Sunday, November 13, 2022

A Critic’s Review Of The Bold and the Beautiful: A Whimper Not A Bang


The author’s opinions are his and his alone. They’re suitably scathing, fairly humorous, and normally bang on target.

The Bold and the Beautiful Critic's Review for November 7 – November 11, 2022

When it comes to The Bold and the Beautiful, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days, we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of B&B’s week that was.

The Bold and the Beautiful: A Critic’s Week In Review

Though I am loathed to admit it –let alone to commit the words to this column — I am in complete agreement with Brooke Logan No Longer, And Apparently Never Was, Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang): her marriage to Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) should not be ending like this. With a whimper, instead of a bang. A quick tear-drenched annulment rather than a rip-roaring divorce where she demands half of everything that he holds dear. Leave it to The Bold and the Beautiful to pursue the least exciting avenue.

Further B&B Musings

* Are Katie Logan (Heather Tom) and Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor) actually going to court, or is their express purpose now to recap the goings on in the “A” story?

* Kudos to Hope Logan Forrester (Annika Noelle) for stopping a smooch seeking Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) in his tracks but would it have killed her to actually rebuke him and put him firmly in his place rather than half-heartedly, almost humorously, chastise him as one does a child who’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Speaking of handling children, I had hoped we’d seen the last of Thomas emotionally battering/gaslighting his own flesh and blood — assuming we won’t one day learn that Ridge, and not Thomas, is Douglas Forrester’s (Henry Joseph Samiri) natural father — but I was wrong.

You’d think that a soap opera like The Bold and the Beautiful, which has told near-masterful tales about child abuse — both physical and sexual — would be loath to present such blithe mistreatment of a youth by their parent, but they aren’t.

* The Thing Speaks For Itself: If Taylor “World Renowned Psychiatrist” Hayes (Krista Allen) is so concerned that, “something’s going to come along and make [Ridge] change his mind and he’s going to do the old switcheroo again,” then maybe, just maybe she shouldn’t, you know, be dumb enough to fall for his patented line of bull.

Equally disconcerting is Steffy Forrester Finnegan (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Thomas — who’s the architect of that certain “something” — hearing their mother express that concern, internalize it, and still encourage the match just because they’d love to see their parents back together again. And it’s the Logans who are selfish. Right…

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