Friday, January 14, 2022

B&B Alumna Adrienne Frantz Celebrates Her Pregnancy In Unique Way


In 1991, General Hospital star turned movie actress Demi Moore, pregnant at the time, did a famous semi-nude photo for the cover of Vanity Fair. Now, The Bold and the Beautiful alumna, Adrienne Frantz, is doing a similar pose on social media, sending a powerful message to her followers in the process.

Adrienne Frantz Celebrates Her Upcoming Baby

“Woke up this day feeling beautiful!” posted Frantz (ex-Amber Moore), who is about 17 weeks away from delivering her third child and second son. “As someone with body dysmorphia I would never post a ‘fat’ photo of myself! But this is God’s miracle! Someone did this so you could be here! Makes me appreciate the true beauty in life & teaches me to love myself! #creatinglife #havingababy.” Frantz and her husband Scott Bailey (ex-Sandy, Guiding Light) are parents to son Lion and daughter Amélie.

What Is Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is described as a mental health condition in which a person who has it is so upset about their body’s appearance that it interferes with them living their day-to-day lives.

Adrienne Frantz’s followers love her post and several chimed in with supportive comments. “Your body is beautiful no matter what shape you are be proud of it I’m no skinny Mimi but I’m am proud of who I am ,yes I do lose weight because I am diabetic now but I still am beautiful,” shared @katiedid63 on Twitter. @kramersmommy responded, “Love the picture…You are glowing!!”

Adrienne Frantz Has Supportive Fans

Adrienne Frantz also shared her photo on the Instagram platform where she received additional compliments and messages of support. In Frantz’s last big storyline on B&B, her character, Amber Moore, was pregnant and she suspected that either Oliver Jones (Zack Conroy) or Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) was the father.

In reality, the pop turned out to be Marcus Forrester (Texas Battle). Amber named her daughter Rosie and the two, along with Amber’s mom Tawny (Andrea Evans), exited the canvas. However, fans are always clamoring for Amber’s return.

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