Monday, November 7, 2022

For Your Own Sake: Don’t Do What Days of our Lives Did Tuesday


Abe Carver would like you all to commit voter fraud!

Days of our Lives Abe Carver and Maggie Horton Kiriakis

We’ll admit it, we’re a little confused about how elections work on Days of our Lives. Paulina Price Carver is running for governor of an unnamed state, on an unnamed platform, with no experience whatsoever, a very checkered past, and without needing to have gone through anything pesky like a primary or a caucus, or even getting signatures on a petition for her name to appear on the ballot. One day she just said she was going to run for governor, and the next day there were hats and posters and volunteers.

Days of our Lives: Constitutionally Yours

But here is something we’re pretty sure of: Democracy works on the principle of one (wo)man/one vote. Anything else is fraud.

And yet, when Abe Carver (James Reynolds) ran into Maggie Horton Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers) in Horton Square and asked if she’d be voting for Paulina (Jackée Harry), Maggie assured him that she would be. She’s already filled out her absentee ballot. And Victor Kiriakis’s (John Aniston) too. Wonderful, Abe exclaimed, voting by mail is best!

DOOL: Misdemeanor

Uhm…Maggie, sweetie, honey…you’ve just admitted to committing a crime, filling out your husband’s ballot. We don’t even know if she has his consent; didn’t she just tell Sonny Kiriakis (Zach Tinker) that Victor is out of town in the same episode? And Abe…MAYOR Abe…beamed in approval and told her she was doing the right thing. Well, you know, as long as she was voting for the right person. I.e. him and his wife.

Days of our Lives vs. Real World

No matter which side of the political aisle you fall on — or, God forbid, if you think for yourself and actually analyze each candidate outside of their party affiliation — you must know that one side always accuses the other of voter fraud. And one of the key accusations is filling out other people’s absentee ballots for them.

Is that really what Abe wants to encourage Maggie, and, by extension, the viewing public to do? Does he not realize he is just offering ammunition to anyone who ever wants to cry foul in any election?

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