Saturday, January 8, 2022

2-Week Soap Spoilers/Recaps: January 3-7/10-21, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Ashland has reason to doubt Billy (wait, just one reason?), Sharon plans a surprise for an ex, Amanda stands by her man, and Sally makes Adam an offer that he may not be able to refuse.

Friday, January 7:

Sally confronts Chelsea after a warning from Chloe, Imani is blindsided, Phyllis gets sued, and Billy becomes irked with Traci.

Traci has long been the heart, soul and moral compass of the Abbott family. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that anyone listens to the sound advice she offers! When she tries steering Billy in the right direction, will he take her words to heart or, like he’s done so often before, simply brush them aside?

Amanda’s been a good friend to Phyllis. When the legal eagle does what she does best — offer a bit of counseling — will it help Phyllis figure out what her next move should be?

Nate and Elena have only just moved in together, but they already might be heading for a potential stumbling block. When they must deal with a conflict of interest, will they figure out a way to do it as a united front?

Week of January 10:

Monday, January 10:

As Christian Jules LeBlanc celebrates 30 years on The Young and the Restless, alter ego Michael reflects on his life and career… perhaps in much the same way that already has in our photo-filled retrospective of his journey from dirty dog to silver fox. The celebration is especially sweet, considering that the Emmy winner once regarded himself as the show’s “most-loved fired person.”

Tuesday, January 11:

We don’t blame Abby a bit for worrying about Chance’s adjustment to fatherhood, considering that he came home to Genoa City… different. The question is, what will she do with that worry? What can she do to help the man she loves truly embrace the family that they’ve always wanted?

He couldn’t have anybody better in his corner! As Amanda supports Devon, it’s gotta do him a world of good as he pursues a larger role in the life of the baby that he helped bring into the world for Abby and Chance.

Sometimes, you’ve just gotta feel for Rey. If Sharon isn’t focused on the ex-husband he detests, she’s got her attentions turned to the ex-husband that he actually kinda likes. This time around, it’s the latter former spouse on whom Sharon is fixated as she enlists help to surprise Nick.

Wednesday, January 12:

You would think that after all these years, Victor and Victoria would know better than to mix family matters with business affairs. Nonetheless, the Black Knight goes right ahead and considers his daughter’s proposal.

We’re gonna need a bigger chart to monitor the chemistry between Sally and Adam, because we have a feeling it’s gonna go flying off our current one when she issues him an intriguing invitation. How long can he possibly resist the redhead’s considerable charms?

Lily is beautiful and poised and well-mannered, sure. But she’s nobody’s pushover. So Ashland may be in for a rude awakening when she stands her ground with the Locke Ness Monster.

Thursday, January 13:

Hey, at least it oughta be familiar terrain for Victor and Nikki when the Newman patriarch and matriarch are called upon to navigate a family feud. Will they be able to restore peace… or will they wind up getting swept into the fight themselves?

Melissa Claire Egan did promise that a rivalry the likes of which we haven’t seen since Dynasty’s Krystle and Alexis was in the works for Adam’s lady loves, and we are here for it. Now it’s Chelsea’s turn to go on the offense as she pushes Sally’s buttons.

We’d consider him a fool if Ashland wasn’t skeptical of Billy’s change of heart. Is Victoria’s ex sincere? Does he even know how to be anymore?

Friday, January 14:

Ruh-roh. When Adam gives Chelsea upsetting news, we suspect the options for her reaction include bad, bad and also bad. Guess the only real question mark is how badly she’ll take what he has to say.

And not a moment too soon, Abby encourages Chance to seek help. But is he ready to take that important first step toward getting better?

No matter how quickly Chance can start feeling like himself again, it might already be too late, as Amanda spends the day strategizing with Devon. Can the disagreement between Dominic’s parents be settled without hearts being broken and friendships trashed?


The Bold and the Beautiful

Just as Brooke reaches a major turning point, so does Steffy — and it involves aiming her mother squarely at her father, come hell or high water! In other developments, Zende sets in motion a family reunion for Paris, Carter squirms in the hot seat, and Sheila… Oh, let’s be real, Sheila does what Sheila always does: She plots the ruination of someone she feels has wronged her.

Friday, January 7:

Brooke gets put on the spot when she attends an AA meeting, Bill and Steffy separately predict trouble, and Douglas tells Hope what he witnessed.

Ridge can sometimes be hard on those he loves, but he can also be their biggest supporter. (You just never know how the wind’s gonna blow with this guy!) When Brooke decides to attend an AA meeting, he’s right there by her side.

Perhaps buoyed by the love and support she’s received from Hope and Ridge, Brooke faces down the crushing shame she feels and admits that she has a problem. Will this be the first step toward regaining control of her life?

Week of January 10:

Monday, January 10:

When Brooke makes a decision that changes the trajectory of her life, it can only be that she’s going to get the help that she needs and climb back on the wagon, right? Saying “To heck with sobriety, Mama likes her wine!” isn’t really an option.

Feeling responsible for Brooke’s relapse, Hope lets Liam comfort her. Can he really assuage the guilt that she feels, though? This might be a case for ice cream, not her husband.

When Zende wants to surprise Paris, he doesn’t do it in a little way, he goes big — by arranging for a visit from a family member. Could it be her and Zoe’s father? Or maybe Zoe herself?

Tuesday, January 11:

Oh, Carter, there you go again, stuck in the middle of a muddle! This time, he gets uncomfortable when Zende wonders if Paris might be interested in someone else. Gee, ya think? If the signs were any clearer, Zende, ol’ pal, they’d be neon and flashing.

Though Hope is as nice as they come, she’s not afraid to take off the kid gloves when need be. So it promises to be a can’t-miss moment when she puts Steffy and Taylor on notice about interfering with Ridge and Brooke’s marriage.

Wednesday, January 12:

Since no good deed can go unpunished, Paris becomes uneasy about Zende’s motives in arranging a family reunion. Ma’am, you are so gonna blow that relationship, aren’t you?

After a fierce argument with Hope, Steffy begins to see things from her stepsister’s point of view. Ha — as if. No, all fired up, she encourages Taylor to fight for Ridge. If Brooke is his destiny, then maybe Taylor can be his… fate?

Thursday, January 13:

When Taylor makes a truthful admission to Steffy about Ridge, we can only assume that it’s that she’s as madly in love with him now as she ever was. Wait, was that supposed to be a secret? From anyone?

As Hope questions why Deacon disappeared after New Year’s Eve, Brooke struggles to come up with an answer that will get her off the hot seat. Do you think she could get away with “Ya know, honey, I do think it’s time we took down the Christmas tree”? No? Us, either.

Friday, January 14:

Ridge is torn when Steffy and Thomas reveal their theory about why Brooke relapsed. Knowing how keen they are to see their parents reunited, we’re going to climb out on a limb and guess that their speculation will involve Brooke having tried to pour alcohol on the fire that still burns deep within her for Deacon.

Sheila again vows to destroy Brooke’s life as she is trying to destroy hers. So if we were La Logan, we’d suggest that maybe Forrester Creations come out with a line of bulletproof couture. When Sheila sets about ruining somebody’s life, it as often as not seems to end their life! Don’t believe it?


General Hospital

Felicia is back on the scene and looking for answers, Laura decides it’s time to get things back on track where her family is concerned, and Michael has to deal with some difficult emotions!

GH Opinion: From Jason’s “death” to Sonny’s new life...

Week of January 3:

Monday, January 3:

Tracy shows up with shocking news for Laura, Peter wakes up, and Harmony finds Alexis at the bar.

With Jason dead, it makes an odd sort of sense that Carly would find herself confiding in his twin brother. Will Drew find himself drawn ever deeper into Sonny and Carly’s world?

When Alexis needs a little bit of tough love, Harmony is there to provide it.

Victor swings by General Hospital to visit a patient. But who is the ailing party… and what are Victor’s true motives?

Mac is a man of his word, so when he makes a promise to someone, they can probably take it to the bank.

As the new year gets under way, Maxie can’t help but hope for a fresh start. But will the mistakes of 2021 follow her into 2022?

Tuesday, January 4:

Tracy blames herself for Luke’s death, and then visits her family. Plus, Curtis makes a declaration to Portia, and Victor makes a cryptic call about Laura.

There are certain benefits to having a therapist as a husband… although it can also be problematic. Which way will it go when Kevin tries convincing Laura that she should open up to him?

Perhaps fearing that Drew will make some of the same mistakes she watched Jason make, Monica urges Scout’s dad to proceed with caution.

Shawn has a surprise for Alexis.

Wednesday, January 5:

Tracy figures out Bailey is Louise, news of Luke’s death spreads, and Alexis takes Shawn up on his job offer.

It’s felt as if trouble might be coming Michael and Willow’s way for a while, and that’s definitely the case when the lovebirds find that they aren’t on the same page.

Despite the number of people cheering her on, Alexis can’t help but doubt her abilities.

Maxie is the object of much fretting by Anna and Felicia. Are they right to be concerned?

Suspicious eyes are looking Brook Lynn’s way. Can she avoid looking guilty?

In the “nothing good can come of this” category, Victor takes a meeting with Valentin.

Unhappy New Year: General Hospital’s post-holidays return to work delayed by omicron — and it’s not the only show.

Thursday, January 6:

Dante arrests Tracy, Olivia offers Carly advice about Sonny, and Brook Lynn and Maxie strategize.

Dante finds time to catch up with dad Sonny.

Will grief push Sasha to make bad decisions? The beauty insists she knows how to deal with the emotions she’s feeling, but is she lying to everyone… including herself? Meanwhile, Gladys is there to try and reassure Brando that everything will work out for the best.

Sam and Alexis get hot under the collar when they have to deal with an unexpected visitor.

Friday, January 7:

Sonny confesses to Carly he still has feelings for Nina, Phyllis tells Nina to leave Sonny alone, and Spencer gets a new job — working for Trina.

It’s been a rough couple months for Sonny and Carly. When they sit down to discuss their future, will they wind up on the same page?

After months of circling one another (and sharing the occasional kiss), it looks as if Finn and Elizabeth are finally going to have their first date. No pressure, guys!

Is Chase really ready to spend a little time with Bailey… on his own? We’ll find out after he picks the baby up from Brook Lynn’s!

Week of January 10:

Monday, January 10:

What Carly wants, Carly usually gets. And today, what she wants is answers.

Two old friends finally reconnect as Sonny and Laura catch up. Given everything each has been through since last they spoke, theirs should be one heck of a conversation.

Curtis and Portia are on the verge of taking things to the next level when… argh, they are interrupted.

Joss, Cam, Spencer, Esme and Trina are finally ready to embark on their much-discussed trip to Sonny’s cabin in the woods. But first, Trina needs to unpack how she’s feeling about the gang. (Meanwhile, anybody else want to shout to them, “Are you kids crazy? Don’t you know nothing good ever happens at remote cabins in the woods?”)

Tuesday, January 11:

As you’ve now doubt noticed, this soap’s spoilers can often be… on the vague side. So make what you will of this one: Sonny makes a gesture of connection. For all we know, that could mean he waves at someone from across the room. Perhaps he’s signaling a waiter for the check?

Curtis has been keeping Marshall at arm’s length since his secret-keeping dad showed up in town. But today, he agrees to hear the older man out.

Now that Kristina Wagner’s Felicia is not only back but back on contract, she and Maxie have a whole lot of catching up to do!

Someone unexpected stops by the Crimson offices to see Nina.

A situation arises in which both Britt and Austin wind up feeling out of their element. Will this help them bond? Heaven knows Austin could use a friend or two in this town!

Wednesday, January 12:

Nina is still dealing with her lingering feelings for Sonny, and Valentin has moved on with Anna. So when Nina shines the Batsignal in the sky, will he still come running?

Austin and Brook Lynn aren’t exactly on the best of terms, so how will things go when the two of them cross paths?

When Alexis and Sam look toward the future, will they agree that the future’s so bright they have to wear shades? Or are there dark clouds on their mutual horizon?

As Olivia is being caught off guard by Carly, Ned tries to help a local deal with a legal issue.

Thursday, January 13:

Felicia is not only back, she’s heading to the hospital on a fact-finding mission. Meanwhile, daughter Maxie has a conversation with Anna. (We suspect this may be more of a subtle interrogation than a conversation, but with Anna’s beautiful accent, things can sometimes seem far more friendly than they actually are!)

At long last, Drew and Victor come face to face. Something tells me Jason’s twin brother is gonna have a few things to say to his former captor!

When Valentin and Austin find the time to compare notes, that might not be particularly good news for someone in their mutual orbits! Could this have something to do with the new challenge that Brook Lynn and Chase suddenly find themselves facing?

Despite having been BFFs for a while, there are still things about Brad that Britt doesn’t necessarily know. But today, she gains a whole new understanding of her pal.

Friday, January 14:

Michael’s been dealing with some complex feelings ever since finding out about the time his dad spent with Nina in Nixon Falls. Today, he’s finally going to try to express those emotions.

Laura decides it’s time to take a family meeting. Given everything going on around them, there’s probably going to be an awful lot on the agenda!

When someone needs to vent, Drew is there to lend an ear.

Nina is smack-dab in the middle of a conversation that can only be described as complicated when along comes Ava. Awkward!

Dante does what he can to keep the peace. And despite him being a police officer, we suspect this has more to do with personal business than his actual job!


Days of Our Lives

Hearts are broken, hard decisions are made and stunning news is received — plus, the hunt is on for Sarah, a Salemite returns and an unexpected visitor appears!

Week of January 10:

Monday, January 10:

The honeymoon is definitely over for Chanel and Johnny when he breaks her heart. Looks like the devil wants his latest host to be single and ready to mingle! Watch out, ladies of Salem!

We tend to think of Paulina as basically indestructible, but she has a close call that will definitely throw a scare into her! Meanwhile, Abe is across town having a heart-to-heart chat with John.

Tripp’s definitely earning his pay as he goes into doctor mode and tries to figure out exactly what’s wrong with Susan. Or at least what’s wronger than usual!

Tuesday, January 11:

Ben and Ciara must come together and make a decision about their baby. Will they find themselves on the same page, or might they come at the same question from different angles?

Chanel’s not in a great place, but Allie is there to offer her friend comfort. Will doing so spark the feelings they’ve been suppressing toward one another?

EJ continues to tell anyone who’ll listen that he was not the one who kidnapped Sami. Now, he’s hoping that his supposed victim’s sister, Belle, will represent him in court. (Anyone want to guess how Sami will react if that comes to pass?)

Lani’s been freezing mom Paulina out since the truth about their connection came to light, but today, there’s a bit of a thaw. Could forgiveness be on the horizon?

Wednesday, January 12:

Rafe’s about to receive stunning news on the work front.

Allie and Tripp’s relationship has been chugging along just fine, but it may hit a bump in the road when she decides to lie to her boyfriend!

Johnny goes to EJ with an unexpected offer. (And if anyone knows a thing or two about making a deal with the devil, it’s got to be EJ, right?) Meanwhile, as EJ’s trial date draws near, Chad shocks Kate by saying that he wants to take the stand and — gasp! — tell the truth!

Thursday, January 13:

The search for Sarah continues, and Abigail’s got a lead she’s ready to share with Xander. Meanwhile, Gwen gets together with Ava… who has a secret to share with her. (Those two putting their heads together can only mean trouble for everyone else!)

Things aren’t looking great for EJ as his trial gets underway, but that could change when Belle comes through for him.

Steve and Kayla’s adventure continues as they go undercover. Will they manage to find Kristen… and perhaps even more than they bargained for?

Friday, January 14:

Talk about a ballsy move! Lucas returns to Salem so that he can testify at EJ’s trial. You know, the trial in which he’s been accused of a crime that Lucas actually committed! Remember how Chad planned to tell the truth at the trial? Yeah, that doesn’t go exactly as planned…

Chloe receives an unexpected visitor.

Exactly what kind of deal is Gabi and Jake trying to strike with… Maggie of all people?!?

Week of January 17:

Monday, January 17:

If there are two events which you can pretty much assure will spiral out of control in Salem, they would be weddings and trials. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that things get completely cray cray at EJ’s trial.

Tuesday, January 18:

Steve and Kayla’s adventure continues as they figure out a way to infiltrate the convent as their search for Kristen continues. Has the devilish DiMera really sought refuge in the house of God yet again?

Wednesday, January 19:

Gwen’s going to be shocked by who turns up on her doorstep today.

Thursday, January 20:

Xander’s had questions about what really happened the day he and Sarah were supposed to tie the knot. Now that Sarah’s back in the picture, he might finally get answers. But will things be that simple? (Are they ever in Salem?)

Friday, January 21:

Things are about to get steamy between Gabi and… wait, what? Gabi and Johnny? The devil is certainly using his latest victim to stir up all kindsa trouble, ain’t he?

Will Chloe and Nancy be willing to listen when Craig shows up, determined to set the record straight?

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