Friday, November 4, 2022

General Hospital Wayback: Remember Heather Webber


Heather Webber is now back — in the form of Alley Mills.

Heather Webber General Hospital

Every daytime serial needs a good psychopath to keep its town’s more saintly characters on their toes. And Heather Webber, General Hospital’s very own LSD-tripping, murder enthusiast and former nanny, is one of the very best crazies in soap opera history.

General Hospital: No One Quite Like Heather Webber

She’s been making trouble for the folks in Port Charles on and off for nigh on four decades and whether she’s being played by stalwart performer Alley Mills, Robin Mattson, Mary O’Brien, or Cher’s half-sister Georganne LaPiere, there’s one thing that is for certain: whenever Heather escapes her padded cell, violent mischief and hilarious hijinks ensue!

Early Days
Heather Grant – formerly Mrs. Larry Joe – arrived it Port Charles and immediately ingratiated herself into Diana Taylor’s life and, thanks to a forged letter of recommendation, Heather gained employment as caregiver to the woman’s daughter, Martha.

Heather set her bonnet on Jeff Webber, one of General Hospital’s preeminent doctors. However, Jeff only had eyes for his libidinous wife Monica despite her obvious cuckolding of him in favor of his brother Rick.

After a particularly nasty war of words between Doctor Mr. and Doctor Mrs. Webber, Jeff succumbed to Heather’s charms and flattery and they slept together. Their dalliance resulted in a pregnancy for Heather but Jeff’s best piece of advice was to terminate it.

Baby Blues
A dejected Heather traveled to New York City and arranged for her newborn to be placed with Diana and her new husband Peter Taylor – for a hefty $10,000 price tag. Then, when Jeff inquired about the baby, Heather lied that it had been stillborn – all the better to guilt her prey into proposing marriage.

The engaged couple returned to Port Charles, and Heather managed to install herself as nanny to her own child. The Taylors became concerned about Heather’s seemingly unhealthy attachment to “Peter Junior” so they dismissed her.

Heather and Jeff tied the knot and the newlyweds learned they were expectant parents again. But Heather miscarried and her grief made her all the more desperate to reclaim her offspring.

Best Laid Plans
Heather planned to get Diana declared an unfit parent by doping her with LSD but the cup containing the dosed iced tea was switched by little PJ, who spun the lazy Susan on which the beverages were perched, and it was Heather who consumed it. Her terrifying and irrational behavior led to institutionalization.

In time Heather recovered and when she learned that she now faced two rivals for Jeff’s affections – Diana and Annie – she continued to fake insanity while formulating a devious plan. Soon it appeared that Heather had murdered Diana when she was seen using the dead woman’s finger to scrawl Annie’s name into a pool of blood. But an investigation proved that Alice – Heather’s mother – had accidentally shot and killed her.

Scheme Team
Heather began to plot with Scotty Baldwin to get their hands on Jason Quartermaine’s trust fund and Heather managed to convince Susan – her cousin and the boy’s mother – to name her Jason’s guardian should Susan meet with an untimely end. Ever the opportunist, Scotty one-upped Heather and married Susan.

Later, both Scotty and Heather were suspected of murdering the newly minted Mrs. Baldwin and Heather – who was actually hiding in a closet when the woman was shot – was used by the police as bait to trap the real killer.

Goodbye and Hello
After joining forces with Quartermaine bastard Jimmy Lee Holt and failing in their scheme to adopt Jason, Heather slunk out of town and wasn’t heard from for over 20 years. She returned with a plan to lure Edward into marriage and then murder him for his millions, but she was busted and sent to Ferncliff for an unrelated homicide.

Crazy Train
In 2013, Heather was released from the institution and remanded into the custody of her now-grown son Steven Lars. Heather spun a web of lies about Franco being the second son born to Susan and Alan but in reality, she was the mentally unhinged artist’s real mother (and persnickety Scotty Baldwin his father).

In order to hang on to her firstborn, she murdered his ex-lover and framed her for a murder that Steven committed. Then she found herself embroiled in a baby switch involving Llanview resident Tea Delgado and Sam McColl and later survived a near-fatal stabbing courtesy of Franco.

At present Heather is locked away in D’Archam, a maximum security facility for the criminally insane, but was just spotted at General Hospital, with guards by her side, by former victim Olivia Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero).

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