Saturday, July 16, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: July 18-22, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Could the Newmans finally have pushed Ashland too far? Victor’s latest action gets a big reaction from his nemesis — one that might make Victoria regret that “Ashtoria” was ever a thing even more than she already does! In other developments, forces conspire against Diane even as she makes progress with Kyle, Lily focuses on business while Billy finds working with Chelsea a pleasure, and Adam goes the extra mile for Sally. Want more than just teases of teasers?

Friday, July 15:

Diane helps Michael trap Ashland, Chelsea and Billy start their podcast, and Nate comforts Imani.

When Nikki and Michael share a difference of opinion, it can only be regarding Diane. Since Mrs. Newman’s feelings about the lady Lazarus are utterly unchangeable, should Victor’s right-hand man even bother pleading his case?

It’s not easy to pull the wool over Lily’s eyes. And she’s certainly right to be suspicious of Imani. But that doesn’t mean that Lily will be able to get the goods on the bad girl, now does it?

All of Genoa City is talk, talk, talking about Diane. Meanwhile, she remembers that actions speak more loudly than words and proves herself to Kyle. Cue reactions from Phyllis and Nikki in three, two…

Week of July 18:

Monday, July 18:

A whole weekend later, Diane is still proving herself to Kyle. Or at the very least proving that she can put on a show that’s good enough to make him want to nominate her for Mother of the Year. Well, Mother of the Month. Mother of the Day maybe?

This is starting to feel like Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. Nonetheless, Victor sets a new trap for Ashland. Since the Black Knight never makes a wrong move, can there be any doubt that his opponent will soon find himself in check mate once more?

This is getting to be a habit. When Victoria makes her latest surprise announcement, what will it be regarding? And will anyone dare to tell her, “Ya know, Vic, you could give us a heads-up about stuff once in a while”?

Tuesday, July 19:

Since Nikki forms an alliance, we’re feeling pretty comfortable in crawling out on a limb to guess that it will be against someone whose name rhymes with Cheyenne. We’re also thinking we’d be safe to assume that the individual against whom La Newman is plotting might want to watch her back — even more closely than usual. Along those same lines…

Phyllis plots her revenge. And since she hates Diane arguably even more than she loves Jack, and the aforementioned alliance is likely with Nikki… yikes. Diane may soon wish that she had stayed “dead.”

Speaking of “dead,” they say that that’s what romance is. Can’t prove it by us, though, as Adam makes a sacrifice to help Sally. We know “Shadam” and “Chadam” fans may beg to differ on this point, but we’re starting to think that “Ally” is endgame. Being cut from the same cloth, they get each other better than Adam and any of his former loves.

Wednesday, July 20:

Well, this ought to be fun: Ashley clashes with Phyllis. The only question — aside from whether we want to watch with diet popcorn (zzz) or buttered — is whether Jack will show up in time to act as referee between his sister and his ex-wife. He certainly could, because also today…

Jack shares words of wisdom with Allie. If they’re along the lines of “If I’ve ever done it… don’t do it,” his newfound granddaughter would be wise to listen.

Steam coming out of his ears, Ashland decides to call it a day, pack his things and move away to start his life over. Ha — just kidding. “Die” being a word that he’s never said except when pretending that he has terminal cancer, Victoria’s embittered ex plans his retaliation.

Thursday, July 21:

Victor loses patience with Adam. Wait — did we miss a day? When has Pop had any patience with his black sheep son? Regardless, we have a hunch that this means that Junior has broken up with Sally, at least for show, in hopes of safeguarding her job at Newman Media.

Since she isn’t the type to paint watercolors or take up flower arranging, Lily instead considers expanding her portfolio. Fine, but please not that hotel business again.

Though it seems to us that they are well past the crossroads, Jack and Phyllis navigate the status of their relationship. Considering all the times they’ve split up and reconnected — could there still be hope for the twosome?

Friday, July 22:

As Billy collaborates with Chelsea, we only have one thing to say: Lily, your relationship’s in danger. Here’s why we have a freaky feeling that we’re on the verge of a fatal attraction.

Nick’s head may be hot, but it’s also pretty level, at least when it pertains to other people’s situations. So when he worries about Ashland’s state of mind, the Newmans would be wise to take heed before they’re left with nothing to say except…

Ruh-roh. When Victoria receives an unexpected visitor, can it be anyone but Ashland? Might he have decided to put a horrifying new spin on “till death do us part”?


The Bold and the Beautiful

Looks like it’s do-or-die time for Finn! Ridge presses Mike Guthrie for intel on Sheila, the madwoman and her “late” son engage in a battle that could put one or the other of them in the grave for real! Plus, Hope presses dad Deacon a little harder than might be wise, and Bill shares an update on his relationship status with Katie. Wait, do they even have a relationship at this point?

Friday, July 15:

Sheila drugs Finn after he calls her ‘crazy’, Deacon pays Taylor a visit, and Quinn confronts Donna!

Things take a turn to the macabre, and Finn realizes just how twisted Sheila is, when she shows him his death certificate. We’re betting he “gets” his wife Steffy’s reaction to his bio mom showing up on their wedding day all too clearly now. This oughta be an “I told ya so!” for the ages.

The horror! Sheila panics, fearing that she’s gone too far and actually killed Finn this time. Can the resilient doctor bounce back after yet another inadvertent attempt on his life by the unhinged woman who birthed him?

Week of July 18:

Monday, July 18:

It sounds like Mike will see the light where Sheila’s concerned as he turns on her and argues that it’s time for her to turn herself in. Is there any chance that the bonkers brunette will actually listen to her right-hand man instead of the voices in her head? Or will her downfall come from the last place she expected?

How often does commiseration turn to love (or at least attraction) on soaps? Quite a lot actually! Will that be the case when Taylor throws caution to the wind and shares with Deacon her feelings about Brooke and Ridge? We kinda hope so — and it seems Krista Allen and Sean Kanan are shipping “Dealor” too!

Tuesday, July 19:

Laying it all on the line to save his own life and get back to the woman he loves, Finn pleads with Mike to throw Sheila under the bus and help him escape. The question now is whether Mike will risk his own life by double-crossing one of the scariest women in soaps!

Oh snap! Ridge and Brooke put the pieces of the puzzle together for Baker about Mike Guthrie. We’ll admit we’re not completely surprised, as we saw the light bulb go on in this preview when Brooke made the connection between Sheila and the guard.

Wednesday, July 20:

These two just keep on bonding — and we’re loving it. Hope provides comfort to Deacon about his trauma before gently questioning him about Sheila. But will Hope’s ill-timed grilling break the spell and send a disillusioned Daddy Dearest out the door?

Sheila’s latest reign of terror comes ever closer to its inevitable end when Ridge grills Mike Guthrie about his relationship with the escaped fugitive in the police interrogation room. Will Sheila’s sidekick give up the goods so Finn can be found by his father-in-law and reunited with Steffy?!

Thursday, July 21:

In what might one of the most dragged-out “Will they or won’t they?” scenarios that ever unfolded on a soap, Bill confides in Wyatt about his current relationship status with Katie. Might they finally be back together? Or will we learn that the duo has called it quits for good?

Presumably still a captive audience, Finn is stunned as he listens to Sheila describe what she did to Li. Will the outrage burning in his heart after the reveal give him the strength to overpower his captor/mother… or even to kill her?! Given the way this story has been structured, there doesn’t seem to be any other way out. (See what we mean here.)

Friday, July 22:

This doesn’t sound good: Taylor and Ridge learn concerning news about Steffy’s current state of mind. We’re guessing it’s been harder than she thought to process the sudden and shocking loss of her husband — at the hands of his own mother!

Powerful scene alert! Finn verbally lets loose on a distraught Sheila before pulling himself out of his hospital bed. Her crimes are clearly spurring him to overcome his limitations — but will he have enough gas in the tank to free himself from her clutches once and for all?

Week of July 25:

Monday, July 25:

Wyatt and Liam share a brotherly bond while discussing Steffy, Hope and Bill. Whether the Spencer brothers agree or disagree on the matters at hand, there’s one thing that’s certain — it will be an entertaining conversation!

Two steps forward and three steps back: As Finn fights for his life, Sheila subdues her enraged son with a hidden syringe. Now what will become of Steffy’s beleaguered husband?!


General Hospital

All eyes are on the courtroom as Trina’s trial gets underway. And although things don’t look good, Spencer might just find a way to get the truth out of Esme! Meanwhile, open mic night rocks the Haunted Star, and Sonny finds himself having a difficult conversation with Nina!

Week of July 11:

Monday, July 11:

Spencer sees Trina kiss Rory, Britt agrees to a date with Cody, and Carly accepts defeat, but Valentin’s suggestion to Nina could change everything.

When July 4th arrives in Port Charles a few days late, something tells us the real fireworks won’t be up in the sky.

Valentin will be caught off guard by Nina’s reaction.

A friend in need finds that Olivia is a friend, indeed. Or at least she tries to be!

A conversation with Sonny leaves Spencer seeing things from a different perspective.

Dante and Cody reflect on old times… or at least they do until the newcomer finds himself distracted by someone else’s arrival!

Austin and Maxie are having a romantic picnic in the park… until Britt arrives. And, just to make things even more awkward, Spinelli soon follows!

Michael and Willow’s holiday is about to get majorly derailed.

Tuesday, July 12:

Today’s episode of General Hospital was nationally pre-empted for breaking news.

Wednesday, July 13:

General Hospital, Carly refuses to accept Nina’s offer to return the Metro Court to her, Sasha insists she will not go to rehab, and Trina and Rory grow closer as her trial is about to begin.

When Trina is dealt a distraction just as her trial is about to begin, will it prove to be exactly what she needs or simply more trouble? At the same time, Portia worries about her daughter, hoping that Curtis and Marshall’s efforts to find something, anything, to clear Trina’s name will prove successful.

Carly won’t be feeling particularly welcoming of the person who comes to see her. Meanwhile, the people in her life — including Drew, Olivia and Sonny — find themselves trying to piece together exactly what happened.

Brando is desperate to convince Sasha she needs to get help. But all she can think about is the fallout from recent events.

Thursday, July 14:

Valentin saves Laura’s life once again, and later Laura receives a troubling call about her mother Lesley. Plus, Trina reveals her alibi to Spencer, and Esme is confronted by the bartender who sold her the burner phone.

It’s the day of Trina’s trial, and things get off to an interesting start thanks to an unexpected change. Thankfully, Laura, Portia and Josslyn are rallying around Trina. Across town, Curtis and Marshall are closing in on a lead…

Does Esme have good reason to be concerned where Spencer is concerned?

Upset with his son, Victor decides to prove himself the truth patriarch of the Cassadine clan by taking matters into his own hands.

Is there any hope where Nikolas and Ava’s marriage is concerned? It’s seeming unlikely, but he does his darnedest to reconnect with her.

Friday, July 15:

Nina refused to sell her half of the Metro Court, Ava tried to bribe Esme into confessing, and the bartender blackmailed Esme.

The timing isn’t perfect, but Laura realizes she’s going to have to leave some of her family temporarily in order to take care of her mom.

Josslyn insists that it’s time for Trina to reveal her alibi. Meanwhile, Curtis and Marshall find themselves with nothing to do but talk about the past while in a holding pattern.

The tables will turn when Esme is the one caught off guard.

Carly has a difficult time saying farewell.

What are Nina’s true motivations? That’s exactly what Sonny wants to know!

Week of July 18:

In the weekly General Hospital soapbox, we had to laugh at Nina thinking Carly would accept her help, but this storyline sets up some interesting new rivalries. Portia and Stella’s talk touched us. Finally, Trina’s trial is hopefully the beginning of Esme’s downfall.

Monday, July 18:

For months, Spencer has been secretly plotting to help Trina get out from under Esme’s thumb. When he puts his plan in motion today, will he be successful?

When going a few rounds with his son at the gym, Sonny winds up sharing that he and Nina had a bit of a tiff over — what else? — Carly.

Try as he might to relax while hanging with TJ in the steam room, all Brando can do is fret about Sasha.

When Nina has an unexpected encounter at the cemetery, will it be of the supernatural kind? (Given how many folks in this town have risen from the dead, it certainly seems likely!)

Tuesday, July 19:

Things are about to get ugly as Trina’s case continues. As friends, family and maybe even enemies are called to testify, will the truth come out at last? And when Spencer finally deals with Esme honestly, how nasty will things get?

If you’ve been thinking there’s more going on with Willow than a simple pregnancy, you’re right. And like you, TJ wants to figure out what it might be!

Looks like Brad will need to find someone else to entertain him, as Britt announces that she’s going on a date!

After spending time with his brother, Michael, Dante comes to the conclusion that Cody has definitely not taken his advice seriously.

Wednesday, July 20:

It’s open mic night at the Haunted Star! As Mac plays host, who might get up to entertain the locals with the vocal prowess… and who might just wind up looking silly?

Brook Lynn’s pretty good at talking Chase into things, but can she keep him from changing his mind where her latest plot is concerned?

Even as Austin is dealing with a text that’s clearly troublesome, Maxie accuses Spinelli of essentially stalking her and her new beau.

Marshall thinks it’s time for Epiphany to let it all hang out!

Sasha’s loved ones, especially Brando and Nina, continue to worry about her condition.

Cody hopes to get a little bit of info on Britt.

Thursday, July 21:

Things definitely do not go well for Britt and Cody, especially given that she winds up calling the guy out on his true motives!

Will Esme be able to convince the bartender to help her out?

How will Maxie react when Spinelli opens up and makes a confession?

Portia is beside herself about Trina’s case. Marshall does what he can to comfort her, while Curtis strikes a deal he hopes is going to help.

Who’s the mystery man Austin’s taking a meeting with, and what are they up to?

Friday, July 22:

Sonny is busy working over Felty when they are interrupted by… well, let’s just say someone we didn’t expect! And speaking of interruptions, when Carly, Drew, Willow and Michael try to enjoy a bit of good news, someone manages to intrude.

Ava and Nikolas may be surprised by what Spencer has to say.

TJ and Molly are enjoying a special moment… at least until they see who has been brought in to the hospital!

The good news: Valentin makes a truly romantic gesture. The bad: Anna’s not having any of it, given that she’s pretty fed up with his inability to be honest!

Monday, July 25:

The clock is definitely ticking, and everything could ride on whether or not Esme agrees to take Spencer up on the deal he wants to strike. Meanwhile, Ava is definitely caught off guard by Nikolas!

Jordan wants to know exactly why Curtis is doing what he’s doing.

As she heads back into the courtroom, Trina gets the support she definitely needs.

Apparently forgetting that Josslyn is her mother’s daughter, Carly tries talking her out of doing something.

Love means never having to say you’re sorry… but Sonny and Nina might find themselves wanting to apologize after laying it all on the line and discussing some tough truths.


Days of Our Lives

The time has come and Chad has a confession to make to EJ — plus, Jada, a potential new hire, helps Rafe while Lucas recovers more memories from Abigail’s murder, and a ragtag team of villains descend upon Salem!

Week of July 18:

Monday, July 18:

Chad and EJ haven’t always had the best of relationships. Yet for some reason, EJ is the one that Chad feels the need to confide in. But about what?

Could the out-of-the-blue offer that Will’s about to receive mean that he and Sonny will wind up living separate lives once again?

Lucas finds himself being confronted by a livid JJ. Meanwhile, Kate turns to the one person she hopes can help her son: Marlena! But will the shrink be willing to get involved?

Tuesday, July 19:

Rafe gets an assist from a potential new hire, Jada Hunter.

We may finally find out what really happened the night of Abigail’s death when Marlena hypnotizes Lucas. What secrets might his memories of that night hold?

Gwen gets a new cellmate… and that’s not something she’s particularly thrilled with, given that she’ll now be bunking with Kristen!

Xander convinces Sarah that they should tie the knot immediately. (And hey, we couldn’t agree more. Let’s get these crazy kids married before something else manages to come between them!)

Wednesday, July 20:

It’s Xander and Sarah’s wedding day! And while that seems like a cause for celebration, this is, after all, Salem… so we probably shouldn’t be surprised to hear that the ceremony will be interrupted!

When Lucas begins to have new memory flashes about the night Abigail died, will it indicate that he committed the crime… or perhaps lead him to realizing who the real culprit was?

When Chad’s grief gets the better of him, Sonny is there to try and offer comfort.

Chanel receives a proposal from one of the twins… but will she decide to accept?

Thursday, July 21:

Generally speaking, people don’t seem all that thrilled to run into Evan. But Kristen finds their encounter to be downright fortuitous.

Paulina’s never been what you call a small-time thinker. But wait until you hear what she has planned for Abe’s political future! (For that matter, wait until he hears, too!)

Will Chloe be able to convince Shawn that he still loves Belle and should give her another chance?

Allie is upset when she finds Chanel and Johnny kissing. Should she take this as a sign that she’s no longer in the running for the beauty’s heart?

Friday, July 22:

Here we go again! It seems at least once every year or two, a collection of bad guys descend upon the town of Salem. Who’ll be among the ragtag crew of baddies doing so this week?

Jake has questions about Ava. Who better to ask than his girlfriend — and her sometime accomplice — Ava?

Shawn’s plans for the future may change dramatically when he receives unexpected news.

Jada may be the new cop on the force, but she’s diving into the deep end as she questions the latest suspect in Abigail’s murder.

Week of July 25:

Monday, July 25:

Nicole’s always been something of a trouble magnet. (And yes, often it’s been her own fault!) So it should come as no real surprise that she winds up in a dangerous situation.

Tuesday, July 26:

If Brady and Chloe thought that Kristen was out of their lives… well, they clearly don’t know the schemer! What happens that puts Kristen in a power position where the couple is concerned?

Wednesday, July 27:

Salem is still reeling from the death of Abigail DiMera, but the Grim Reaper isn’t done with the locals. Who will be the next to die, and under what circumstances?

Thursday, July 28:

As Chanel continues to find herself torn between Allie and Johnny, Paulina steps in to see if she can help her daughter choose between the twins.

Friday, July 29:

Even as the DiMera family is rocked by yet another tragedy, EJ looks for a way in which to take advantage of the situation.

Who will win Chanel’s heart? Today, Johnny and Allie will get the answer, which means one will be lucky in love and the other will be heartbroken!

#BeyondSalem2 Highlights


Days of our Lives: Beyond Salem Season 2

Beloved residents of Salem find themselves embroiled in international mysteries as they trade the comforts of home for once-in-a-lifetime adventures.


Episode 1

Ben, Ciara and Baby Bo visit Hope as Bo watches from the heavens; John attends a Pride celebration with Paul; Steve and Kayla spend quality time with Stephanie, Joey and Tripp; as these families reunite, mysterious foes come between them. 


Episode 2

Plans are made to unite the magical prisms; Harris charms Hope; John and Steve are held captive.


Episode 3

DiMera prepares to host a gala to reveal a prism; Hope reveals the truth about marrying Harris.


Episode 4

The DiMera gala is underway; Ben and Ciara take on Harris; Bo and Hope are reunited. 


Episode 5

After Megan Hathaway gathers the 3 prisms--is Bo Brady alive?

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