Sunday, December 12, 2021

GH Spoilers Two-Week Breakdown: Heartache, Heat, and Hope


GH spoilers two-week breakdown for December 13 – 24, 2021, promises your favorite Port Charles players stirring up a whole lot of drama.

GH Spoilers – Upcoming Action

It’s an emotional week for new parents Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) and Brando Corbin (Johnny Wactor). They receive more test results for their precious son and pray for a miracle. Will they get their happy ending or will they face deep heartbreak?

Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) wanted a club with a name and he’s got it, but maybe not in the right way. Everyone knows about the Savoy – or, at least about all the drama that goes on there. Once again, Curtis has to deal with a shady situation.

Speaking of drama, Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) is back in court and his possible release is causing quite a stir. Expect his friends, family, and foes to turn up and have their say at his hearing. Watch to find out if he gets parole or stays safely behind bars.

Meanwhile, watch for Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) to get closer to Dr. Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton). These two are slowly but surely finding their road to romance – or at least we hope! Could this be the week they solidify their role in each other’s lives?

General Hospital Spoilers for December 13 – 17

Monday, December 13, 2021
Elizabeth and Finn share a close moment. Will their romance heat up? They could use some happiness and joy in their lives.
Sasha and Brando receive the EEG results. Get your tissues ready because this could get emotional.
Curtis is delighted by a surprise visit from his old friend, Drew. What a sight for sore eyes! Curtis is happy to have his friend back.
Anna receives an unexpected call. Who is on the other line and what do they want?
Trina and Portia reconnect over breakfast. The mother and daughter could use some downtime.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Michael and Willow attend Brad’s parole hearing. Are they there to stop his release? Will they succeed?
Austin gives Britt news about a patient of interest. Is it about Peter? Obrecht? Or, someone else? Watch and find out!
Maxie waits for news at GH. She has a lot riding on this outcome and it could change everything.
Sonny makes an unexpected gesture. This is an act of kindness most people will not see coming.
Curtis is upset by an interruption at the Savoy. His club is a place of nonstop drama.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Chase and Finn talk in the steam room after a workout. Will Chase spill his secret or tell Finn more and more lies?
The Davis daughters try to help Alexis readjust to life outside Spring Ridge. Alexis needs a purpose and they want their mom to be happy.
Willow and Olivia’s holiday shopping goes awry. Is something bad about to happen? Let’s hope not!
GH spoilers tease Elizabeth talks to Portia and Terry about matters of the heart. Is she falling for Finn? Should she let it happen?
Michael is shocked by what he sees but what will he do about it? His next move may surprise you.

Thursday, December 16, 2021
Sonny provides comfort during a trying time. He has a strong shoulder to lean on and offers it up to a friend in need.
Brook Lynn and Chase have an awkward moment. Is this when things start to change between them?
Olivia is nervous to meet Ned for Leo’s appointment. Is she on pins and needles about being with Ned or about what they’re going to hear?
Carly wants to support Sasha in any way she can. The mama is in great need of help and Carly wants to be right by her side.
Curtis finds TJ at the boxing gym. These two have a lot to catch up on. Why not grab a heavy bag and punch it out?

Friday, December 17, 2021
Olivia runs interference. She doesn’t like conflict and tries to smooth things over.
Sam brings Scout to see Drew. The father and daughter could use some good bonding time.
Curtis talks with Portia about his concerns. Will she help ease his mind? He has a lot to think about.
Britt and Elizabeth have an unexpected interaction. Is this about Peter? Jason? The hospital? Wait and see!
Sasha and Brando bolster each other. Remember those tissues we told you to get earlier in the week? You may want to keep them on hand for this day too.

GH Spoilers for December 20 – 24

Monday, December 20, 2021
Scott’s concerned about Nina’s impending hearing. Things are not looking good and he’s worried.
As for Nina, she seeks Phyllis’ ear. She could also use a shoulder to lean on.
Willow feels raw as she’s reminded of her past. Her loss still cuts her deeply.
Carly checks in with Michael. Her son could use his mother right now.
Spencer gets an unexpected visitor at Kelly’s. He’s going to get quite the surprise.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Today is Port Charles’ tree lighting ceremony. Grab your popcorn for this traditional moment of peace and joy.
Santa Claus’ appearance at General Hospital results in a surprising reunion. Is this the first of many small Christmas miracles?
Drew and Elizabeth see each other for the first time since his return to town. How will Liz react to Drew being back? We can sense tears on the horizon.
Spencer catches Trina and Nikolas in conversation. Are they talking about him? Will he hear something not meant of his ears?
Finn brings Violet to holiday tea with Anna. We can see the little girl having quite a time with this little party.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Sonny and Carly revel in holiday time with their family. They count their blessings and bask in their time together.
Monica hosts guests at the Quartermaine mansion. She goes all out to make this holiday special.
GH spoilers show Brando is by Sasha’s side as she’s released. This isn’t the homecoming either of them was expecting.
Epiphany meets Marshall when he volunteers at General Hospital. Is this a game or is he a good guy?
It’s a bit raucous at Alexis’ holiday gathering. It’s not a party in Port Charles unless someone cries, right?

Thursday, December 23, 2021
Nina’s preliminary hearing begins. Bring on the courtroom drama!
Obrecht pressures Scott. Will he bend to her will?
Josslyn and Cameron get interrupted. This is a bit of bad timing but we’re sure they aren’t going to let it ruin their night.
Trina crosses with Spencer at Kelly’s. Will these two ever be close friends?
Nikolas has a breakfast meeting at the Metro Court Restaurant. Just wait until you see who sits across from him at the table.

Friday, December 24, 2021
General Hospital will air an encore episode from February 23, 2021.
Watch for a conflicted Jax, a thoughtful Michael and Willow, Maxie offering a hand to Nina, Britt trying to get through to her mother, and Anna trying to reach Peter.

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