Here’s hoping Phyllis and Diane aren’t in the vicinity, or his job will be virtually impossible!

Tuesday, June 14:

Victor has unexpected news that he wants to share with Adam. If the past is any indication, it could be that his younger son is either about to get promoted or exiled. Hey, with The Mustache, it could go either way!

Diane simply walking into a room is enough to have Nikki seeing red. But the recently resurrected woman takes things a step further by pushing all of her nemesis’ buttons. Is this woman trying to get herself murdered again?

Nate’s already taken a new job, but now he’s about to venture even further out of his comfort zone.

Wednesday, June 15:

Victoria and Ashland have agreed to take things slowly as they try to figure out what the future holds for them. Victor, on the other hand, is moving full-steam ahead with his plan to derail his daughter’s polarizing relationship!

Seeing an opportunity, Adam and Sally don’t hesitate for a single second before seizing it. Maybe these two crazy kids really are perfect for one another. “Look? Nah, c’mon, let’s just leap!”

Oh dear. Kyle and Summer find a moment to toast to the future they’re sure will be filled with sunshine and lollipops. Do they not know that the surest way to bring misfortune upon themselves is by declaring how happy they are? It’s like they don’t even realize they are soap opera characters!

Thursday, June 16:

Believe it or not, it was 40 years ago that we first met Beth Maitland’s Traci and Eileen Davidson’s Ashley. In a very special episode, the Abbott sisters look back on the good times and the bad. “They did such a fantastic job of finding old clips,” Maitland recently told us. “There are some that I haven’t seen since the first time they aired!”

Friday, June 17:

Lauren hasn’t been thrilled to have Michael working for Victor again. Wonder if she’ll like it any better when Nikki recruits the legal eagle to help out with her latest “project”? Could this be another angle in the Newmans’ scheme to get Victoria away from Ashland and back into the fold? If so, Nikki shouldn’t have any trouble convincing the vengeful attorney to get on board!

Billy was thrilled to have his mom back in town for the merger party. But when she starts grilling him, he may be ready to send her packing again!

What the heck is Imani doing that Nate finds so distracting? Does Elena have reason to be worried after all?! He’s committed to his girlfriend, but he’s only human.


The Bold and the Beautiful

It’s shocks around the clock... Not only does someone get an eyeful of Donna and Eric engaging in more than pillow talk, but Carter decides to take a big step (in the wrong direction), Quinn takes a head-on approach to matters of the heart (in particular, her husband’s), and Sheila proves to Li that Houdini’s got nothin’ on her… just in time for both of them to get the mother of all surprises!

Hot Topic: How the show used manic moms and classic showdowns to craft a week of super-solid soap opera.

Friday, June 10:

Grace complains to Ridge about Carter harassing Paris, and Katie grills Donna about her love life!

In an ill-fated move to be sure, Carter kisses Paris, who is stunned by but happy about the COO’s sudden change of heart. Will she stop to question that fact that mere days before she was convinced he was still carrying on an affair with Quinn? We’re guessing not.

Level five nutjob alert! Grace files a formal complaint with Ridge about Carter’s harassment of Paris! Is someone outside of a company even allowed to file a complaint on behalf of an employee, especially when that employee isn’t actually complaining about anything?

Week of June 13:

Monday, June 13:

There’s never a dull day at Forrester Creations, and this one is no exception. Ridge’s head will be spinning when, hot on the heels of Grace’s unhinged complaint about Carter, his COO then blindsides him with an announcement about Paris.

Li lashes out at Taylor, blaming the Forresters for Finn’s death. Just wait until Doc finds out that her handsome son-in-law is actually alive and his protective mama let Steffy go on believing she’d never see her husband again. Something tells us the tables will not only turn but spin wildly!

Oh snap! Not realizing they are being watched, Eric and Donna have a playful pillow fight in their bungalow. The big question is, who will get an eyeful of Honey Bear and his luscious Logan lover-girl cavorting — and, more importantly, will they be willing to keep their secret from Quinn?!

Tuesday, June 14:

We honestly didn’t think Li was afraid of Sheila, but this teaser indicates that Finn’s adoptive mother will be utterly terrified when her son’s psychotic biological mother gloats that many have tried, but failed, to keep her behind bars. Could there be any more definitive foreshadowing of a jailbreak?!

Well, there might be “hope” for Donna keeping her love affair a secret since it was her niece who caught her in the act. Hope confronts Donna, who begs her not to tell anyone about Eric. On the other hand, Hope isn’t one to condone cheating, and frankly, all she’d have to do is let it slip to her mother and the cat would be out of the bag. Brooke wouldn’t be able to get to Quinn fast enough!

Wednesday, June 15:

Well, this isn’t good. Ecstatic that Finn is alive, Sheila quickly turns on Li for keeping it a secret. We sure don’t like Li’s chances if the she-devil busts out of prison and finds out where she’s keeping “their” son.

Eric is stunned to learn that Quinn has called upon Bridget for a “health” intervention. How on earth will the philandering husband explain his elevated heart rate and skyrocketing blood pressure to his doctor daughter without raising suspicions…

Thursday, June 16:

Why is it that the inability to contact people always strikes at such inopportune moments on soap operas? Ridge and Taylor attempt to reach Li to warn her that Sheila has escaped prison. As we touched on previously, this scenario can only be exceedingly bad news for Finn’s adoptive mom.

Whoops! Carter and Quinn’s love and passion for each other become apparent — but to whom? Given the lurking and door-peeping that’s become a regular occurrence at Forrester Creations, we’re just going to say we’re concerned.

Friday, June 17:

Carter may love Quinn beyond words, but she’s still committed to her “loyal” husband. So, will she have a leg to stand on when she attempts to convince her former lover not to propose to Paris? We’re guessing that against all reason, Carter will decide to pop the question.

Well, it appears — as predicted — Sheila caught up with Li. We know this because they’re together when they receive an unexpected surprise. Might Finn regain consciousness? If so, we have to wonder what he’ll wake up to — perhaps one mother trying to off the other?!?


General Hospital

Trina and Joss realize who they should reach out to for help, Anna and Valentin finally go on a first date, and Esme turns to someone perhaps unexpected when she needs advice.

Week of June 6:

Monday, June 6:

Marshall finally reveals his mental health diagnosis to Curtis, Willow makes a big decision about her biological mom, and Finn decides to contact Liz’s parents.

A sweet family moment for Ned, Olivia and Leo is derailed by the arrival of Valentin, who comes around with an offer. (Isn’t there an old proverb that says something like, “Beware of Cassadines bearing gifts?”)

It’s an important day for Michael and Willow as he winds up discussing ELQ’s future while she informs Carly that she’s made a very important decision.

Chad Duell reclaims his role just in time for Michael to get called out by someone very close to him.

At last, the truth about Marshall is finally revealed when he, Curtis and Stella return.

TJ’s been burning the candle at both ends and is pretty much drained. Will Terry’s wise words help him get back on track?

Finn interrupts a chat between Laura and Elizabeth.

Tuesday, June 7:

Dex tells Sonny that someone is targeting his coffee business, and Sonny deduces it’s Michael. Plus, a video of Britt at the Social Setups mixer goes viral, and Ned tries to make Michael a counter-offer.

While Sonny, being the mobster and all, is the one who usually makes the offer that people can’t refuse, the tables are turned when Brando is the one extending an offer. Here’s hoping Brando isn’t about to do something that will push Sasha even closer to the edge.

Ned has heard what Michael has to say, and now, having thought it through, he’s ready to make a counter-proposal. Will the two be able to strike a deal? Meanwhile, Carly very much wants to help save ELQ and turns to Drew for an assist in that regard.

Britt’s in need of help, and those closest to her — meaning Brad and Obrecht — are on hand to stage an intervention.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Marshall opens up to Curtis about his past.

Wednesday, June 8:

Cody and Britt clash at the Metro Court pool again, Brad asks Selina for more responsibility, and Gladys hovers over Sasha.

All eyes are on Dex, and not because he’s a good looking guy. Rather, Dante and Brando think there’s something suspicious about the newbie…

Sasha is not pleased by an upsetting delivery.

When Brook Lynn goes looking for someone to blame, she settles on Brad. Meanwhile, Selina pays a visit to Sonny to express her concern.

What’s got Britt calling in legal expertise?

Thursday, June 9:

Brando asks Sasha if she’s using again, Spinelli’s connection to Society Setups is revealed, and Trina gets news from PCU.

Sam finds time to catch Carly up on recent events.

Sasha has been in a downward spiral ever since poor Liam’s birth and death. When Brando becomes concerned for her well-being, will she be able to let him in? Or will she push him away?

As Joss contemplates the future, Trina — who is worried about what’s coming down the road — can’t help but react.

Ava wonders what’s going on inside her husband’s head. (Of course, trying to get into the mind of a Cassadine man is not the easiest thing to do!) Meanwhile, Spencer has questions for Esme regarding their future and her living arrangements.

Friday, June 10:

Gregory gives Finn advice about Liz, Trina comes up with a plan to nail Esme, and Ryan is disappointed in Esme.

Epiphany and Marshall were just getting to know one another when he skipped town. Now that they’re in the same city, will they manage to pick up where they left off?

Cameron continues to worry about his mom. Fortunately, Laura — who has managed to survive just about every trauma known to mankind — is there to offer her support.

Finn, Gregory and Violet are heading out for a camping trip. What could possibly go wrong?

Spencer’s been doing his best to pull the wool over Esme’s eyes, but you know who he’s not fooling? Ava, who calls her stepson out on his obvious-to-her feelings for Trina.

Felicia and Mac would probably be perfectly happy to never encounter Kevin’s psychotic twin, Ryan, again. Unfortunately, that’s not in the cards as fate puts them on a collision course!

Week of June 13:

Monday, June 13:

Things are in a state of flux at Aurora Media, but that could change this week, depending on how Michael feels about the companies new backer. In other business news, Valentin makes it clear he has no intention of stepping down from the top spot at ELQ!

Spencer is getting increasingly desperate to figure out a way to expose the truth about Esme. Will his latest plan finally prove successful? And what will Ava think about the proposition Nikolas makes?

What will Martin do with the new information he receives from Jordan?

Esme has a rather tense confrontation.

Tuesday, June 14:

Things are really bad between Sonny and his son. Given that Carly is far more likely to see things Michael’s way than Sonny’s these days, how will the estranged couple’s chat about the situation wind up going?

When you need help figuring out something involving computers, you go to Spinelli, right? Well, that’s exactly what Joss and Trina finally do today. Geez, ladies, what took you so long?

Sam and Dante have a few questions for the new guy in town.

Finn and Gregory take Aiden, Jake, Cameron and Violet camping, in conjunction with the PC Pioneers, to escape their concerns about Liz.

Wednesday, June 15:

An unusual noise has Maxie freaking out. But is she doing so with good cause?

Even with Elizabeth out of the picture, Finn’s doing his best to help the family she’s temporarily left behind… and he just might be scoring points with Cameron.

Curtis is very interested in keeping his business and personal lives separate, especially where Selina Wu is concerned. But when she crosses paths with TJ, Curtis will immediately have cause to worry!

Will what Brook Lynn and Chase discover about Linc help or hurt her cause?

It’s starting to feel as if Joss and Trina might have gotten themselves in over their heads!

Thursday, June 16:

Given how long Valentin and Anna have been circling one another, it’s almost ridiculous that they haven’t had an official date. But that’s about to change!

Sonny put it all on the line for Nina, so why is she now questioning his motives? And when Carly’s happy to see Drew, is it a sign that she’s ready to move on from Sonny?

Britt is on the receiving end of some attention she would definitely classify as “unwanted.”

Brook Lynn lays out her whole Linc-related plan to Chase. But it will probably surprise absolutely no one to hear that things go off the rails!

Selina isn’t pleased when Brad passes along a bit of information about the latest game to unfold at The Savoy!

Friday, June 17:

Esme thinks that perhaps Kevin can provide her a little bit of insight. (Wonder how he’d feel to know that he’s actually offering advice to his psycho brother’s daughter?) Meanwhile, Spencer, too, seeks advice, but he winds up turning to Uncle Victor for help.

Mac is going to lose his cool when he finds out what Felicia’s been up to… and with good reason!

Remember when Martin and Laura were being targeted by someone while they were away from Port Charles? Cyrus swore he wasn’t responsible, but was he telling the truth? The discussion Laura and Martin have today may shed more light on the situation…

A whole lot of people have reason to be worried about Trina, and they compare notes today.

As Anna and Valentin’s first date continues, he opens up a bit. But how will she feel about what he confesses?


Days of Our Lives

(Looks like another short week again?!)

Fight it as they may, EJ and Belle just can’t hold back any longer — plus, as a death rocks Salem, Leo and Gwen throw murderous accusations at each other and Chad confronts Kate about her son, who ends up filled with guilt and consoles Jennifer. And, unfortunately, there are even more pre-emptions ahead…

Monday, June 13:

Ever since first they kissed, things have been getting increasingly intense between EJ and Belle. Today, those flying sparks lead to combustion as things heat up between Sami’s sister and her ex-husband!

Tripp has some news for Steve and Kayla which might catch them off-guard. Meanwhile, his ex, Allie, grows much closer to Chanel. (Does this mean Johnny’s out of the picture for good?)

Death comes a-callin’ on the town of Salem. (But given how often people come back from the dead, we’re going to recommend that viewers postpone their mourning until we know if the person in question is dead-dead.)

Tuesday, June 14:

In the wake of a shocking death, Leo and Gwen take turns accusing one another of having gone a step too far. But did one of them actually commit murder? Meanwhile, Chad — needing someone to lash out at — finds Kate is in the right place at the right time.

Well, this doesn’t sound good: Lucas wakes up without any clue where he was or what he did the night before. Not exactly the condition one wants to be in as suspicious eyes begin looking for someone upon whom to pin a murder!

Tragedy brings Jack and Jennifer back to Salem.

Wednesday, June 15:

Chad is determined to find answers. When he grills Kate about her son, will she tell Abigail’s husband what he wants — and perhaps needs — to hear? Meanwhile, despite being eaten alive by guilt, Lucas is there to offer what comfort he can to Jack and Jennifer.

Tripp gets together with his parents to say farewell. But is he really going to be leaving Salem for good? (One thing we know for sure: He’ll be appearing in the upcoming edition of this soap’s spinoff, Beyond Salem. And just look at some of the familiar faces who’ll be joining him!)

Li and Gabi have been getting much better acquainted. But one thing he never wanted to do was be the bearer of the kind of bad news he must deliver to her today!

Thursday, June 16:

The soap will be pre-empted today.

Friday, June 17:

The soap will be pre-empted again today.

EJ seems to be getting himself in hot water where Belle is concerned — and it wouldn’t be the first time.


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