Saturday, November 5, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: November 7-11, 2022


The Young and the Restless

The past comes crashing into the present in when Audra and Noah rehash their torrid history, but Ashley uses her history with Tucker to make Diane’s present tense. In addition, Nick trods familiar ground with Phyllis, and Chelsea sees an old flame in a new light.

Friday, November 4:

Phyllis melts down on Nick after a run-in with Jack, Ashley plays her card with Tucker, and Summer has a change of heart about Diane.

Jack and Phyllis have shared so many things over the years, a whole lot of them being differences of opinion. So what’s one more, right? Whether they like it or not, that’s what they’re having today.

We’ve heard this one before: Diane comes clean. But are we going to get the truth this time, the whole truth or nothing like the truth, hmm?

Can’t imagine what it might be when Ashley faces a tough decision about Tucker. He’s a two-timing rat bastard — her only choice there should be whether to walk away from him or run!

Week of November 7:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Cheating scandal(s) ahead, Sally’s choice, Tucker’s agenda, Victoria’s comeuppance, Jack’s spin, Harrison’s illness, and much more!

Monday, November 7:

Another day, another enemy! Never having learned to turn the other cheek, Victor retaliates against Tucker.

Been there, done that, and he’s still working for Victor! Nonetheless, Lauren levels yet another ultimatum at Michael.

The deck is stacked against Diane, yet it would appear that she finds a way to prove herself to Kyle.

Holy Smoke! Since leaving Young & Restless, Alyvia Alyn Lind is making *how* much?

Tuesday, November 8:

When Devon makes a shocking decision, he could be deciding to end his relationship with Amanda, but it’s more likely a dramatic move he’s making at Chancellor-Winters since the next teaser is Jill returning home to chaos!

Please let it not be a handsome guy over whom she can obsess. Chelsea meets her new therapist.

Wednesday, November 9:

Hmm, why do we have a feeling it will have to do with Sally when Nick sets boundaries with Phyllis? And regardless of what it has to do with, why do we suspect that Phyllis will utterly ignore those boundaries?

Nate must buy out every florist in Genoa City since he makes amends with Elena. He might want to stop by a jewelry store or two while he’s at it.

When Jack points Adam in the right direction, will it be with regard to his new job… or his old flame? If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that Adam is not over Sally.

Thursday, November 10:

This has started happening as often as we change the channel: Jack has a change of heart about Diane.

‘Scuse?!? Phyllis provides a voice of reason. Somebody must be in a real state if she’s able to level their head.

Tucker shares intel with Ashley… but will it be enough to help her and the other members of the I Hate Diane Club — aka Phyllis and Nikki — in their mission to rid Genoa City of the pot stirrer?

Friday, November 11:

No surprise here; she’s been doing this his whole life! Jill gives Billy a reality check.

When Audra confronts Noah about their past, will it end in a knock-down-drag-out fight… or perhaps a passionately intense clinch? She did warn Allie that their chemistry was fiyah!

Chelsea sees a new side to Adam. Which is kinda surprising when you think of how many she’s already seen. There’s his scheming one, his sexy one, his remorseful one, his vindictive one…


The Bold and the Beautiful

it’s all about what our favorites keep secret and what they choose to reveal. In Hope’s case, she suddenly has a vested interest in keeping Liam in the dark about “something” that transpires between her and Thomas. In Ridge’s case, he’s ready to shout his news from the rooftops… although rather than do so, he sends Carter over to Brooke’s to lower the boom. Read on to get lowdown on what’s up.

Friday, November 4:

It’s basically Liam’s worst nightmare come to life as Hope, Thomas and Douglas share an incredibly special moment. If the increasingly disturbed hubby can take solace in anything, it’s that Bill and Brooke see things the same way he does. But is there anything they can do to make Hope see the parent trap she’s walking into?

Week of November 7

Monday, November 7:

Why do we want to read this spoiler like it was a fortune cookie and add “in bed” at the end? Bill reminds Brooke how good they were together. Will the Stallion convince her to ride off into the sunset with him?

As Brooke contemplates drastic action, Katherine Kelly Lang rustles up an unforgettable night with her grandchildren.

Hope and Thomas share an unexpected moment after the success of the fashion preview. Um, unexpected to whom? Maybe to them, but we’re all predicting that, despite their icksome past, they’re going to kiss.

Because what could possibly be safer than taking the fugitive back to the restaurant at which she used to work — and where she nearly murdered her son and his wife! — Deacon surprises Sheila with a romantic date night at Il Giardino. Maybe her insanity is rubbing off on him.

Tuesday, November 8:

Though Liam offers Hope a mea culpa and an explanation for his recent behavior, it may be too little, too late, considering what happened on Monday.

Coincidentally, Thomas garners insight into his future with Hope. Guess that means he has one?

Wednesday, November 9:

Wanna bet we’re heading for a “Tridge” wedding? That’s what we suspect Ridge will be announcing when he shares important news with an elated Thomas and Steffy.

Yup, it’s gotta be a “Tridge” wedding, because in that same episode, Brooke is blindsided when she learns (divorce) the reason (divorce) for Carter’s (divorce) visit (divorce).

Thursday, November 10:

Has Hope developed a poker face when we weren’t paying attention? For her sake, she’d better have because she’s keeping a substantial secret from Liam.

Tormented and heartbroken, Brooke begs Ridge for answers. Really, thought, she’d probably do just as well pleading with a brick wall.

Friday, November 11:

Never one to leave well enough alone, Thomas doubles down on his evil manipulation of Brooke and Ridge. Did he not notice how well that worked out for Sheila?

Could “outside forces” be at work again? A determined Brooke reveals an unsettling theory to Hope.


General Hospital

Spinelli’s special skills are called upon once again, and Sonny finds himself in familiar (and potentially hostile) territory. Meanwhile, The Hook strikes again, and Trina is about to get an important piece of info!

Week of October 31:

Monday, October 31:

Liz demands answers from her parents Jeff and Carolyn, Finn is shocked by what brings Heather to the hospital, and Valentin gets help from an unlikely source in Switzerland.

When Robert finds himself opening up to Holly, might old feelings reignite for this former supercouple?

Scott steps up to help defend Anna, for whom things are not looking particularly good!

Alexis and Gregory do that head-butting thing they do so well after she calls him out.

Get ready, because a reunion that has been literally years in the making is finally about to take place. Could this have any connection to the new patient Finn finds himself treating?

Major stunner! Alley Mills’ General Hospital role revealed — and you’ll be as shocked as Olivia!

Tuesday November 1:

Liz learns the shocking secret her parents have kept from her about Reiko, someone betrays Robert, and Kevin joins Laura in rescuing Valentin.

If you thought everything that’s happened over the past few months left Elizabeth basically shock-proof, wait until you see what happens when she’s rocked to her very core!

Sonny makes an offer, but it turns out to be one Robert can — and does — refuse.

They may have broken up long ago, but Finn is still there to check up on Anna.

When Drew seeks out Alexis for some advice, is it on a personal or professional level?

Sam may have her work cut out for her when she tries her darnedest to keep the peace!

Kelly Thiebaud (Britt) shares a photo that — whaaa? — reveals the hook’s identity.

Wednesday, November 2:

Elizabeth learns what really happened to Reiko, Jordan delivers stunning news to Joss and Trina, and Britt appears to be developing more symptoms of her illness.

What are besties for? To confide in, the way Trina does to Joss.

Scott has made it clear there’s no love lost between him and Cody, so it’s probably not surprising that the attorney and Obrecht give him the cold shoulder.

Alexis turns to Jordan and Dante for an assist.

Gregory definitely has a few reservations, which he gives voice to. But will anyone listen?

As she’s done time and time again in the past, Sam turns to Spinelli when she needs help.

The ABC soap recasts a key Corinthos: “This has literally been the hardest secret to keep.”

Thursday, November 3:

Victor is given information by an unlikely source, and Trina and Joss suspect Esme is the hook killer after Jordan reveals her theory that the killer is focused on people involved in Trina’s trial.

Gladys has suffered so much in the past few weeks, and Austin is there when she finds herself in need of comfort.

Looks like there’s a bump in the road for Portia and Curtis, who wind up having to change their plans.

What will be the outcome of Maxie and Sasha’s very important meeting?

It should be an interesting day for the Scorpio boys as Mac drops some shocking news on Robert.

What is it that has Holly feeling so torn?

Marcus Coloma (Nikolas) cops to breaking up with a girlfriend… that he confused with Ava.

Friday, November 4:

Joss is shocked by what she witnesses, Willow receives potentially bad news, and Cam learns the killer is targeting anyone involved in Trina’s trial.

No matter how much one wants to forget the past, it’s always there, waiting to be recalled, which is what Cameron and Drew wind up doing today.

Another Port Charles resident turns to Spinelli for help in a time of need. But given that it is Austin this time, will Damian be willing to come to his rescue?

Fans have asked, and we have the answer! Meet the new singer making beautiful music with Chase.

Joss is in for a bit of a shock.

Maxie’s got a theory, and she’s ready to share it. But is she on the money?

Well, that was fast: General Hospital drops long-awaited character as quickly as it brought her on.

Jordan puts more pressure on Portia.

Blue Bloods photos: Meet the real-life partners that are cuffed to some of your favorite stars.

Week of November 7:

Monday, November 7:

Want to hear three words that should terrify the people of Port Charles? Well, here they are: Esme gets creative. (Chilling, right?)

Nina has shared many things with Sonny since they connected in Nixon Falls, but how will he react when what she shares is her suspicions? (Meanwhile, has Carly figured out a way to come between her husband and his new girlfriend… without even trying?)

If Victor is right, he may finally have found exactly what he’s been searching for.

Proving herself to be a true friend, Terry is there to offer Elizabeth the encouragement she needs.

When Willow confides in TJ again, she might want to make sure Nina — who has misinterpreted their relationship in the past — is not in the vicinity!

Tuesday November 8:

Scott might want to brace himself, ’cause a blast from the past is headed his way. (Our bet? he’s about to be reunited with the one and only Heather!)

When Sam takes a meeting with Britt, does this mean she has more information about the necklace and where it came from?

There’s no love lost between Michael and Nina, and the confrontation they have today isn’t likely to change that situation!

What’s about to knock Finn’s socks off? And is it along the same lines as the nasty surprise in store for Nikolas?

Marcus Coloma (Nik) looks back in disbelief at the angry young man he was: “Everyone thought I was crazy, and so did I.”

Wednesday, November 9:

If Mac and Dante are both being summoned, something tells us it has to be big. But what? And does it have anything to do with the revealing conversation Mac later has with Felicia?

How will Cody’s big decision impact his future in Port Charles?

Michael receives shocking news.

When The Hook strikes again, does that mean yet another local resident is about to die? And will this person, as with other victims, be somehow connected to Trina?

Thursday, November 10:

Elizabeth is about to wind up in way over her head. But what is the source of the danger?

Willow has plenty of things to be worried about, but with whom will she share those concerns?

Nina is about to go on her version of an apology tour. Will she be able to make amends?

There’s a fugitive on the loose, but — armed with a new lead — Jordan is hot on their trail!

Victor issues a new set of orders.

Friday, November 11:

Austin is there when Britt needs someone to confide in. (And if we’re being honest, we’re still rooting for these two to get together!)

Spencer might be surprised to see who has swung by Pentonville to visit him this time!

When Sonny is asked to come down to the PCPD, are they looking to charge him with a crime… or seek his advice?

Anna has reason to be thankful, and she is ready to express as much.

Will the eye-opening information that Trina comes into have something to do with the attacks which have been taking place all over town?


Days of Our Lives on Peacock

The drama kicks up in Salem as Susan is caught in a terrifying situation, Julie learns she’s been accused of a crime, and Chanel is arrested — plus, Bonnie’s celebration for Maggie and Victor leads to a shocking discovery, Jada faces a major betrayal, and Nicole and Eric have an emotional breakthrough.

Week of November 7:

Ericole’s’ reunion is interrupted, Chanel is in big trouble, and Susan is in danger!

Monday, November 7:

Susan has dealt with the devil and Kristen — and we’re not sure which is actually scarier. But today, she finds herself in a situation that might be more terrifying than anything she’s faced in the past.

Chloe and Stefan had best hope that Gabi’s not in earshot when they sit down to discuss their relationship. Will they decide to move forward?

Remember when Xander was pretty much a bad boy who didn’t think twice about what he’d done? Well, that’s no longer the case, because he’s feeling awfully guilty right about now! But will he find his way back to the right side of the law?

Johnny and Wendy turn to Anna for a bit of help.

Tuesday, November 8:

It’s Election Day in Salem (and everywhere else, so make sure to find time to vote!). Will Abe and Paulina win their respective races?

Sloan is furious with Alex, and she’s going to make sure he knows it! Meanwhile, Chad’s been struggling where his feelings for Stephanie are concerned. When he opens up to her, will the still-grieving hunk admit he’s falling for her or push her away?

Being a cop in a small town like Salem means more often than not, you’re investigating crimes committed by people you know. But even Shawn is going to struggle with this one: He has to tell Julie — Julie, of all people! — that she’s been accused of wrong-doing!

Wednesday, November 9:

Paulina did her best to protect Chanel, but it looks like she’s failed. Why do we say that? Because today, Chanel is arrested!

Sloan tells Chad she’s back where she (thinks she) belongs: In the power position!

Leo and Sonny have a rocky history, so how is Will’s husband going to react when the troublemaker opens up to him?

Abe, you might wanna take a seat, because Paulina has something she needs to tell you…

Thursday, November 10:

You know what they say about the road paved with good intentions and where it leads? Well, Bonnie’s attempt to celebrate Maggie and Victor is going to have downright stunning consequences thanks to an unexpected revelation.

Ava’s been trying to pull EJ’s strings and, in need of someone to confide in, he turns to Tony.

A terrified Susan begs to be released. As Xander continues struggling with his conscience, will he do the right thing?

This could be the end for Rafe and Nicole…

Friday, November 11:

Nicole and Eric work through some tough emotions. The big question is what this will mean for their relationship, not to mention her marriage to Rafe! And what does it mean when Jada finds herself having to deal with a shocking betrayal?

Xander’s already been struggling with the whole Susan situation, and things will get even more complicated when a new problem arises.

When EJ manages to get the upper hand, will Ava figure out a way to turn the tables?

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