Monday, November 7, 2022

Is B&B’s Carter Walton Moving Too Fast With Katie Logan?


Is this hot couple making a mistake?

Is B&B's Carter Walton Moving Too Fast With Katie Logan?

Carter Walton is single again on The Bold and the Beautiful because no relationship ever seems to work out with him. Of course, that’s not for lack of trying. Whenever something goes wrong in Carter’s love life, he dusts himself off and gets right back out there again, but should he?

The Bold and the Beautiful Polling

This time, Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) seems to be falling fast for Katie Logan (Heather Tom), a woman who has been hurt a lot and alone for quite a while. However, he just got out of a serious relationship with Quinn Fuller. Is Carter moving too fast with Katie? That’s just what Soap Hub asked.

Go For It Carter

Why waste time, as 37% of you? Katie seems game and was the one who made the first move with Carter. She is ready to finally move on from Dollar Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) and Carter and Katie already struck up a friendship last year in which an attraction was noticeable. There’s no reason why they can’t explore that attraction now, especially since Katie is clearly all for it and doesn’t care that Carter is just getting over someone else.

Carter Walton: Maybe Slow Down

Then, there is 34% of you that thinks while it might be a good idea for Carter to slow down and think here, this is Carter after all and this is just what Carter does. He went from Zoe Buckingham (Kiara Barnes) to Quinn Fuller (Rena Sofer) in the blink of an eye. When Zoe left town and Quinn decided to give her marriage with Eric Forrester another try, Carter quickly moved on with Paris Buckingham (Diamond White).

But, when Quinn interrupted their wedding and begged for Carter to take her back, he dropped Paris like a hot potato and resumed his romance with Quinn — until she inexplicably left him. So, perhaps it’s time for Carter to be alone for a while.

Hit The Brakes

The final 29% of you think Carter should rethink things fast. He should not rush into a relationship with Katie and possibly hurt her when he is still not completely over Quinn — a woman who was supposed to be the love of his life. Katie has had enough heartache with Bill. She doesn’t need any from Carter if she becomes his rebound woman.

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