Tuesday, December 28, 2021

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation: Jan Ties Herself To Shawn Forever


DAYS spoilers have long teased that Jan Spears may never come out on top. At least not when it comes to winning Shawn Brady’s heart. Alas, he is in love with Belle Black Brady and that’s not going to change. However, we think Jan is about to get a very special gift that will serve as a constant reminder of the afternoon she and Shawn shared.

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation

Jan (Heather Lindell) may not get the man, but could she get the baby? We can feel you screaming “NO” but ride with us for a second. Let us show you why this kind of soapy drama is a huge YES!

DOOL: Baby On Board

Picture this; a Salem courthouse, a few months from now. Jan is coming up for her trial and everyone is on edge. It’s time she finally goes down for all her crimes instead of slipping into a coma and sleeping her sentence away. Shawn (Brandon Beemer) and Belle (Martha Madison) are there to see Jan go down but they’re the ones in for a surprise.

Jan is brought into the courthouse in handcuffs and shackles and sporting a huge smile on her face. And, it takes all of a second for Shawn and Belle to figure out why. She turns to them and BOOM! There’s her baby bump. Talk about a jaw-dropper!

Unfortunately, the implications of her pregnancy are immediately clear. There is no doubt Shawn’s the daddy. This is quite the life-changing twist and decisions must be made quickly as to what Shawn is going to do. Will he step up for the baby? Yes. Will he help Jan out of trouble so she can mother their child? Eh, that’s up for debate.

Days of our Lives: Oh, The Baby Mama Drama!

Poor Belle also has big choices for her future. Does she stay with Shawn and raise his ‘love’ child? Should she cut ties and run? We can’t see this trio of parents making it work. Jan isn’t exactly a one-big-happy-family kind of woman. Bringing that psycho into the fold, even for a baby, spells nothing but disaster.

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