Saturday, July 23, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: July 25-29, 2022


The Young and the Restless

A major crisis is about to rock the Newman family, and Victoria’s right in the center of it. Honestly, would you expect her to be anyplace else? In other developments, Nick needs mom Nikki’s help, Sally hopes for a second chance with Adam, and Tessa doesn’t know what her new wife is really up to!

Friday, July 22:

As Billy collaborates with Chelsea, we only have one thing to say: Lily, your relationship’s in danger. Here’s why we have a freaky feeling that we’re on the verge of a fatal attraction.

Nick’s head may be hot, but it’s also pretty level, at least when it pertains to other people’s situations. So when he worries about Ashland’s state of mind, the Newmans would be wise to take heed before they’re left with nothing to say except…

Ruh-roh. When Victoria receives an unexpected visitor, can it be anyone but Ashland? Might he have decided to put a horrifying new spin on “till death do us part”?

Week of July 25:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Ashland and Victoria’s story ending in tragedy, Phyllis and Nikki’s doomed plan to ruin Diane, Chelsea’s behavior, what’s next for Adam and much more!

Monday, July 25:

Perhaps having forgotten that Ashland is notoriously dangerous, Nick makes what could be a deadly mistake by backing Victoria’s angry ex into a corner.

By all rights, Jack should be doing everything in his power to keep Diane as far away from himself as possible. So how is it that she’s managing to make progress with him, even as Phyllis — whom he just last week admitted to loving — continues to lose ground? Will the plot that the redhead and Nikki are cooking up manage to expose Diane, and perhaps even drive her out of Genoa City for good?

Tuesday, July 26:

When Victor goes into damage-control mode, is it because something’s exploded in his personal life or on the business front? One thing’s for sure: Whatever it is, he can handle it. Just look at what he’s managed to overcome already.

Adam’s a single guy now that he’s keeping Sally at arm’s length in order to protect her future at Newman Media. When Sharon is there to offer him words of wisdom, might the old sparks that have never really died between them lead to a rekindled flame?

Put your glasses down, folks. When Victoria and Nick make a shocking discovery, you want to be sure that you don’t do an accidental spit take from the surprise.

Wednesday, July 27:

When not disowning or firing his children, Victor is wildly protective of them. So after vowing to keep Victoria out of trouble at all costs, how far will he be willing to go?

Michael takes on a new assignment… which leads us to wonder how Lauren, who’d like nothing more than for him to retire, will feel. Especially if this latest task is coming to him on stationary marked From The Desk of Victor Newman!

Adam’s doing his best to tamp down his feelings for Sally. But when she comes to him and suggests they make a fresh start, will he give in to temptation? We’d be only too happy to add a new chapter to their love story.

Thursday, July 28:

Victor puts everything else on hold in order to deal with the latest crisis to rock the Newman family. One question, though: What is “everything else”? Because if you ask us, it’s just one crisis after another in the Newman family. Rich as they are, they never get to just say, “To heck with it, we’re going to Disney!”

Although Summer should know better than to question her mom, she can’t help but ask after Phyllis’ motives. (This might well be a defensive move on Summer’s part, given that her marriage is currently in the crosshairs of the Diane/Phyllis feud!)

Given that he has to share a bit of bad news, Nick might want to wear protective armor in case somebody didn’t get the memo that you’re not supposed to shoot the messenger!

Friday, July 29:

Nick finds himself dealing with an ethical dilemma. Wisely, it’s Nikki to whom he turns for help, not Victor, who might kinda sorta be lacking in that particular department.

Kyle doesn’t have a huge amount of experience in the dad department, but he does his best to protect Harrison when it becomes necessary. Could the danger in which we feared he was putting his son be coming to pass already?

Mariah is keeping a secret from Tessa, which doesn’t sound like the kind of thing a newly-wed woman should be doing. Maybe it’s all for the best? In any case, we can’t wait to get the 411!


The Bold and the Beautiful

And away we gooo! Taylor and Ridge take off for Monte Carlo just when Steffy needs them the most. If only they knew that at that very moment, back in Los Angeles, Finn was putting his life on the line by pushing to the…

Wait, nope. Not to the breaking point, well past it! Will he finally break free and start making tracks to his grieving “widow”?

Friday, July 22:

Bill urges a traumatized Li to speak, Ridge and Taylor fret about Steffy, and Finn rages at Sheila!

This doesn’t sound good: Taylor and Ridge learn concerning news about Steffy’s current state of mind. We’re guessing it’s been harder than she thought to process the sudden and shocking loss of her husband — at the hands of his own mother!

Powerful scene alert! Finn verbally lets loose on a distraught Sheila before pulling himself out of his hospital bed. Her crimes are clearly spurring him to overcome his limitations — but will he have enough gas in the tank to free himself from her clutches once and for all?

Week of July 25:

Monday, July 25:

The doctor is in! Soap vet Vincent Irizarry returns to Bold & Beautiful as Dr. Jordan Armstrong.

Wyatt and Liam share a brotherly bond while discussing Steffy, Hope and Bill. Whether the Spencer brothers agree or disagree on the matters at hand, there’s one thing that’s certain — it will be an entertaining conversation… unless perhaps you’re one of these fans disillusioned with the writing for the Spencer men.

Two steps forward and three steps back: As Finn fights for his life, Sheila subdues her enraged son with a hidden syringe. Now what will become of Steffy’s beleaguered husband?!

Tuesday, July 26:

Brooke, beware! Ridge and Taylor jet to Monte Carlo to help Steffy through the heartbreak of losing Finn, which can only mean they’ll be spending a lot of time in close proximity. Might the dressmaker be on the verge of another flip-flop?!

Grieving for Li and desperate to get to Steffy, Finn musters up the strength to fight back against Sheila. If sheer determination can move mountains, surely it can help to overpower a lone deranged she-devil, right?! Then again, a desperate Sheila may prove to be an immovable force. Take a look at her unbelievable past exploits and decide for yourself.

Wednesday, July 27:

Told you so! On the plane, Taylor and Ridge share deep emotions as they rush to Steffy. What will this reconnection mean for the wife that he’s left waiting at home? And for Deacon, who just made a special new friend of the “world-renowned psychiatrist”?!?

Increasingly desperate to escape the cloying clutches of his psychotic biological mother, Finn ups the ante, pushing Sheila’s buttons to get what he most wants — freedom. Will his gamble pay off so that he can begin making his way to Steffy right when she needs him most?

Thursday, July 28:

We’re betting Finn’s never yelled as much in his entire life as he has in the past two weeks — how cathartic! Tune in as the doctor with the unflappable bedside manner unleashes his unyielding fury at Sheila about Steffy.

Finn’s got her on the ropes! Sheila attempts to control the situation, but the damage has been done, and the jig is nearly up!

Friday, July 29:

Ooo… Dollar Bill delivers an unexpected and exceptional gift to an extraordinary person. This has to be Katie right? But what do you get the girl who has everything — including a new heart and kidney?

Overlooking a beautiful vista in the south of France, Steffy is overcome with emotion remembering Finn. Don’t jump, lovely one, your prince is very much alive and is (hopefully) on his way!


General Hospital

Trina’s trial comes to a head, while Nikolas’ efforts to keep his secret from coming out may prove for naught as Ava and Esme have it out. Meanwhile, Dante considers the future, Willow awaits news, and Dex makes a move that he hopes will make him a bigger player in Sonny’s world.

Week of July 18:

Monday, July 18:

Trina’s trial begins and Joss and Cam take the stand. Michael delivers news and a warning to Sonny. And TJ calls Willow into the hospital to discuss her test results.

Things are about to get ugly as Trina’s case continues. As friends, family and maybe even enemies are called to testify, will the truth come out at last? And when Spencer finally deals with Esme honestly, how nasty will things get?

If you’ve been thinking there’s more going on with Willow than a simple pregnancy, you’re right. And like you, TJ wants to figure out what it might be!

Looks like Brad will need to find someone else to entertain him, as Britt announces that she’s going on a date!

After spending time with his brother, Michael, Dante comes to the conclusion that Cody has definitely not taken his advice seriously.

Tuesday, July 19:

Joss, Rory and Jordan’s testimony helps to cast reasonable doubt at Trina’s trial, TJ gives Willow unsettling news, and Spencer tells Esme to clear Trina in return for her biological mother’s name.

It’s open mic night at the Haunted Star! As Mac plays host, who might get up to entertain the locals with the vocal prowess… and who might just wind up looking silly?

Brook Lynn’s pretty good at talking Chase into things, but can she keep him from changing his mind where her latest plot is concerned?

Even as Austin is dealing with a text that’s clearly troublesome, Maxie accuses Spinelli of essentially stalking her and her new beau.

Marshall thinks it’s time for Epiphany to let it all hang out!

Sasha’s loved ones, especially Brando and Nina, continue to worry about her condition.

Cody hopes to get a little bit of info on Britt.

Wednesday, July 20:

Linc takes the bait after Chase sings, Austin meets with the man who has been contacting him, and Cody blows his date with Britt.

Things definitely do not go well for Britt and Cody, especially given that she winds up calling the guy out on his true motives!

Will Esme be able to convince the bartender to help her out?

How will Maxie react when Spinelli opens up and makes a confession?

Portia is beside herself about Trina’s case. Marshall does what he can to comfort her, while Curtis strikes a deal he hopes is going to help.

Who’s the mystery man Austin’s taking a meeting with, and what are they up to?

Thursday, July 21:

Due to ongoing news, today’s episode will air on Friday.

Friday, July 22:

Esme pulls a familiar move to keep Boz quiet, Austin’s mystery female boss wants him to return to Pautauk, and Britt decides to sue Society Setups.

Sonny is busy working over Felty when they are interrupted by… well, let’s just say someone we didn’t expect! And speaking of interruptions, when Carly, Drew, Willow and Michael try to enjoy a bit of good news, someone manages to intrude.

Ava and Nikolas may be surprised by what Spencer has to say.

TJ and Molly are enjoying a special moment… at least until they see who has been brought in to the hospital!

The good news: Valentin makes a truly romantic gesture. The bad: Anna’s not having any of it, given that she’s pretty fed up with his inability to be honest!

Week of July 25:

Monday, July 25:

The clock is definitely ticking, and everything could ride on whether or not Esme agrees to take Spencer up on the deal he wants to strike. Meanwhile, Ava is definitely caught off guard by Nikolas!

Jordan wants to know exactly why Curtis is doing what he’s doing.

As she heads back into the courtroom, Trina gets the support she definitely needs.

Apparently forgetting that Josslyn is her mother’s daughter, Carly tries talking her out of doing something.

Love means never having to say you’re sorry… but Sonny and Nina might find themselves wanting to apologize after laying it all on the line and discussing some tough truths.

Tuesday, July 26:

Time is running out and the walls are closing in on Trina. Will Spencer be able to convince Esme that she should take him up on his offer? Meanwhile, as Carly tries to change her daughter’s mind, Trina tries to draw strength from those in her corner as the trial resumes.

When Nikolas surprises Ava, how will she respond?

Jordan can’t help but wonder exactly what’s motivating Curtis.

Will Sonny and Nina be able to talk through the bump in the road their relationship has encountered?

Wednesday, July 27:

Trina thought she was prepared for anything, but she’s taken aback when an unexpected witness is called to the stand. At the same time, Jordan — realizing that time is of the essence — heads to Wyndemere in the hope of helping Trina. As for Esme, she turns to perhaps the one person she hopes will be able to help: Ryan!

Cody tries — and fails miserably — to charm Britt. Can Maxie help him turn things around?

Thursday, July 28:

Nikolas is desperate to keep a secret from coming to light, but he may be fighting a losing cause. Meanwhile, as a new witness takes to the stand at Trina’s trial, Diane realizes she may have been presented with exactly the opening she needs!

Michael and Willow are slowly sharing their good news, but they’re surprised to find out that at least one person is already in the know!

Dex makes it clear he wants a larger role in Sonny’s organization.

Off a conversation with Mac, Dante just may consider making changes in both his work and personal lives.

Friday, July 29:

Sonny isn’t quite sold on the idea of Dex being brought deeper into the organization, so he asks Brick to find out if this is a good idea.

Spencer’s decision could have major consequences, even as Esme is preparing to get out of Port Charles.

Sasha and Willow are there for one another… at least until things get tense. Meanwhile, when Brando discovers Michael and Dex together, he suggests that perhaps they should all go and have a chat with Sonny.


Days of Our Lives

The search for Abigail’s killer intensifies, but never fear, because two of our favorites are on the case! Meanwhile, another big question will be answered as everyone awaits the results of a paternity test!

Week of July 25:

Monday, July 25:

Nicole’s always been something of a trouble magnet. (And yes, often it’s been her own fault!) So it should come as no real surprise that she winds up in a dangerous situation. Meanwhile, given that Nicole’s married to Rafe, Eric might as well start getting to know Jada, the new woman in town, right?

Ava and Jake sit down to have a long conversation about their future.

How will Gabi react when Kristen makes a request of her? (If she’s smart, she’ll run in the opposite direction. But knowing our girl Gabi, it’s more likely that she’ll ask what’s in it for her!)

Tuesday, July 26:

If Brady and Chloe thought that Kristen was out of their lives… well, they clearly don’t know the schemer! What happens that puts Kristen in a power position where the couple is concerned?

Heaven knows Eric is drawn to a woman in jeopardy, so it’s no surprise that he tries to come to the rescue of Nicole when she needs help.

If you think you’re hearing a ringing in your ears, don’t fret… those are wedding bells, and they’re chiming for Jake and Ava after he decides he likes it and wants to put a ring on it!

Sonny crosses paths with a familiar face. (And we’re pretty sure viewers will be very happy to see said face… )

Wednesday, July 27:

Salem is still reeling from the death of Abigail DiMera, but the Grim Reaper isn’t done with the locals. Who will be the next to die, and under what circumstances?

Jade is clearly shaken up by what’s gone down. And remember how just yesterday we discussed Eric’s hero complex? Well, sure enough, he’s there to offer Jada comfort!

Steve and Justin cross paths with Orpheus… and you can be pretty sure things won’t be chummy!

Sonny is beyond thrilled when he’s reunited with someone he loves.

Thursday, July 28:

Ava finds herself trying to comprehend a horrific and devastating bit of news.

Perhaps Gabi’s a fan of Big Brother, because today she proposes to someone that they form an alliance that no one would expect!

Chad backs EJ into a corner by presenting him with an ultimatum. (Ah, you have to love DiMera family dynamics!)

As Chanel continues to find herself torn between Allie and Johnny, Paulina steps in to see if she can help her daughter choose between the twins.

Friday, July 29:

Even as the DiMera family is rocked by yet another tragedy, EJ looks for a way in which to take advantage of the situation.

Who will win Chanel’s heart? Today, Johnny and Allie will get the answer, which means one will be lucky in love and the other will be heartbroken!

Roman dumped Kate for having kept quiet about Lucas kidnapping Sami. When Paulina offers Roman advice, will she say he did the right thing… or prove to be a big supporter of forgiving the people you love?

Sonny is there for Chad as he deals with yet another loss.

Monday, August 1:

Where’s Maury Povich when you need him? Both Shawn and Evan are on pins and needles as they await the results of the paternity test. Who really fathered Jan’s baby? (Anybody else have a weird feeling that there just might be a third babydaddy option?)

Tuesday, August 2:

When people in Salem need answers dragged out of their foggy memories, there’s only one person to see. That’s why Sarah winds up visiting Marlena in the hope of finding out what really happened the night Abigail died!

Wednesday, August 3:

We imagine it takes a lot to shock Kristen, who has cooked up more outrageous schemes than we have pasta dinners. Yet when she finds out what Rolf is up to, she’s completely stunned!

Thursday, August 4:

Following Sarah’s session with Marlena, Xander and his true love are left with more questions than answers. Chief amongst them Who really killed Abigail?

Friday, August 5:

Leo and Gwen may be besties, but that doesn’t mean either really trusts the other. When he tries getting her to answer a few questions, will she be forthcoming or find a way to dodge?

Xander and Sarah put on their detective hats and set out to find clues that might finally prove who did away with Chad’s wife!



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