Thursday, November 3, 2022

Why Lily Winters Should Dump Y&R’s Billy Abbott Before He Dumps Her


Let’s get it over with and move on!

Y&R Lily Winters and Billy Abbott

We’ll admit it, we never saw the appeal of Billy Abbott and Lily Winters on The Young and the Restless. We understand that the bulk of their “romance” took place during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, which means we were just told about their amazing chemistry and all the great sex they were having, instead of getting the chance to see it for ourselves.

Lily Winters: Enough Is Enough

And we know that couples working together can be stressful — especially when it’s the woman who’s in charge; somehow, it’s much less of a problem the other way around. But, lately, it doesn’t seem like Billy (Jason Thompson) even so much as likes Lily (Christel Khalil), much less loves her. Which is why she should beat him to the punch and pull the plug on their relationship first.

Y&R: Time Less

Look at when Billy decided to drop the bomb on Lily that he wanted out of Chancellor-Winters: Right when they were in the middle of a tricky Initial Public Offering deal that his own mother was spearheading. He didn’t care about it being a bad time for Lily.

He only knew he’d had the thought, and now he must act on it — or else! The last thing Lily needs is to be dealing with some issue with one of her kids, and have Billy coming to her, whining that their relationship just isn’t doing it for him anymore. If you cut him loose now, it’ll be a time good for you, Lily, not him.

Young and the Restless: Dumb as Rocks

Does Lily really want to be with a guy who is so gullible? He falls for any sob story — especially when it comes packed in a compliment for him. Billy completely bought Chelsea Lawson’s (Melissa Claire Egan) sniveling that her depression is caused by him rejecting her — personally and professionally.

Now Billy is on the hook and will feel compelled to be Chelsea’s hero. How long until he sleeps with her — just to make Chelsea feel better about herself, of course. Again, by dumping Billy now, Lily can save herself that particular heartache. Doesn’t she — and those of us watching — deserve that?

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