Sunday, August 15, 2021

DAYS Spoilers Speculation: This Is Who Sami Really Loves


Sami Brady has lived quite the up and down romantic life since she first popped up in Salem as a newly-minted teen, but DAYS spoilers speculate that thanks to her kidnapping, we’re about to find out whom she’s really loved the most, all along.

DAYS Spoilers Speculation

Chances are, we’ll see who really loves her the most if anyone bothers to notice that she’s missing and in need of rescuing. But a whopping 6,000+ fans know who it is that Sami really loves.

DOOL Spoilers: The Greatest Love Of All

Learning to love yourself, the song goes, is the greatest love of all. And Sami (Alison Sweeney) has got it in spades, an even 50% of you speculate. In the first place with Sami isn’t a man, not EJ DiMera, not Lucas Horton (Bryan Datillo), not Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering). It’s not even one of her children, not Will Horton (Chandler Massey), not Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold), or the currently (for the moment) off-screen DiMeras, Johnny and Sydney. In first place with Sami is always Sami. For better or for worse. Depends who you ask.

DAYS Spoilers: Sami’s First Love

Sami thought she was in love with Austin Reed, but fans consider her first and most enduring love to be Lucas, with 29% of the vote swinging in that direction. Lucas always takes Sami back, and he always believes that THIS time, it’s really going to work out. Who wouldn’t love that? Who wouldn’t put that first? (Hint: According to the above, that answer is Sami. Sami wouldn’t.)

DAYS Spoilers Spec: Afterthought

Only 21% of the audience predicts that Sami really prioritizes EJ DiMera. Sure, she finds him hot. Sure, she keeps going back to him. Sure, she even loves him. But prioritize? Nah… Maybe it’s because, unlike Lucas, EJ is better at taking care of himself. Or maybe it’s because, unlike Sami, EJ never puts his bride, the mother of his children, first. They’re into each other, they’d lie for each other. But would they die for each other? You’re just not feeling it.

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