Saturday, November 12, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: November 14-18, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Several couples reach key crossroads in their relationships in, while Sally and Nick put their heads (and hearts) together about their fledgling romance, Amanda gives Devon one last chance to make her understand why she caught him schtupping Abby, and Chance makes a decision that could leave him making a splash anew in the dating pool.

Friday, November 11:

Audra drops a bombshell on Noah, Jill confronts Billy, and Adam visits Chelsea.

No surprise here; she’s been doing this his whole life! Jill gives Billy a reality check.

When Audra confronts Noah about their past, will it end in a knock-down-drag-out fight… or perhaps a passionately intense clinch? She did warn Allie that their chemistry was fiyah!

Chelsea sees a new side to Adam. Which is kinda surprising when you think of how many she’s already seen. There’s his scheming one, his sexy one, his remorseful one, his vindictive one…

Week of November 14:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Baby bombshell, Abby and Devon fallout, and does “Chadam” have a future. Plus, lots more!

Monday, November 14:

Though Amanda demands the truth from Devon, we doubt that she’s going to be satisfied with the answer that she gets, considering that he doesn’t even understand why he and Abby hooked up.

You know what the funny thing about chickens is? They always come home to roost. So perhaps that’s why Diane finds herself sharing shocking news with Kyle. She’s kept one secret too many, and now she’s well and truly flocked.

At the latest meeting of the I Hate Diane Club, Ashley shares her game plan with Nikki and Phyllis. Whose turn is it to bring the coffee and donuts, though? Hmm?

Tuesday, November 15:

We knew that Tucker had to have some, and today, at last, he reveals his ulterior motives for returning to town.

Diane may be fighting a battle that she’s already lost, but by God, she’s gonna fight it, anyway. Will she advance her cause at all when she pushes back? Or will push just lead to shove?

The fate of Abby’s latest marriage hangs in the balance when Chance makes a tough decision. Given the way he’s been talking, we’re going to climb out on a limb and guess that he sticks a fork in his relationship with Dom’s mom.

Wednesday, November 16:

Something tells us that when Nick helps Sally plan her future, he’s going to play a big role in it.

Billy and Adam, for once, agree — that Chelsea needs help. But, as usual, they also disagree — in this instance, about how to help their mutual ex.

Thursday, November 17:

A word to the wise, Lily: Listen to your intuition. Once again, she is made to feel suspicious of Billy’s behavior. Chance didn’t listen to his gut, and look where that landed him!

Anything goes when Chelsea starts a new chapter. Who’d like to step up and hazard a guess as to what’s next for the con artist-turned-designer-turned-podcaster?

Adam loses his cool with Nick. Come back next week when we’ll bet you any money it happens again. Because it’s never not going to drive Adam crazy that his half brother has a hold on his ex-girlfriend.

Friday, November 18:

Never having been prone to lukewarm conversations, Jack and Ashley share a heated exchange. Wonder whether the topic will be his closeness with Diane or her apparent thawing toward Tucker. Speaking of whom…

Maybe Diane is getting tired of being a pawn in everyone else’s game. Finally, she stands up for herself and gives treacherous co-conspirator Tucker a warning. Will it put him in checkmate… or merely check?

It’s hard to walk a path when you aren’t super sure where you’re going. So Nick and Sally come to an agreement that may clarify the journey they’re on for both of them.


General Hospital

Secrets are being kept and questions raised all around Port Charles. Carly finds out what her daughter’s been hiding, and Robert wants answers from Holly. Meanwhile, Sasha must deal with a painful reminder, Sonny questions a supposed friend, and Curtis gets bad news.

Week of November 7:

Monday, November 7:

A plan to break Anna out is set into motion, Esme puts her own plan to escape Wyndemere into effect, and Laura returns home and surprises Victor.

Want to hear three words that should terrify the people of Port Charles? Well, here they are: Esme gets creative. (Chilling, right?)

Nina has shared many things with Sonny since they connected in Nixon Falls, but how will he react when what she shares is her suspicions? (Meanwhile, has Carly figured out a way to come between her husband and his new girlfriend… without even trying?)

Take a soapy walk down memory lane as Laura Wright reflects on couplings past… and future?

If Victor is right, he may finally have found exactly what he’s been searching for.

Proving herself to be a true friend, Terry is there to offer Elizabeth the encouragement she needs.

When Willow confides in TJ again, she might want to make sure Nina — who has misinterpreted their relationship in the past — is not in the vicinity!

Tuesday November 8:

Liz tells Finn about Jeff and Reiko’s affair, Esme escapes, and Heather complicates the plan to break Anna out.

Scott might want to brace himself, ’cause a blast from the past is headed his way. (Our bet? he’s about to be reunited with the one and only Heather!)

When Sam takes a meeting with Britt, does this mean she has more information about the necklace and where it came from?

After being “stuck for a long time,” Kelly Thiebaud (Britt) opens up about her revelatory journey.

There’s no love lost between Michael and Nina, and the confrontation they have today isn’t likely to change that situation!

What’s about to knock Finn’s socks off? And is it along the same lines as the nasty surprise in store for Nikolas?

Wednesday, November 9:

The hook strikes again, or has she? Plus, Willow confesses everything to Michael, and Finn has a shocking reaction to Liz’s confession.

If Mac and Dante are both being summoned, something tells us it has to be big. But what? And does it have anything to do with the revealing conversation Mac later has with Felicia?

How will Cody’s big decision impact his future in Port Charles?

Michael receives shocking news.

When The Hook strikes again, does that mean yet another local resident is about to die? And will this person, as with other victims, be somehow connected to Trina?

Marcus Coloma (Nikolas) laments the real-life love he lost: “If we would’ve just made it one or two more years…”

Thursday, November 10:

Liz spots Esme and calls the cops, Nikolas is able to capture Esme and lock her back up, and Joss once again comes to Dex’s rescue.

Elizabeth is about to wind up in way over her head. But what is the source of the danger?

Willow has plenty of things to be worried about, but with whom will she share those concerns?

Nina is about to go on her version of an apology tour. Will she be able to make amends?

It’s been a longtime coming — but at last! — it’s the Spencer/Trina moment fans have been waiting for!

There’s a fugitive on the loose, but — armed with a new lead — Jordan is hot on their trail!

Victor issues a new set of orders.

Emme Rylan (ex-Lulu) shares an exciting status update: “I’m overjoyed.”

Friday, November 11:

Cyrus warns Laura that Anna’s in danger from a familiar name, Trina visits Spencer, and Joss hides Dex as he recovers.

Austin is there when Britt needs someone to confide in. (And if we’re being honest, we’re still rooting for these two to get together!)

Spencer might be surprised to see who has swung by Pentonville to visit him this time!

When Sonny is asked to come down to the PCPD, are they looking to charge him with a crime… or seek his advice?

Anna has reason to be thankful, and she is ready to express as much.

Will the eye-opening information that Trina comes into have something to do with the attacks which have been taking place all over town?

Port Charles casting news! What will the latest return mean for Josslyn?

Week of November 14:

Monday, November 14:

Curtis is about to get some pretty big news… but will it be the kind that is cause for celebration or leaves one down in the dumps? And does it have anything to do with why Portia is feeling so relieved?

Nikolas will have the opportunity to prove himself a true Cassadine when he has to think on his feet… which usually means come up with a cover story!

Alexis and Finn’s relationship may have been short-lived, but they’ve managed to remain friends. That proves important when she’s able to be there for him today.

We need answers and General Hospital just cast the man who may hold Lucy’s fate in his hands.

Tuesday November 15:

Nina continues to become an ever-more important person in Sonny’s life, this time when he introduces her to his pal Brick.

To whom is Drew offering a helping hand?

Given the history they share, Nikolas probably owes it to Liz to provide her the answers she’s seeking.

What impact will Michael and Willow’s decision have?

Josslyn’s been keeping a secret. How will Carly react when she finds out what it is?

Backstage ‘crisis’ erupts at General Hospital over Maurice Benard’s “method acting”: “If you have tears, prepare to shed them.”

Wednesday, November 16:

Drew’s about to make a proposal, but is it of the business or pleasure variety?

What’s got Michael scratching his head in puzzlement?

Brick seems to have wound up on the wrong side of Sonny, who calls out his longtime associate.

Newly aware of her daughter’s situation, Carly offers Joss some advice.

Nikolas calls on a friend to help deal with a situation.

Thursday, November 17:

Liz decides it’s time to take a chance by going out on a limb. Will it pay off?

Selina extends an invitation, but to whom? (And will it be the kind of offer one really can’t refuse?)

It was a year ago that Sasha went into labor. As she marks the first of several awful milestones, will she be able to keep it together?

Who’s the mystery person reaching out to Felicia?

Never one to hold back, Laura makes her opinion very clear.

Friday, November 18:

Nobody knows Spinelli like Maxie, so he may want to listen when she draws a line in the sand and presents him with an ultimatum!

Robert and Holly share the kind of history that allows them to know one another pretty well. But when he puts her on the spot, will she come clean?

Things are bound to be tense when Laura gets together with Victor.

What is Mac about to share with his beloved wife?

Britt hired Sam to look into the necklace found in Peter’s safe-deposit box. But what is it that Cody says which has Sam wondering if perhaps he knows more than he’s saying?


Days of Our Lives on Peacock

Nicole is about to overhear something that could impact several lives. Meanwhile, Johnny and Wendy find themselves being targeted by the last person one would probably want to have targeting them, and Xander’s attempts to keep Sarah from discovering his recent nefarious actions may wind up failing… big time!

Week of November 14:

Monday, November 14:

While it can’t come as a terrible surprise to Rafe when Nicole says that she wants to be with Eric, that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to take the news well. Meanwhile, Jada and Eric are stunned — positively stunned — by a bit of news that probably won’t surprise most soap fans…

Xander’s been keeping secrets, but if there’s one person who knows how to dig up things other people would rather keep hidden, it’s Gwen. What will she do upon discovering the lie he’s been telling?

In this corner, miffed former mafia don Ava. In the other? Boyish billionaire EJ. Now… let the battle begin!

Tuesday, November 15:

When Leo suffers a setback, it’s Sonny — of all people — who is there to offer his support.

In the wake of Chanel’s shocking arrest, Alex is there to offer Allie comfort. Meanwhile, Melinda pushes hard to get a confession out of Paulina’s daughter!

Wednesday, November 16:

Sloane once again proves that she’s full of surprises, and Paulina is blown away by the latest revelation.

It wasn’t that long ago that Stephanie wanted nothing to do with Alex. But things definitely seem to be heating up between the pair today…

The search for Rolf takes Wendy and Johnny to the exotic locale of Jakarta. Because you know he wasn’t going to be hiding out somewhere like Wisconsin!

Gabi may not be able to regain control of Stefan’s heart, but she’s going to do her darndest to reclaim Gabi Chic. Will fighting for the company wind up keeping her in his orbit?

Thursday, November 17:

Wendy is about to learn the hard way that when you get involved with the residents of Salem, you wind up in danger sooner or later. In this case, turns out it was sooner!

Li can’t help but fear his little sister has figured out his secret!

We’ve got some big casting news: It looks like Steve Burton is returning to Salem.

As you can probably imagine, Gabi isn’t particularly thrilled by the news that Stefan and Chloe are officially dating!

Awkwardness alert: Rafe and Eric are about to cross paths…

Friday, November 18:

When Tripp is in need of rescuing, Steve and Kayla have another opportunity to go undercover.

Does Justin have good reason to be concerned when Bonnie seems to have gone missing?

Talk about having your work cut out for you! Tony and Anna join forces to try and convince EJ to see reason. (Good luck with that, guys!)

Every now and then, people in Salem find themselves getting advice from questionable sources. But Ava takes that to a whole new level when she turns to her late son Charlie again.

Week of November 21:

Monday, November 21:

Things are about to take a stunning turn as the battle between EJ and Ava threatens to leave both realizing just how much they have to lose.

Tuesday, November 22:

What has Ava done that leaves EJ positively shocked? Is someone about to pay the consequences for what these two have wrought?

Li wants Rolf to deal with Wendy and Johnny, and even goes so far as to give the mad doctor very specific instructions as to how. (Something tells us it won’t involve a warm snack and a safe flight back to Salem!)

Wednesday, November 23:

Chanel’s had a rough go of it lately, but two of those closest to her are about to figure out a way to give her a special surprise.

Thursday, November 24:

Nicole is in the right place at the right time — or wrong place at the wrong time, depending on your perspective — and winds up overhearing a very private discussion between Eric and Jada.

Friday, November 25:

Xander’s been working hard to keep Sarah from discovering what he’s been up to. She is, however, a very smart young woman, and she’s starting to get suspicious…


The Bold and The Beautiful

Brooke and her sisters set out to find out if Thomas really is responsible for Ridge ditching his wife. But they’d better act quick, because by week’s end, Ridge will be preparing to make Taylor his bride!

Friday, November 11:

Brooke vows to expose Thomas, and Donna gets in between Thomas and Douglas.

Never one to leave well enough alone, Thomas doubles down on his evil manipulation of Brooke and Ridge. Did he not notice how well that worked out for Sheila?

Could “outside forces” be at work again? A determined Brooke reveals an unsettling theory to Hope.

Week of November 14

Monday, November 14:

Having decided that there is something “evil” about Thomas — and fully convinced he’s somehow responsible for the end of her marriage, Brooke confronts her former stepson. Something tells us he’s about as likely to come clean as he is to stop daydreaming about Hope!

Ridge, having been single for six seconds, is ready to propose to Taylor.

Wait, that’s Zane?!? The son of Heather Tom grew by leaps and bounds when we weren’t looking!

Tuesday, November 15:

Ridge didn’t tell Brooke why he left her, so it should come as no surprise that she has to hear news of his engagement from Donna!

How far will Thomas go to keep anyone from finding out that he was the one who called CPS?

Taylor, Steffy and Thomas seem on the verge of getting everything they want… but here’s why we’re pretty sure it’s all going to fall apart.

Wednesday, November 16:

Ridge gathers his family — or at least one side of it — to reveal a bit of news. But what is it that has Thomas freaking out?

It ain’t over until it’s over — and there’s a montage — so get ready for Brooke and Ridge to say a final farewell. (Or is it just “until we reunite again?”)

Thursday, November 17:

There’s a mystery to be solved, and the Logan girls are ready to band together in order to try and find the truth. Will they be able to bust Thomas before Ridge puts a ring on Taylor’s finger?

Steffy actually catches Ridge off guard when she asks a pretty significant question about Taylor… and Brooke!

Friday, November 18:

The ink isn’t even dry on Ridge’s annulment papers, but that hardly matters because today’s the day he and Taylor are going to recommit themselves to one another.


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