Friday, January 14, 2022

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation: Xander Cook’s Ultimate Love Dilemma


DAYS spoilers hint Sarah Horton’s on her way back to Salem…eventually. A fact that has Gwen Rizczech running scared and doing things she wouldn’t normally do. What if she revisits her Chabby fiasco and gets knocked up to protect her romance?

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation

Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) may claim he loves Gwen (Emily O’Brien) and will no matter what but she knows better (and we know better). There is no way Xander can resist his sweet Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) – especially after he learns she didn’t run off at all. She was kidnapped and has been pining for him for the better part of a year.

Those are some wild circumstances to compete with and Gwen’s going to have to up her game. And, we have a feeling she’s going to go big to keep Xander. In fact, we think there are nine months of drama in this couple’s future.

DOOL: Just Call Me Daddy

Oh yes, Gwen’s gonna get herself nice and knocked up. Sure, Sarah is lovely and kind and pure of heart and all that sugar and spice stuff but Gwen will have a bun in her oven, and baby trumps all! There is no way a guy like Xander is going to turn his back on his child, right?

DAYS spoilers hint a twist like this would definitely have Xander mulling over his future. His dream girl or his child? Decisions, decisions, amiright? How can he pick Sarah knowing he’s turning his back on his child? Sure, he could be a weekend and part-time daddy but he’s not that kind of guy. He’ll want to be a hands-on pop, for sure. Caring for “Mickey” certainly showed he can be a great dad — and he loved it.

Days of our Lives: Parent Problems

This child will be a precious gift and Gwen will make sure she, Xander, AND Sarah don’t forget it. Her previous miscarriage nearly destroyed her so she’ll protect her baby at all costs (while using the tot for all it’s worth). Think this wild speculation could really happen?

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