Sunday, August 15, 2021

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for DAYS: Alison Sweeney


Sami Brady DiMera – played to pitch-perfect perfection by Alison Sweeney, the recipient of Soap Hub’s Performer of the Week Award for Days of our Lives – is an absolute conundrum. She’s a heroine….and a villainess. She can make you laugh, she can make you cry, and she can make you want to shake some sense into her; and gosh darn it if there aren’t times you just want to cheer her and her wicked ways on.

Alison Sweeney – Performer of the Week

Unfortunately for Sami, hubby EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) is not currently one of her ardent admirers; he’s mighty miffed that she stepped out on their marriage – not once, but TWICE – with her ex-husband, Lucas Horton (Bryan Dattilo).

Try as she might, Sami couldn’t quite explain away those lapses in judgment…and her attempts to negate the circumstances surrounding them didn’t do much to help matters. But Sweeney deftly showed the cracks in Sami’s bravado — it was obvious it was killing her to have to break his heart.

And when it became painfully clear that forgiveness would not be forthcoming from EJ, Sami did what Sami is prone to do – she decided to lash out at others who she deems responsible for predicament…self-reflection isn’t really one of her strong suits!

So, off Sami stalked. She tracked down “that bitch” Nicole Walker Brady (Arianne Zucker) and attempted to give her a piece of her mind. But Nicole gave as good as she got, and she insisted to Sami that she was merely in a hell of her own making. For a second, it appeared that Sami internalized the message…but she just as quickly reverted to form and warned her rival that their argument was far from finished.

Back to the DiMera mansion, Sami headed. Upon arrival, she had to contend with EJ, brandishing a letter opener, and Lucas. After breaking up the men’s confrontation, Sami had to crush Lucas’s reconciliatory spirits; and then it was Sami’s spirits that were crushed when EJ announced that he was sending her packing.

But Sami wasn’t about to give up hope of convincing EJ to forgive her. And she wasn’t about to accept being kicked out of the home they resided in…Gabi Hernandez (Camila Banus) would give her permission to stay if she asked nicely!

Before setting off for the Hernandez abode – where she would be abducted by a person unknown – Sami threatened EJ that he wouldn’t be getting rid of her that easy…and we, the audience, sure hope that that’s a promise from Alison Sweeney to us!

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