Monday, August 2, 2021

DAYS Stars Mary Beth Evans & Stephen Nichols Answer Your Questions


Days of our Lives may be on hiatus for the Summer Olympics but two of the show’s stars — Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans — took time to answer some burning questions sent to them by their diehard fans.

Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans Answer Questions

Are you watching the Olympics?
Mary Beth Evans: I have been. I love it. I’ve been watching in the evenings. I don’t normally watch TV in the morning, but I’ve been watching the Today show to get recaps. I actually went to the Olympics when they were here in L.A. in 1984.
Stephen Nichols: I was caught in traffic many times [during that time]. I remember that.

If you had to be in the Olympics, which sport would you be in?
Evans: Swimming, for sure. I’ve been a swimmer my whole life. I should be swimming now but I’m not.
Nichols: I would probably do the high jump. When I was a kid, I was crazy about the high jump. I built a setup with a bamboo pole. I actually got pretty good. I could clear about six feet plus.
Evans: I went back for a Masters Swim [for adults] a few years ago and I actually still do it. Wally [Kurth, Justin] swims, too.

Do Steve and Kayla have anything coming up storywise?
Evans: We always have something coming up. We make every scene we have count.
Nichols: We’re involved in a couple of things. We’re doing our thing. Whatever they give us, we do it.

Thoughts on Stephanie [Shelley Hennig] and Joey [James Lastovic] and them being back in Salem someday?
Nichols: We do want them back. We love those kids and those actors. When they’re back, it means we have story. It’d be nice if Stephanie came back with a grandbaby for us.
Evans: It’d be swell to bring our kids back. We do have Tripp [Lucas Adams] so, we have one son.

What stories would you like to see for your characters?
Evans: Family. I love the multi-generational stories. It was good stuff when they aged Joey up.

What keeps you coming back to DAYS?
Evans: I feel like it’s our family. Plus, we love working together.
Nichols: [DAYS] was our maiden voyage. It feels like coming home and it’s comfortable.
Evans: There’s so much history with all the families — The Bradys, the Hortons, and the DiMeras.

How much say do you have in your costumes? Where do you get Kayla’s dresses? Steve, can you tell us about the necklace you wear?
Nichols: My wife Lisa had that made for me for our 13th wedding anniversary. It’s an Om symbol. She had it made for me. I like having it close to my heart. I mostly wear black on the show.
Evans: I’ve joked about Stephen coming in with black clothes and he changes into Steve’s black clothes. You don’t always wear black, though. Richard [Bloore, DAYS’ costumer] knows the clothes that fit me. I’m probably the quickest wardrobe fitting. A lot of what I wear is [by] Ted Baker. He knows things that fit me really well. Almost all the dresses I wear are by Ted Baker. Richard is so good. He knows everybody’s body type and style. Look at Lauren [Koslow, Kate Roberts]. She’s amazing…they bring in a rack for her and she does the mixing and matching and accessorizing. I don’t have that skill. Richard does all the shopping. He’s also truly amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is alysia and i’ve been a super fan of DOOL for a long time and you and nichols are my favorite couple on the show and i’m wondering how can i watch thr episodes now because it got switched to the peaccok app n i don’t know if it is free to watch the episodes that i have missed from you all. my whole family is a fan of you and all the amazing actors n actress on the show as well so how can i meet you guys n communicate with you guys
