Wednesday, January 26, 2022

GH Spoilers Wild Speculation: Trina Robinson Busts Esme Big Time


Esme Prince is quite the troublemaker and GH spoilers hint it’s only a matter of time before she’s busted. We think that day is coming soon and it’s going to be Trina Robinson who catches up with one of her crimes.

GH Spoilers Wild Speculation

Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) is a terrible little troublemaker who has done some terribly troublesome things, but her biggie was that fateful night at the galley when she locked the wrong woman in the storage room. Instead of capturing her nemesis, she put Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) and her baby in danger and it ended in devastation.

Was she the reason Sasha lost her baby? Maybe, maybe not. But, we’re sure the stress of being shut away didn’t help matters. And, because of the tragedy, no one thought to look into why that door was jammed in the first place…until now.

GH: The Awful Truth

We predict during the next few days Trina (Sydney Mikayla) is going to see a very ugly side of Esme. GH spoilers tease the cabin getaway is going to be explosive and change everything for the group of teens. She’s going to ruin lives and destroy relationships. And, put Trina on high alert. Trina will surely figure out this girl is full of secrets and lies and start to do some serious digging.

How will the truth about the gallery come out? Will Esme get drunk and slip up? Will Trina check the cameras? Who knows! But, we’re sure she’ll figure it out and when she does, it’s all downhill for Esme.

Will Trina use this juicy tidbit to her advantage? Absolutely! She’ll scream it from the rooftops and let everyone know what this monster did to Sasha. She’ll also make sure Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) learns exactly the type of woman he’s dating. What kind of person locks a pregnant woman in an office and then doesn’t take responsibility — especially after the death of a baby? Esme. That’s who! It’s time she fesses up and pays the price!

GH Spoilers: The Road to Romance

This could very well pave the way for a Trina and Spencer romance. He keeps telling his friend he’s trying to be a better man and this will give him the opportunity to put his money where his mouth is. He’ll denounce Esme and see Trina is exactly the kind of lady he wants in his life. Think this wild speculation could really happen?

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