Will this be a paternity puzzle that’s never settled?

Mac Scorpio is the best dad on General Hospital…even though he has no biological children of his own. He raised Robin Scorpio while her parents were presumed dead/had better things to do (we’re still steamed that Robert got to walk Robin down the aisle even though Mac was the one who raised her for more years). He raised Maxie Jones and Georgie Jones while their biological parents were…off saving the world.
General Hospital Polling
Fans have wanted Mac (John J. York) to have a child for decades. Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) is not who you had in mind. Yet, Cody is Mac’s son. Except he lied about the paternity test results and claimed he wasn’t. Once the truth comes out — as it always does — should Mac forgive his boy?
Mac Scorpio: Best Man
Mac is a nice guy. He can’t help it. Even though he was introduced as a never-do-well who…something, something, explosives, something, he’s really walked the straight and narrow since then. He was Chief of Police, for Pete’s sake. Think of all the things he’s forgiven Robin (Kimberly McCullough) and Maxie (Kirsten Storms) for. And almost half of you, 47%, are convinced he’ll eventually forgive Cody for his deception, too.
Cody Bell: About Face
Even if Mac does reject Cody, a smaller 37% of the audience expects the con man to redeem himself. Not because Cody is such a great guy, but because Mac will accept any olive branch extended his way. He’s a nice guy. He can’t help it. Even if Cody isn’t.
Forget About It
Cody doesn’t deserve to be a Scorpio, 16% are standing up for the family name. Scorpios are good, upstanding, periodically law-abiding, and, most importantly, decent people. Cody is none of those things. After he lied and said he wasn’t Mac’s child, Mac should return the favor and sing a chorus of, “You’re no son, you’re no son of mine….”