Friday, November 4, 2022

End of the GH Road: Should Josslyn Jacks & Cameron Webber Call It Quits?


Was this puppy love, or the real thing?

General Hospital Josslyn Jacks and Cameron Webber

Is it time to pull the plug on Josslyn Jacks and Cameron Webber’s painful General Hospital relationship? We get that they were childhood friends — though, at the time, both Cam and Spencer Cassadine were much more into Emma Scorpio-Drake; Joss was kind of a creepy child of the corn then. And we get that they were each other’s first…everything. That’s a hard thing to let go of. But is it time, nonetheless?

Josslyn Jacks: Moving On

Joss (Eden McCoy) is so obviously past it, 45% can’t help noticing. We also get that it was extremely traumatic to have her first time with Cam (William Lipton) broadcast for their entire college to see. But she and Cam haven’t had sex since then.

And she just does not, for the life of her, understand why a teenage boy might have a problem with that. She also can’t admit to herself that bad boy Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) is turning her on much more than sweet Cam ever did. She’s already moved on. She just can’t admit it to Cam — or herself.

GH: Talk It Out

Joss and Cam have never really talked out the problems in their relationship, 38% of them sigh. They’re ignoring them, they’re talking over them, they’re acting like nothing is wrong. And as long as that’s the case, nothing will ever have the chance to be made right.

Forever General Hospital Love

Only 17% of you believe this is a love for the ages. So what if they’re young? Port Charles has seen some of the sweetest young love stories ever. There was Laura Webber (Genie Francis) and Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner). So, OK, so they didn’t work out. There was Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough) and Stone Cates. They didn’t work out, either. Neither did Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) and Lucky Spencer. But Joss and Cam? They’ll be the ones to beat the odds!

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