Monday, August 9, 2021

DAYS Spoilers For The Week of August 9: A Kidnapping and A Reunion


The DAYS Spoilers For August 9 – August 13, 2021, tease Sami Brady DiMera being hoisted with her own petard – and then literally dragged out of town. Also, there’s a big payoff in store for CIN fans.

DAYS Spoilers Highlights

EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) knows all about Sami’s (Alison Sweeney) double dalliance with Lucas Horton (Bryan Dattilo) – but he gives her the opportunity to come clean and admit her trespass; she doesn’t. So, he tries again; she fails to rise to the occasion…again.

Color Sami shocked when EJ produces Kristen DiMera’s (Stacy Haiduk) missive – the one that outlined all the hanky panky that Sami got up to; the one Sami thought that she’d reduced to ash.

With her back against the wall, Sami begs for forgiveness; EJ leaves her wanting. Off that emotionally exhausting confrontation, Sami makes a beeline for Nicole Walker Brady (Arianne Zucker), whom she now knows played a major role in her marital upset.

Though up for an old-fashioned catfight, Nicole actually talks Sami ’round and makes her see that she’s in a hell of her own making. Sami then returns to the DiMera mansion – only to learn that EJ has thrown her out!

Sami decides that her only hope is to throw herself on Gabi Hernandez’s (Camila Banus) mercy since she’s the actual arbitrator of who can, and who cannot reside in the mansion. But just as Sami reaches Rafe Hernandez’s (Galen Gering) abode, she’s grabbed from behind and dragged away!

Days of our Lives Spoilers: Total Recall

Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) deposits Ciara Brady (Victoria Konefal) in the cabin where they first fell in love, then promptly takes himself out of commission by twisting his ankle.

Against her better judgment, Ciara decides to tend to her kidnapper’s injury, rather than flee. Afterward, the two dine on Chinese takeout, and the meal – and the fortune cookies – spark Ciara’s memories. Look for the lovers to happily reunite in the aftermath of her total recall.

DAYS Odds and Ends

In other DAYS spoilers news, Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols) has something rather upsetting to impart to Jack Deveraux (Matthew Ashford). Might it have something to do with Jack’s daughter, Gwen Rizczech (Emily O’Brien), who finds herself in the hot seat…and not for the first time?

Meanwhile, the tensions between Paulina Price (Jackée Harry) and Lani Grant (Sal Stowers) fail to dissipate; in point of fact, an attempt on Paulina’s part to help Theo Carver only serves to irritate Lani further. When confronted by Abe Carver (James Reynolds), Lani finally breaks and explains why it’s so hard for her to forgive her aunt.

Look for the green-eyed monster to take over Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun), as the man she’s been seeing looks to be helping another woman — and not just any woman but her bestie, Nicole!

Finally, Gabi concocts a fiendish scheme to bring down Philip Kiriakis (Jay Kenneth Johnson) – who’s far too busy with his complicated love life to notice that his business partner’s been sharpening a blade to stick in his back!

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