Friday, December 17, 2021

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation: Kristen Transforms To Trick Philip


Philip Kiriakis may be dead on paper but DAYS spoilers tease he’s not just alive but living the high life. Well, okay, living a life in hiding but that’s better than being six feet under. We predict it’s only a matter of time before he trips up and the wrong person sees him. The wrong person being Kristen DiMera!

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation

There is only so much slinking about one can do before getting caught. It’s obvious Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson) has no intention of living in a teeny tiny room or he would have been there long before now. We can only assume he intends on sneaking around. All it’s going to take is him being in the wrong place at the wrong time and things are sure to go off the rails.

DOOL: The Many Faces Of Kristen DiMera

Here’s how we see this going down. Worried by news of Brady Black’s (Eric Martsolf) trouble with the law, Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) returns to town, determined to save her love. She catches a glimpse of the “dead man” while he’s out and about and it hits a note with her. She lays low, of course, and comes up with a plan to expose him. A plot that includes borrowing the face of Philip’s obsession.

A trip to the mask man has Kristen donning Chloe Lane’s (Nadia Bjorlin) mug and she wastes no time using her new look to get close to Philip. She stalks Philip to his hideout and confronts him in the most Chloe way possible – by trying to get him to come clean.

Faux Chloe will be quite a trip for Philip. The beauty pretends to understand why he did what he did and promises to stay by his side if he confesses. A tear here, a kiss there, and some serious eyelash batting and we’re sure the plan will work. Philip simply cannot resist his lady love.

Days of our Lives: The Road to Redemption?

Of course, none of that is true and once Philip is behind bars and Brady is out, Kristen will slip into the darkness. It won’t be until later that Brady puts all the pieces together and realizes Chloe didn’t save him, Kristen did! The question is, will Brady return the favor? He wouldn’t turn his back on his hero, would he? Think this wild speculation could really happen?

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