The author’s opinions are his and his alone. They’re suitably scathing, fairly humorous, and normally bang on target.

When it comes to Days of our Lives, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of the Days of our Lives week that was.
Days of our Lives: A Critic’s Personal Highlight
Assuming that Susan Banks (Stacy Haiduk) doesn’t perish in that conflagration that was teased right before Days of our Lives made its move to Peacock, I’d love to see the writers endeavor to establish a real friendship between her and Bonnie Lockhart Kiriakis (Judi Evans).
I thought the interactions between the two in Kiriakis summer garden shed were a hoot — particularly when Bonnie seemed to understand her hostage-mate perfectly fine despite the gag in her mouth — and both women — especially in their current incarnations — put me in mind of latter-day Calliope Joneses, which isn’t a bad thing.
I can just see them squawking over catfish nuggets, putting Victor Kiriakis’s (John Aniston) nose out of joint, and getting up to all kinds of laugh inducing shenanigans — and Lord knows this show needs all the humor it can get.
That’s why I’m also hoping against hope that Days of our Lives won’t banish Leo Stark (Greg Rikaart) from Paulina Price Carver’s (Jackée Harry) orbit — he really didn’t mean to aid and abet that mean, mean, mean Sloane Petersen (Jessica Serfaty), honest he didn’t! — and that they will instead position the two as raucous employee/employer-cum-buddies double act. Think Another World’s Iris and Vivian. I wouldn’t even begrudge them the running joke of Leo being “the other Mary,” even if it has already worn a bit thin. But for the love of G-d, get Leo away from Sonny Kiriakis (Zach Tinker). I won’t abide the two of them becoming buddy-buddy.
Further DAYS Musings
* Am I alone in thinking that the many constituents who voted for Abe Carver (James Reynolds) only to see him abdicate the post moments after the results were announced have the right to feel stung?
Speaking of Abe, he’s the fourth person to become privy to Chanel Dupree’s (Raven Bowens) big secret — following Sloane, Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein), and Chad DiMera (Billy Flynn) — and yet we the audience are still in the dark. That’s a plot deficit that needs to be rectified pronto.
* It’s nice to see that the years spent with Victor have only sharpened Maggie Horton Kiriakis’s (Suzanne Rogers) talent for smelling bull. She’s got Xander’s number — even if she doesn’t know the exact details of his subterfuge — and make no mistake.
* Kudos for Days of our Lives’ frankly ingenious marking of its 57th anniversary — Was it perfect? Hardly. How did Julie Williams (Susan Seaforth Hayes) get a bag for the faux mink stole that she unintentionally shoplifted? — and for their use of a flashback that featured the first actress to play Julie, Charla Doherty.
* More Anna (Leann Hunley) please. That’s it, I just want to more Anna.
* Who saw Jada Hunter’s (Elia Cantu) pregnancy coming? Oh, try everyone who’s ever watched a soap opera.
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