Saturday, August 13, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: August 15-19, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Victor sets in motion a master plan to protect his family — even as one of them considers going rogue. Lily is besieged on all fronts, as the tension between Nate and Devon starts getting to her, at the same time as Billy is giving her reason to wonder whether he‘s in their relationship for the long haul. Finally, as Phyllis hits the accelerator on her plot to get rid of Diane, her back-from-the-dead archenemy is seeing new signs of life in her relationship with the man that they both love.

Friday, August 12:

Sally’s reveal leads to a huge fight, Chelsea broaches a touchy subject, and Kyle comes clean to Summer.

We saw this one coming a mile away! Now that Chelsea’s working so closely with Billy, she puts him in an uncomfortable position. And if it’s uncomfortable for him, how much worse will it be for Lily?

Elena and Nate’s whole relationship may be on the line when she confronts her beau about the heat-seeking missile that’s aimed right at him. You know — Imani!

Tessa’s career takes an unexpected turn. Given that Devon and Lily have made half the cast CEOs at Chancellor-Winters, maybe the singer will be given a seat on the board.

Week of August 15:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Chelsea’s agenda wreaking havoc, Adam’s nefarious plot, Nikki and Phyllis playing with fire and much more!

Monday, August 15:

Just as Victor is setting the record straight with Chance, Victoria is making a confession to Abby. Wonder if either of them will be telling the truth, the whole truth or anything like the truth.

Like the proverbial snowball rolling downhill, Phyllis’ revenge plot picks up speed. But will it really result in Diane being left out in the cold… or will Phyllis herself get frozen out?

Be on the lookout as trouble’s headed for Genoa City — and Adam’s right in its path!

Tuesday, August 16:

Off his conversation with Chance, Victor discloses his game plan to the Newmans. If history is any indication, it’s going to involve all of them walking around town with a big secret under their hats. Also, they’re all going to have to start wearing hats, apparently.

We hate to say “We told ya so,” but Lily, we did. We did tell you that if you made Devon and Nate colleagues, it would lead to friction. And today, it’s exactly that friction that has her worried.

We can’t imagine what new side of Billy Chelsea is about to see, considering that over the years, the two of them have been enemies, friends, lovers and everything in between. Like, what side of him can be left?

Wednesday, August 17:

Nikki and Phyllis recruit a new ally. Which, if our math is correct, brings the membership of their We Hate Diane Club to approximately… all but about a handful of people in Genoa City. Hey, at least she never deliberately tried to murder anybody like Phyllis did once upon a time. (Right, Christine?)

While Phyllis continues to secretly wage war against Diane, the lady Lazarus makes a promise to Jack. Now, if she really wants to prove to us that she’s changed — despite CBS’ original promos touting the return of “the ultimate bad girl” — the trick for her is going to be keeping that promise!

Kyle’s in the mood for love. But the fates, it seems, are not. So they throw an altogether unexpected curveball at his romantic evening with Summer.

Thursday, August 18:

Ha — we saw this one coming the minute Billy started podcasting away with Chelsea. Only how many weeks later, Lily is already questioning his commitment to her. Speaking of Chelsea…

She and Victoria revisit their fraught past. Wait, is this episode super-sized, ’cause that could take a while, what with the con artist having once accused Billy of rape when, in fact, it was the other way around.

When Abby finds Chance in a compromising position, we have a hunch it won’t be with another woman. Our guess is that he’ll be going a mite too far (in her opinion) in his investigation of her family.

Friday, August 19:

Even as Victor protects his family’s secrets — we just knew a confession wasn’t in the cards — Nick contemplates coming clean. Of course, if he were to do that, he might find himself in the unusual position of being higher on Dad’s [bleep] list than usual black sheep Adam. Speaking of whom…

What Adam does next just might throw not only Victor but all of the Newmans for a loop.

Somebody must have told Diane that if she’s gonna dream, she might as well dream big, ’cause today she’s imagining a future for herself and Jack — you know, the ex whose heart she broke more times than we can count.


The Bold and the Beautiful

Batten down the hatches, ’cause there’s a storm a-brewing . Ridge (kisses and) tells Brooke something that she most definitely isn’t going to want to hear, Thomas and Hope put their heads (and hearts?) together in deciding Douglas’ living arrangements, Deacon gets a particularly startling wake-up call, and a pair of Forrester employees get caught in the office doing what (let’s be real) most of them do: making out. Who’s busted while bussing?

Friday, August 12:

Deacon learns Sheila died, Hope worries about Thomas, Steffy urges Ridge to get back with Taylor.

In front of her mom and Thomas, Steffy urges Ridge to return where he belongs, with Taylor. This sounds on brand for the brazen brunette, who has never backed down from her insistence that her father would be happier and more at peace with her mother. She wasn’t able to convince him before, however. Will this time be different?!

Aw, these are the father/daughter moments we always longed for! Deacon consoles an upset Hope, giving her confidence that Douglas will remain with her. Should he really be saying that, though? And ooo, are we gearing up for a custody battle?!?

Week of August 15:

Hot Topic: The shocking twist that left us gasping… with laughter.

Monday, August 15:

In a shocking and unexpected development, the Forresters are stunned to learn of the death of Sheila Carter. Aside from her history, find out why we’re questioning whether Sheila is really, most sincerely dead here.

Hmm… this is an intriguing teaser: Steffy and Taylor get real with Thomas about Douglas. It almost sounds like they’ll try to dissuade him from his dream of having his son move back in with him full-time. Could that possibly be the case?!?

Tuesday, August 16:

When Eric gives his blessing and grants a special request to Thomas, we have to wonder if the reformed obsessive will be welcomed back into the Forrester mansion with open arms. We also have to wonder what happened to his realtor’s quest to find him a home of his own. It must be a tight market in L.A., even for wealthy fashion designers!

Eek! Hide the good dishes (so she doesn’t throw them at his head)! Ridge confesses to Brooke that he kissed Taylor in Monte Carlo. Will Brooke freak out — or shed her trademark single heartbroken tear — when she hears the news?

Wednesday, August 17:

In what will undoubtedly be more of a very light nudge, Steffy pushes Taylor to admit that she’s ready for a future with Ridge. But as they say, getting there is only half the battle. That is what they say, right?!?

Thomas and Hope get emotional over his plan to live with Douglas. Could they possibly be working this out like two mature, caring adults? It almost sounds like it. On the other hand, the “emotion” could be rage, so there’s that.

Thursday, August 18:

Well, if you don’t get deja vu from this teaser, you haven’t been watching Bold & Beautiful long enough: Taylor and Steffy go on the offensive with Ridge about Brooke’s past transgressions. Here’s a tip, ladies: If he doesn’t see her flaws all on his own, pointing them out isn’t going to help your cause.

Deacon wakes up in bed with a complete stranger. Our first thought is, “Oh no, he went on a colossal bender.” Our second thought? “Is this so-called stranger actually the supposedly dead Sheila in disguise?” If so, how will the ex-con handle the fugitive this time around?

Friday, August 19:

Carter and Quinn get busted kissing in the Forrester CEO office. Will the person who walks in on them sharing a lip-lock be Paris? Will we finally get a showdown over Carter’s flip-flopping? Carter’s flip-flopping — a phrase we never thought we’d say!

Finn and Steffy once again demonstrate their great love for one another. Ooo, is this another passionate bedroom scene or perhaps a vow renewal? Imagine if they held a ceremony in the Forrester living room and Sheila showed up again!

Bold & Beautiful’s new addition arrives today and could lead Deacon to an arrested development!


General Hospital

At long last, we may get more information about what’s been going on with Liz, especially after Finn makes a big move. Elsewhere, Maxie refuses to butt out, Valentin tries keeping Anna safe from his father, and Nikolas tries to keep anyone from uncovering what really happened between Ava and Esme!

Week of August 8:

Monday, August 8:

Cody threatens Spinelli over the illegalities in his matchmaking algorithm, Kristina surprises Sonny with her support, and Ava gives Willow something to think about.

Sonny is on hand to offer daughter Kristina his congratulations. Meanwhile, his current squeeze, Nina, hopes to convince a new chef to join the staff of the Metro Court (special guest star Jamika Pessoa) before winding up on the receiving end of a gift from her Aunt Liesl.

Dante wants to know what Brook Lynn is up to, but he might have to be more specific, given that she’s often tangled up in more than one mess!

Perhaps feeling guilty for his role in the whole dating-site debacle, Spinelli does what he can to steer Britt clear of another date with Cody.

Will Maxie give Sam the answers she seeks?

Tuesday August 9:

Cody is pleased to meet Britt’s mother, but not so much her boyfriend Scott. Ava is forced to stay married to Sonny, while Nina and Sonny make their relationship official.

What is it about a familiar face that causes Cody to have such a strong reaction?

As they’ve had to do a few times in recent weeks, Sonny and Nina sit down to talk about not only the status of their relationship, but the realities that they will have to face and try to overcome. At the same time, Dante and Sam have a similar conversation, during which she tells him exactly what might be preventing her from committing fully to him.

Will they or won’t they… divorce, that is? Scott asks Ava that very question regarding her marriage to Nikolas.

Valentin is a man with secrets, but Anna tells Felicia that she’s going to find out exactly what he’s hiding! Meanwhile, Victor wants to know exactly to whom his son is loyal.

Drew and Carly turn to someone with expertise when the find themselves needing advice on future business strategies.

Wednesday, August 10:

Cody stuns Scott on how they are connected, Drew offers to take out Victor for Valentin, and Spencer prepares to head to Pentonville.

We’ll finally get to know Cody a bit better when he opens up about his past. Will anything he says change the way Britt (and several other locals) view him? Meanwhile, Maxie — who probably knows Spinelli better than anyone — tries to figure out exactly what’s going on with him.

Will Valentin accept the offer that Drew’s making him?

The Cassadines are finally making a full-court press where Spencer’s cause is concerned, with Nikolas and Victor attempting to convince Alexis that she needs to get on their bandwagon.

Something tells us Anna will turn on the charm in order to get Martin to do her bidding! (And honestly, who could resist a flirtatious Anna?)

Thursday, August 11:

Sorry, Lucy, but Martin is about to deliver some news you won’t be wanting to hear.

Austin tells Maxie that he understands how she feels about family.

Even as others might doubt Spencer’s decision, he remains convinced that he’s done the right thing. Meanwhile, Joss and Trina try to take their mind off everything going on around them by spending a day at the Metro Court pool. But as we all know, it ain’t easy to simply leave one’s troubles behind.

What is the very big — and rather urgent — decision made by Portia and Curtis?

Friday, August 12:

Portia has help she’s not even aware of gaining access to Oz, and Scott believes Cody’s story and drops the charges against him.

Britt’s on hand to help someone with an injury. (Which is probably a good thing, what with her being a doctor and all!)

Rory hasn’t been on the Port Charles police force all that long, but already he’s had to face several challenges. Today, he’ll be given a difficult assignment. Can he rise to the occasion? Meanwhile, Dante has to make a surprising arrest! But of whom?

With it seeming more and more likely that the jury is about to return with their verdict, Curtis worries about how this is all impacting not only the young woman but mom Portia, too. Thankfully, Jordan is still on the case. But with the sands in the proverbial hourglass quickly running out, will she be able to find anything in time?

Week of August 15:

Monday, August 15:

Everyone in her life is very concerned about Elizabeth and what’s been going on with her. When Finn and Terry discuss the situation, wonder if they’ll also talk about the biggest problem with the story (and show): namely, the pacing.

If you’ve got fingers to cross, do it now alongside Curtis and Portia as they hope against hope that their plan works! As this is playing out, Trina continues to anxiously await news about the verdict in her case.

Spencer finds himself having to make an incredibly difficult decision. Meanwhile, Nikolas might struggle to answer Victor’s questions regarding Esme!

Cam crosses paths with Sonny’s new henchman, Dex, and definitely does not get a good vibe from the dude. Wonder if that’s cause Cameron senses that the guy is perfectly positioned to make a play for Josslyn!

Tuesday August 16:

The big day is here at last. Will the jury realize that Trina is completely innocent… or will the horrific scheme Esme set in motion months ago prove successful?

Olivia’s been watching from the sidelines and finds herself wondering if Carly and Drew’s friendship might soon be the type that comes with very specific benefits. Elsewhere, Sonny and Nina carve out time for a romantic date.

Dex is questioned about his past.

Willow’s been fearing the worst, and she’s about to get absolutely devastating news.

Wednesday, August 17:

Talk about too little too late! Spencer is only now beginning to have second thoughts!

With the walls closing in on them, Ava and Nikolas wind up having to work with someone rather unexpected in order to protect themselves. Is it simply a coincidence that this happens just as Jordan begins looking into Esme’s vanishing act?

When Willow needs a sounding board, TJ is there to provide it.

Get the popcorn ready, because things are about to get both nasty and physical between Nina and Carly!

Thursday, August 18:

Victor seems determined to get rid of Anna. Can Valentin convince his murder-minded dad that she is no longer a threat to his master plan? Meanwhile, Anna cooks up a new plan with Lucy, who might soon get an earful from Martin with regards to new guy Cody.

Brook Lynn is about to try and help Chase where his career is concerned. Anybody else get nervous whenever Brook Lynn tries to “help” her hunky would-be beau?

Having never met a dead horse she wasn’t willing to beat, Maxie tries convincing Britt that she should give Cody yet another chance.

Will the disturbing memory Elizabeth has today finally give more insight into what’s really been going on with her all this time?

Friday, August 19:

Elizabeth’s past and present may be on a collision course after Finn reaches out to someone…

Things were going pretty swimmingly for Dante and Sam — even when they weren’t hanging out at the Metro Court pool. So why does he worry that he might have messed things up?

Will Alexis and Gregory’s latest encounter find them fighting or flirting? (Then again, with these two, those are practically the same thing!)

Austin gets together with a family member in order to set some firm boundaries.

When Britt confronts Cody, will sparks fly… or has the bridge between them already been burned to the ground?


Days of Our Lives

EJ, Ava and Johnny share quite the eventful meal together, while Alex makes a scandalous suggestion to Allie and Chanel — plus, Chad and Jada go in search of evidence, EJ threatens to expose Ava’s secret, Rolf confronts Li, and Steve and Kayla’s daughter Stephanie returns to Salem!

Week of August 15:

Monday, August 15:

Is there anything better than when a dysfunctional soap family gathers for a meal… and you have to hide the knives? That’s what we’re expecting to experience when EJ, Ava, and Johnny sit down to have a nice, peaceful meal.

Kristen might want to be careful, because Anna’s getting more than a little suspicious of her!

Does Li have reason to be concerned about Gabi’s feelings? He might have a better idea after she makes a Stefan-related confession to her current lover.

We’re not gonna lie: We can’t wait to see how the “date” between Alex, Chanel and Allie goes!

Tuesday, August 16:

Alex has proven himself to be a bit of a playboy since arriving in Salem… and today, he’s going to shock Allie and Chanel by making a stunning suggestion.

An unholy alliance could be born if Li and Kristen can strike a deal…

You’d think that after all these years, nothing Lucas says could possibly shock his mom, Kate. But you’d think wrong, because today, he manages to do exactly that.

Paulina knows a thing or two about the importance of second chances. When she suggests Roman might want to give one to Kate, will he listen?

Wednesday, August 17:

Pretty much everyone on the planet knows about the “secret” room in the DiMera basement. Yet for some reason, Chad and Jada are just now getting around to searching that space for any evidence that might link back to Abigail’s real killer.

Leo loves to gab, but something tells us his lips might be sealed pretty tight when Shawn tries prying info out of him!

Alex is continuing to prove himself an untrustworthy dude, this time by pulling the wool over Sonny’s eyes.

Orpheus seems bound and determined to make himself the most hated man in Salem. What’s he do this time? Tick Steve off by presenting Kayla with a gift!

Thursday, August 18:

During the final episode of Beyond Salem‘s latest chapter, Steve and Kayla’s daughter, Stephanie, received a mysterious message which she indicated might bring her back home. Well, guess what… today’s the day she arrives!

Leo calls in an attorney and together, they go up against Rafe.

EJ loves to push buttons, and Ava’s are right there, now that she’s living under the same roof.

Kayla’s always been someone with a comforting presence and good advice. Might what she tells Chad help him to deal with all the recent trauma he’s experienced?

Friday, August 19:

They say that two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Here’s hoping things don’t get quite that out of hand when EJ warns that he’ll reveal what Ava’s hiding unless she gives him what he wants.

Li may have thought he got the upper hand, but Rolf calls the exec out on his sabotage.

It’s been a while in coming, but Johnny finally carves out time to issue an apology to Gabi. Later, the beauty will likely be surprised when Chloe comes to her, of all people, seeking assistance.

Beginning September 12, Days of Our Lives will be airing exclusively on Peacock.



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