Saturday, August 6, 2022

Weekly Soap Spoilers: August 8-12, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Some of our favorites reflect on the past, while others contemplate the future .Looking backwards are on-again/off-again marrieds Nick and Sharon. Looking forward, Elena and Adam, the former wondering what’s really going on with Nate and Imani, and the latter considering an offer out of left field. Meanwhile, Victor is trying to keep the hot seat in which the Newmans have landed from getting any hotter.

Friday, August 5:

Calling all “Shick” fans! Your pairing will inevitably grow closer when Nick shares a secret with Sharon.

Billy walks a road well-traveled when he comforts Victoria. The question is, will he be walking it alone when Lily gets wind of what he’s been up to?

Are we about to get some dishy drama… or is this teaser work-related? We’ll have to tune in to find out as Abby catches Chance in a compromising position.

Week of August 8:

Monday, August 8:

This could really be a full-time job for Victor, come to think of it. Once again, he’s called upon to mount a defense of the embattled Newman family.

When Phyllis protects her interests, will those “interests” be the Grand Phoenix… or Jack? We can only imagine the lengths that she’d go to in order to protect either one! Speaking of Jack…

Traci, always the smartest person in the room — no matter the room! — questions her big brother’s feelings for Diane. Leave it to Jack to be the last to realize he’s not as over her as he’d like to believe!

Tuesday, August 9:

Chance, Chance, Chance. Never play poker — even metaphorical poker — with the Mustache. When Victor calls the detective’s bluff, will he reveal that he has a winning hand after all?

They say that when one door closes, another opens — and that’s certainly true for Adam, who receives an offer that is most unexpected.

This could take a while when Nick and Sharon start to commiserate about their past.

Wednesday, August 10:

With Ashland’s demise a hot topic that’s not cooling off anytime soon, Nikki plays detective, testing the loyalty of stepdaughter Abby, aka the wife of the investigating offer.

Hmm. Elena gives Devon a warning. Perhaps about what a conniving would-be man-stealer Imani is?

As expressive as she is, Phyllis doesn’t have much of a poker face. Today, though, she pulls it together to play her cards close to the vest.

Thursday, August 11:

When Victor talks, people listen. Well, unless it’s his family, then the odds are 50/50. Anyway, he’ll probably get his point across when, due to the predicament they’re in, he orders his nearest and dearest to put up a united front.

Victoria, rebel that she is, breaks from the ranks to put pressure on Chance. Will she regret going too far… or will it turn out that she’s gone just far enough?

Get your shades ready, because bright sparks are guaranteed to fly when Sally plays hardball with Adam. Wonder if it’ll wind up being as much fun as the, ahem, pickleball games that Eric and Donna played on Bold & Beautiful.

Friday, August 12:

We saw this one coming a mile away! Now that Chelsea’s working so closely with Billy, she puts him in an uncomfortable position. And if it’s uncomfortable for him, how much worse will it be for Lily?

Elena and Nate’s whole relationship may be on the line when she confronts her beau about the heat-seeking missile that’s aimed right at him. You know — Imani!

Tessa’s career takes an unexpected turn. Given that Devon and Lily have made half the cast CEOs at Chancellor-Winters, maybe the singer is being given a seat on the board.


The Bold and the Beautiful

Boom chicka wow wow! When Steffy isn’t lighting into Li for letting her needlessly grieve for months, she’s making up for lost time with her hubba-hubba hubby. In other developments, Ridge can’t help but channel Hall & Oates, thinking back to his capital-M Moment with Taylor and humming, “Your kiss is on my list of the best things in life.” Plus, Thomas has an ask of Hope that sends her spiraling. How will it all play out?

Hot Topic: Steffy and Finn are finally back together… but is what comes next going to be a let down for their fans?

Friday, August 5:

Brooke flips her lid on Deacon, Steffy questions Taylor, Finn arrives at home, and Carter and Quinn revel in their love.

This oughta be good! After Brooke rejects his presence, Deacon explains his theory about her, Ridge and Taylor to Hope. Our only question is, should we make popcorn or get a tablet to take notes?

Despite her joy at being reunited with the love of her life, Steffy shifts her attention away from Finn just long enough to call out Taylor and Ridge about their new vibe since being in Monte Carlo. Will her dreams of getting her parents back together finally come to fruition?!?

Week of August 8:

Monday, August 8:

If only they had frequent-flyer miles for flip-floppers! Finding himself in an all-too-familiar position, Ridge struggles with complex emotions involving Taylor and Brooke. Guess he’s a “grass is greener” kinda guy. No wonder he managed to spark one of, if not the most memorable Bold & Beautiful rivalry of all time.

We knew this face-off was coming, and here it is: Steffy confronts Li for all of the pain she caused in hiding the truth that Finn was alive. We know the doctor had her reasons, but whew, it’s gonna be a tough sell when it comes to her son’s “widow.”

Tuesday, August 9:

Is this going to end with yet another of Finn’s mothers banned from the household?! Steffy and Li argue about the latter’s decision to keep Finn from his family.

Uh-oh. “I can’t stop thinking about the kiss” just might become the newest entry in the ultimate soap opera drinking game, as Taylor and Ridge think back to the heartfelt smooch they shared in Monaco.

Wednesday, August 10:

Oh, yeah, “the kiss” will become a new tagline for sure: Steffy and Taylor share a mother/daughter moment as Taylor confesses that she and Ridge locked lips. We can’t help but wonder if the world-renowned psychiatrist’s daughter will make sure a certain blonde stepmother finds out about the illicit smackeroo. (Yes, we’re talking about you, Brooke!)

Turn up the TV and break out the fans! The electricity between Steffy and Finn is palpable as they passionately make love. Hubba hubba!

Thursday, August 11:

In a move that some Bold & Beautiful fans have been waiting ages for, Thomas discusses the possibility of Douglas moving back in with him with Hope and Liam. The question is, will his request be met with outrage and opposition… or compassion and compromise? We’re gonna guess “outrage and opposition,” given that that would be the perfect set-up for big drama between families.

Deputy Chief Baker must be on summer vacation, as Detective Sanchez gives the Forresters an essential update on Sheila’s whereabouts. We just hope the new information he passes along doesn’t include the words “Deacon Sharpe” and “aiding and abetting”… eep.

Friday, August 12:

In front of her mom and Thomas, Steffy urges Ridge to return where he belongs, with Taylor. This sounds on brand for the brazen brunette, who has never backed down from her insistence that her father would be happier and more at peace with her mother. She wasn’t able to convince him before, however. Will this time be different?!

Aw, these are the father/daughter moments we always longed for! Deacon consoles an upset Hope, giving her confidence that Douglas will remain with her. Should he really be saying that, though? And ooo, are we gearing up for a custody battle?!?


General Hospital

The clock is ticking down as Trina awaits the verdict. We all know she’s innocent, but can anyone clear her name? Heaven knows a whole lot of people are going to try! Meanwhile, Spinelli tries to steer Britt away from Cody, Sam opens up to her beau and Dante is tasked with making an arrest.

Week of August 1:

Monday, August 1:

Ava and Esme’s fight turns deadly, Trina testifies she has feelings for Spencer, and Liz experiences another episode.

This is a day you won’t want to miss as Trina takes the stand in her own defense. Meanwhile, the showdown between Ava and Esme explodes even as Nikolas approaches his son.

Finn heads to the hospital so that he can check on Elizabeth on her first official day back. But something very unexpected is about to happen!

An increasingly nervous Willow has questions for TJ as they await the results of her latest tests. Will they finally figure out exactly what’s really going on with her? Meanwhile, Sam happens to be approaching Michael just as he’s making a rather mysterious phone call.

Even after all this time, Mac’s still got it… and when someone at the Metro Court pool notices, Felicia isn’t likely to be thrilled!

Tuesday August 2:

Spencer is arrested for breaking out of Spring Ridge. Plus, Nikolas vows to protect Ava no matter what when he fails to find evidence if Esme is dead or alive.

Now that Willow has a better idea about her condition, she sits down for a talk with Britt and Terry about what comes next.

Curtis is willing to do what it takes to get new information. Meanwhile, Trina’s freedom hangs in the balance, prompting Diane to make what might be a last-ditch effort to clear the young woman’s name.

Something pops up from the recesses of Elizabeth’s memories. Will it help shed light on what’s been going on with her?

What’s got Nikolas in a desperate race against time to get to Spoon Island?

Wednesday, August 3:

Ava makes two very big moves, Sasha gets a shock, Rory makes his feelings for Trina crystal clear, and Spencer is locked up.

Sasha’s an emotional mess when she happens to cross paths with Nina at the Metro Court gardens. Meanwhile, Brando hopes that Sonny might be able to offer him some helpful words of advice.

Cameron gets an instant recap on what’s been going on with Trina’s trial.

Jordan has a few questions for someone who’s been brought to the station.

Thursday, August 4:

Having no clue as to the truth about Dex, Sonny says he has an assignment for his newest employee.

Dante is making big decisions about his future, including on the work front. What will come of his conversation with Jordan on that very topic?

Carly knows her daughter well enough to see that something’s eating at her. Will Josslyn confide in her mom?

Things spiral out of control at the Metro Court. How bad do things get? Bad enough that the police are summoned to the scene!

Friday, August 5:

Martin offers Brando a way to keep Sasha out of jail, but he’s uncomfortable with it. Britt agrees to a second date with Cody, and Dante accuses Brook Lynn of running a con.

Sasha’s becoming a real liability for Deception, prompting Maxie, Brook Lynn and Lucy to take a meeting regarding the latest Face of Deception news.

Gregory and Alexis made a “friendly” bet with one another, and today they’ll get together to determine who came out on top!

As Dante runs into Chase at the pool, Sam takes a meeting with Spinelli to ask for his help with a case.

Things are definitely not going well for Cody and Britt. In fact, when he tries talking with her, it quickly becomes obvious that she’s not particularly thrilled to see him!

A new face will appear at the Metro Court today, one that left Cameron Mathison asking: “What are you doing here?”

Week of August 8:

Monday, August 8:

Sonny is on hand to offer daughter Kristina his congratulations. Meanwhile, his current squeeze, Nina, hopes to convince a new chef to join the staff of the Metro Court (special guest star Jamika Pessoa) before winding up on the receiving end of a gift from her Aunt Liesl.

Dante wants to know what Brook Lynn is up to, but he might have to be more specific, given that she’s often tangled up in more than one mess!

Perhaps feeling guilty for his role in the whole dating-site debacle, Spinelli does what he can to steer Britt clear of another date with Cody.

Will Maxie give Sam the answers she seeks?

It was 25 years ago this week that Rebecca Herbst first appeared as Liz. That’s a major milestone… and fans want to know why they’re not getting much, much more of the heroine!

Tuesday August 9:

What is it about a familiar face that causes Cody to have such a strong reaction?

As they’ve had to do a few times in recent weeks, Sonny and Nina sit down to talk about not only the status of their relationship, but the realities that they will have to face and try to overcome. At the same time, Dante and Sam have a similar conversation, during which she tells him exactly what might be preventing her from committing fully to him.

Will they or won’t they… divorce, that is? Scott asks Ava that very question regarding her marriage to Nikolas.

Valentin is a man with secrets, but Anna tells Felicia that she’s going to find out exactly what he’s hiding! Meanwhile, Victor wants to know exactly to whom his son is loyal.

Drew and Carly turn to someone with expertise when the find themselves needing advice on future business strategies.

Wednesday, August 10:

We’ll finally get to know Cody a bit better when he opens up about his past. Will anything he says change the way Britt (and several other locals) view him? Meanwhile, Maxie — who probably knows Spinelli better than anyone — tries to figure out exactly what’s going on with him.

Will Valentin accept the offer that Drew’s making him?

The Cassadines are finally making a full-court press where Spencer’s cause is concerned, with Nikolas and Victor attempting to convince Alexis that she needs to get on their bandwagon.

Something tells us Anna will turn on the charm in order to get Martin to do her bidding! (And honestly, who could resist a flirtatious Anna?)

Thursday, August 11:

Sorry, Lucy, but Martin is about to deliver some news you won’t be wanting to hear.

Austin tells Maxie that he understands how she feels about family.

Even as others might doubt Spencer’s decision, he remains convinced that he’s done the right thing. Meanwhile, Joss and Trina try to take their mind off everything going on around them by spending a day at the Metro Court pool. But as we all know, it ain’t easy to simply leave one’s troubles behind.

What is the very big — and rather urgent — decision made by Portia and Curtis?

Friday, August 12:

Britt’s on hand to help someone with an injury. (Which is probably a good thing, what with her being a doctor and all!)

Rory hasn’t been on the Port Charles police force all that long, but already he’s had to face several challenges. Today, he’ll be given a difficult assignment. Can he rise to the occasion? Meanwhile, Dante has to make a surprising arrest! But of whom?

With it seeming more and more likely that the jury is about to return with their verdict, Curtis worries about how this is all impacting not only the young woman but mom Portia, too. Thankfully, Jordan is still on the case. But with the sands in the proverbial hourglass quickly running out, will she be able to find anything in time?


Days of Our Lives

Rolf assures his partner in crime that their secret project will go off without a hitch, as Sarah and Xander go undercover to investigate Gwen — plus, Clyde, Nancy, Brady and Chloe do a little investigating of their own and Li has a surprising connection to a Salem villain!

Week of August 8:

Monday, August 8:

Kristen desperately needs Rolf’s plan to work in order for her to achieve her goals. The mad genius assures her that nothing will go awry. (Admit it, don’t you wish you had a Rolf of your own on call?)

There’s no place like home… especially when said residence is filled with schemers and backstabbers. That said, when EJ welcomes Ava to the DiMera mansion, she should fit right in!

Chloe is in need of a little distraction, and Brady knows exactly how to get her mind off things. Will a little romance do the trick?

When Shawn and Jada become partners at the Salem PD, will they work well together, or might it be rough going… you know, the way it always is when new people start working together on Law & Order?

Tuesday, August 9:

In Salem, nothing is what it seems and no character is an island. So it should come as no surprise that Rolf has a hidden connection to someone on the canvas. What might prove surprising is that the person is Li!

Brady and Kristen will always be connected by the daughter they share. Will Rachel factor into the equation when Brady makes his ex a deal?

Nicole should probably be focusing on her new marriage, but she can’t stop thinking about how Eric and Jada’s date might be going.

After everything they’ve been through this year, can Shawn and Belle find their way back to one another? It looks like they might be making a bit of progress in that general direction…

Wednesday, August 10:

Usually, when Sarah and Xander go undercover it’s so they can spend a little sexy time together. But today, they’ll be doing so in an effort to get the goods on his former lover, Gwen!

We knew things would get interesting the moment Ava moved in with the DiMera clan, and sure enough, she and Johnny are about to find themselves in the kind of position which can only be described as compromising!

Alex continues to make the rounds as he gets to know the residents of Salem. How will Chanel take it when he makes a play for her?

Sonny wants to help Chad, but his plan hits a major snag.

Thursday, August 11:

One never knows what will come out of the mouth of babes, or so they say. Thankfully, Chad is listening to what son Thomas has to say, because it might just offer a clue to the identity of Abigail’s murderer!

Ava and Gwen have shared a whole lot of secrets and covered one another’s crimes more than once. Despite this, Xander and Sarah hope they might figure out a way to come between the two schemers! Meanwhile, EJ happens to overhear a conversation between Ava and Gwen that could put him in a powerful position.

Talk about having a whole lot of gall! Leo has the nerve to approach Brady and Chloe for a job. Wonder which of them will laugh loudest?

Friday, August 12:

It’s tough to imagine a more bizarre Scooby gang, but Clyde, Nancy, Brady and Chloe form one in order to put the final pieces of a puzzle together.

Rafe can’t help but notice that his wife is more than a little preoccupied with Jada and Eric’s date! Should he be worried that Nicole’s not as over her ex as she claims? (Don’t worry… that’s a rhetorical question!)

Chad has been searching high and low for answers, but perhaps the problem is that he’s been asking the wrong people. When he demands Leo come clean, will he finally get the truth?

Alex and Sonny haven’t exactly seen things eye to eye, so it’s time for the men to sit down and clear the air.

Beginning September 12, Days of Our Lives will be airing exclusively on Peacock.


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